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Warning, /verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/diags_matlab/mit_loadglobal.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
051ee7f715 Jean*0001 % m-file: mit_loadglobal.m
                0002 % plot various diagnostics of the global 4x4 degree runs
                0004 % uses
                0005 % mit_loadgrid 
                0006 % mit_getparm
                0007 % mit_oceanmasks
                0008 % mit_timesteps
                0009 % mit_loadglobaldata
                0010 % mit_globalmovie
                0011 % mit_plotstreamfunctions
                0012 % mit_plotzonalvelocity
                0013 % mit_globalmean
                0014 % mit_zonalmean
                0015 % mit_meridflux
                0016 % mit_plotmeandrift
                0018 % read in all grid files, etc. This has to be done at the very beginning!
                0019 grd = mit_loadgrid('.');
                0020 dname = grd.dname;
                0021 % add some masks
                0022 grd = mit_oceanmasks(grd);
                0023 %
                0024 if ~exist('meanfields','var')
                0025   meanfields = 1; % read in mean fields instead of instantaneous ones,
                0026                   % include some more diagnostics
                0027                   % meanfields = 1 is the default
                0028 end
                0029 % 
                0030 mit_timesteps
                0032 if meanfields
                0033   disp('reading averaged fields (*tave.*)')
                0034   %
                0035   mit_loadglobaldata
                0036   %
                0037   u=rdmds('uVeltave',timesteps(2:nt)');
                0038   v=rdmds('vVeltave',timesteps(2:nt)');
                0039   w=rdmds('wVeltave',timesteps(2:nt)');
                0040   t=rdmds('Ttave',timesteps(2:nt)');
                0041   s=rdmds('Stave',timesteps(2:nt)');
                0042   eta=rdmds('ETAtave',timesteps(2:nt)').*repmat(squeeze(grd.cmask(:,:,1)),[1 1 nt-1]);
                0043   k=1;
                0044   u=cat(4,zeros([nx ny nz 1]),u);
                0045   v=cat(4,zeros([nx ny nz 1]),v);
                0046   w=cat(4,zeros([nx ny nz 1]),w);
                0047   % hack
                0048   t=cat(4,rdmds('T',timesteps(1)'),t); 
                0049   s=cat(4,rdmds('S',timesteps(1)'),s);
                0050   eta=cat(3,0.*grd.cmask(:,:,1),eta);
                0051 else
                0052   % load snap shots
                0053   disp('reading snap shot fields')
                0054   u=rdmds('U',timesteps');
                0055   v=rdmds('V',timesteps');
                0056   w=rdmds('W',timesteps');
                0057   t=rdmds('T',timesteps');
                0058   s=rdmds('S',timesteps');
                0059   eta=rdmds('Eta',timesteps').*repmat(squeeze(grd.cmask(:,:,1)),[1 1 nt]);
                0060 end
                0061 % orientation and masking
                0062 if ~strcmp(grd.buoyancy,'OCEANIC');
                0063   u = u(:,:,end:-1:1,:);
                0064   v = v(:,:,end:-1:1,:);
                0065   w = w(:,:,end:-1:1,:).*repmat(grd.cmask,[1 1 1 nt]);
                0066   t = t(:,:,end:-1:1,:).*repmat(grd.cmask,[1 1 1 nt]);
                0067   s = s(:,:,end:-1:1,:).*repmat(grd.cmask,[1 1 1 nt]);
                0068 else
                0069 % $$$   u = u;
                0070 % $$$   v = v;
                0071   w = w.*repmat(grd.cmask,[1 1 1 nt]);
                0072   t = t.*repmat(grd.cmask,[1 1 1 nt]);
                0073   s = s.*repmat(grd.cmask,[1 1 1 nt]);
                0074 end
                0076 % transport through Drake Passage
                0077 TDP = NaN*ones(nt,1);
                0078 kx = 73;
                0079 kyg = [5 6 7];
                0080 %kyg = [4 5 6 7];
                0081 da =*grd.dyg(kx,kyg);
                0082 for k=kt;
                0083   TDP(k) = sum(nansum(squeeze(u(kx,kyg,:,k))'.*da))*1e-6; % in Sv
                0084   TDPz(:,k) = nansum(squeeze(u(kx,kyg,:,k)).*da')'*1e-6; % in Sv
                0085 end
                0087 % set some depth
                0088 if ~meanfields
                0089   mit_globalmovie
                0090 end
                0092 % $$$ [x y z]=meshgrid(grd.lonc,grd.grd.latc,-grd.zc);
                0093 % $$$ tk = permute(squeeze(t(:,:,:,k)),[2 1 3]);
