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view on githubraw file Latest commit 9acfcdc5 on 2020-02-12 18:01:28 UTC
9acfcdc58c Jeff*0001 # Model parameters
                0002 # Continuous equation parameters
                0003  &PARM01
                0004 # Viscosity
                0005  viscAh=2000.,
                0006  viscAr=3.E-3,
                0007  implicitViscosity=.TRUE.,
                0008 # Diffusivity and convection
                0009  diffKhT=0.,
                0010  diffKrT=1.E-5,
                0011  ivdc_kappa=1.,
                0012  implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
                0013 # Coriolis parameter
                0014  f0=-1.363e-4,
                0015  beta=1.313e-11,
                0016  selectCoriScheme=1,
                0017 # Density and equation of state
                0018 # Temp only active tracer, no salinity
                0019  rhoConst=1035.,
                0020  rhoNil=1035.,
                0021  eosType='LINEAR',
                0022  tAlpha=2.E-4,
                0023  sBeta =0.E-4,
                0024  tRef= 49*5.,
                0025  saltStepping=.FALSE.,
                0026 # activate partial cells
                0027  hFacMinDr=5.,
                0028  hFacMin=0.1,
                0029 # free surface parameters
                0030  rigidLid=.FALSE.,
                0031  implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
                0032  exactConserv=.TRUE.,
                0033 # advection scheme
                0034  tempAdvScheme=7,
                0035  staggerTimeStep=.TRUE.,
                0036 #---------------------------------------
                0037 #- for non-GM coarse run, set horizontal diffusivity non-zero:
                0038 # diffKhT=1000.,
                0039 #
                0040 #- for eddy-permitting run, uncomment the following:
                0041 # viscC2Leith = 1.,
                0042 # useFullLeith=.TRUE.,
                0043 # viscAhGridMax = 0.5,
                0044 # useSingleCpuIO=.TRUE.,
                0045 #- and comment out above statement viscAh=2000.,
                0046  &
                0048 # Elliptic solver parameters
                0049  &PARM02
                0050  cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-7,
                0051  cg2dMaxIters=1000,
                0052  &
                0054 # Time stepping parameters
                0055  &PARM03
                0056  nIter0=0,
                0057  nTimeSteps=10,
                0058  deltaT=1000.0,
                0059  pChkptFreq=31104000.0,
                0060  chkptFreq=15552000.0,
                0061  dumpFreq=0,
                0062  monitorFreq=1200.,
                0063  monitorSelect=2,
                0064  tauThetaClimRelax=864000.,
                0065  momDissip_In_AB=.FALSE.,
                0066 #---------------------------------------
                0067 #- change monitor frequency for longer run:
                0068 # monitorFreq=864000.,
                0069 #
                0070 #- nTimesteps for 30 yrs, coarse:
                0071 # nTimeSteps=933120,
                0072 #
                0073 #- nTimesteps for 30 yrs, eddy-permitting:
                0074 # nTimeSteps=3732480,
                0075 #
                0076 #- for eddy-permitting run, also need to change timestep:
                0077 # deltaT=250.0,
                0078  &
                0080 # Gridding parameters
                0081  &PARM04
                0082  usingCartesianGrid=.TRUE.,
                0083  delX=20*50.E3,
                0084  delY=40*50.E3,
                0085  delR=   5.48716549,   6.19462098,   6.99291201,   7.89353689,
                0086          8.90937723,  10.05483267,  11.34595414,  12.80056778,
                0087         14.43837763,  16.28102917,  18.35210877,  20.67704362,
                0088         23.28285446,  26.1976981 ,  29.45012046,  33.06792588,
                0089         37.07656002,  41.496912  ,  46.34247864,  51.61592052,
                0090         57.30518684,  63.37960847,  69.78661289,  76.44996107,
                0091         83.27047568,  90.13003112,  96.89898027, 103.44631852,
                0092        109.65099217, 115.4122275 , 120.65692923, 125.34295968,
                0093        129.45821977, 133.01641219, 136.05088105, 138.60793752,
                0094        140.74074276, 142.50436556, 143.95220912, 145.133724  ,
                0095        146.09317287, 146.86917206, 147.49475454, 147.99774783,
                0096        148.40131516, 148.72455653, 148.98310489, 149.18968055,
                0097        149.35458582,
                0098 #---------------------------------------
                0099 #- for eddy-permitting run, change delX and delY 50->5 km:
                0100 # delX=200*5.E3,
                0101 # delY=400*5.E3,
                0102  &
                0104 # Input datasets
                0105  &PARM05
                0106  bathyFile='bathy.50km.bin'
                0107  zonalWindFile='zonal_wind.50km.bin',
                0108  thetaClimFile='SST_relax.50km.bin',
                0109  hydrogThetaFile='temperature.50km.bin',
                0110 #---------------------------------------
                0111 #- for eddy-permitting run, use files generated by gendata_5km.m:
                0112 # bathyFile='bathy.5km.bin'
                0113 # zonalWindFile='zonal_wind.5km.bin',
                0114 # thetaClimFile='SST_relax.5km.bin',
                0115 # hydrogThetaFile='temperature.5km.bin',
                0116  &