Warning, /verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/diags_matlab/mit_plotmeandrift.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
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051ee7f715 Jean*0001 % m-file: mit_plotmeandrift.m
0002 % mean temperature and salinity drift
0004 if ~isempty(msg_spinup)
0005 % extracted from the monitor output with a script by jmc
0006 global_mt = load('spinup.t_A');
0007 global_ms = load('spinup.s_A');
0008 global_mt(itim) = [];
0009 global_ms(itim) = [];
0010 else
0011 % or computed `on the fly'
0012 global_mt = zeros(size(kt));
0013 global_ms = zeros(size(kt));
0014 for k=kt;
0015 if meanfields
0016 % read the snapshots
0017 tk=rdmds('T',timesteps(k));
0018 sk=rdmds('S',timesteps(k));
0019 if strcmp(grd.buoyancy,'OCEANICP')
0020 % turn fields upside down
0021 tk=tk(:,:,end:-1:1).*grd.cmask;
0022 sk=sk(:,:,end:-1:1).*grd.cmask;
0023 end
0024 else
0025 % snapshots are already available
0026 if iscell(t)
0027 tk = t{k};
0028 else
0029 tk = t(:,:,:,k);
0030 end
0031 if iscell(s)
0032 sk = s{k};
0033 else
0034 sk = s(:,:,:,k);
0035 end
0036 end
0037 global_mt(k)= nansum(tk(:).*grd.volc(:))/nansum(grd.volc(:));
0038 global_ms(k)= nansum(sk(:).*grd.volc(:))/nansum(grd.volc(:));
0039 end
0040 end
0041 figure
0042 subplot(2,1,1);
0043 plot(tim,global_mt)
0044 title('Drift of Mean Temperature'); xlabel(['Time [' timeunit ']']); ylabel('T [degC]')
0045 subplot(2,1,2);
0046 plot(tim,global_ms)
0047 title('Drift of Mean Salinity'); xlabel(['Time [' timeunit ']']); ylabel('S [PSU]')
0048 suptitle(['experiment ' dname])