                0094 % $$$ xplane = [0:30:360];
                0095 % $$$ yplane = 30;
                0096 % $$$ zplane = -[50 500:500:6000];
                0097 % $$$ slice(x,y,z,tk,xplane,yplane,zplane);
                0098 % $$$ shading flat, colorbar('h')
                0100 mit_plotstreamfunctions
                0102 mit_plotzonalvelocity
                0104 if meanfields
913aa74540 Patr*0105   % plot some mean fields
                0106   figure('PaperPosition',[0.31 0.25 10.5 7.88],'PaperOrientation','landscape')
                0107   k=kmax;
                0108   mySST =   t(:,:,1,k);
                0109   mySSS =   s(:,:,1,k);
                0110   myETA = eta(:,:,k);
                0111   myVEL = sqrt(u(:,:,1,k).*u(:,:,1,k)+v(:,:,1,k).*v(:,:,1,k));
                0112 %
                0113   clear sh;
                0114   sh(1) = subplot(2,2,1);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,mySST'.*grd.hfacc(:,:,1)'); 
                0115   title(['Sea Surface Temperature [degC]']) 
                0116   sh(2) = subplot(2,2,2);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,mySSS'.*grd.hfacc(:,:,1)'); 
                0117   title(['Sea Surface Salinity [psu]']) 
                0118   sh(3) = subplot(2,2,3);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,myETA'); 
                0119   title(['Sea Surface Height [m]']) 
                0120   sh(4) = subplot(2,2,4);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,myVEL'.*grd.hfacc(:,:,1)'); 
                0121   title(['Sea Surface Speed [m/s]']) 
                0122 %
                0123   axis(sh,'image'); axis(sh,'xy')
                0124   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(1));colorbar('h')
                0125   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(2));colorbar('h')
                0126   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(3));colorbar('h')
                0127   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(4));colorbar('h')
                0128 end
                0130 if meanfields
051ee7f715 Jean*0131   % compute actual heat and E-P fluxes from time averages 
                0132   % this only makes sense when you load the time averaged fields
                0133   tauTheta = mit_getparm('data','tauThetaClimRelax');
                0134   tauSalt  = mit_getparm('data','tauSaltClimRelax');
                0135   rhonil   = mit_getparm('data','rhonil');
                0136   if isempty(rhonil)
                0137     rhonil = 1035;
                0138   end
                0139   Cp       = 3994;
                0140   if isempty(tauTheta)
                0141     tauTheta = 0;
                0142   end
                0143   if tauTheta==0
                0144     recip_tauTheta = 0.;
                0145   else
                0146     recip_tauTheta = 1./tauTheta;
                0147   end
                0148   if isempty(tauSalt)
                0149     tauSalt = 0;
                0150   end
                0151   if tauSalt==0
                0152     recip_tauSalt = 0.;
                0153   else
                0154     recip_tauSalt = 1./tauSalt;
                0155   end
                0156   figure('PaperPosition',[0.31 0.25 10.5 7.88],'PaperOrientation','landscape')
                0157   k=kmax;
                0158   qnet_diag =   (t(:,:,1,k)-tdmean)**grd.hfacc(:,:,1)*Cp*rhonil*recip_tauTheta;
                0159   empr_diag = - (s(:,:,1,k)-sdmean)**grd.hfacc(:,:,1)*recip_tauSalt/35;
                0160   clear sh;
                0161   sh(1) = subplot(2,2,1);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,qnet_diag'); 
                0162   title(['Q_{diag} from T-T_{lev} at the surface']) 
                0163   sh(2) =subplot(2,2,2);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,qnet'.*grd.cmask(:,:,1)');
                0164   title('annual mean Q_{net} (data)')
                0165   sh(3) =subplot(2,2,3);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,empr_diag'); 
                0166   title(['(E-P)_{diag} from S-S_{lev} at the surface'])
                0167   sh(4) =subplot(2,2,4);imagesc(grd.lonc,grd.latc,empr'.*grd.cmask(:,:,1)');
                0168   title('annual mean E-P (data)')
                0169   axis(sh,'image'); axis(sh,'xy')
                0170   suptitle(['experiment ' dname ', timestep = ' num2str(timesteps(k)) ...
                0171            ', ' tuname ' = ' num2str(tim(k))])
                0172   set(sh(1:2),'clim',[-1 1]*200); 
                0173   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(1));colorbar('h')
                0174   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(2));colorbar('h')
                0175   set(sh(3:4),'clim',[-1 1]*1.e-7); 
                0176   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(3));colorbar('h')
                0177   set(gcf,'currentAxes',sh(4));colorbar('h')
                0179   clear sh
                0181   if length(tim) > 1
                0182     rac3d = repmat(grd.rac,[1 1 nz]).*grd.hfacc;
                0183     % horizontal averages of t and s in a hovmoeller-type diagramme
                0184     mdt = repmat(NaN,,length(kt));
                0185     mdtt= mdt;
                0186     mdtstd= mdt;
                0187     mdt_alt = mdt;
                0188     mdtt_alt= mdt;
                0189     mdtstd_alt = mdt;
                0190     mdt_pac = mdt;
                0191     mdtt_pac= mdt;
                0192     mdtstd_pac = mdt;
                0193     mdt_sou = mdt;
                0194     mdtt_sou= mdt;
                0195     mdtstd_sou = mdt;
                0196     mds = mdt;
                0197     mdss= mdt;
                0198     mdsstd = mdt;
                0199     mds_alt = mdt;
                0200     mdss_alt= mdt;
                0201     mdsstd_alt = mdt;
                0202     mds_pac = mdt;
                0203     mdss_pac= mdt;
                0204     mdsstd_pac = mdt;
                0205     mds_sou = mdt;
                0206     mdss_sou= mdt;
                0207     mdsstd_sou = mdt;
                0208     indopac_hfacc = ...
                0209         change(change(grd.pacific_hfacc,'==',NaN,0) ...
                0210         +change(grd.indic_hfacc,'==',NaN,0),'==',0,NaN);
                0211     indopac_hfacc(:,1:12,:) = NaN;
                0212     southern_hfacc = grd.hfacc;
                0213     southern_hfacc(:,13:end,:) = NaN;
                0214     atl_hfacc = grd.atlantic_hfacc;
                0215     atl_hfacc(:,1:12,:) = NaN;
                0216     for k=kt;
                0217       dt = t(:,:,:,k)-tdatamean; % anomalies
                0218       ds = s(:,:,:,k)-sdatamean; % anomalies
                0219       [mdt(:,k) mdtt(:,k) mdtstd(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(dt,rac3d);
                0220       [mds(:,k) mdss(:,k) mdsstd(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(ds,rac3d);
                0221       [mdt_atl(:,k) mdtt_atl(:,k) mdtstd_atl(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(dt,rac3d.*atl_hfacc);
                0222       [mds_atl(:,k) mdss_atl(:,k) mdsstd_atl(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(ds,rac3d.*atl_hfacc);
                0223       [mdt_pac(:,k) mdtt_pac(:,k) mdtstd_pac(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(dt,rac3d.*indopac_hfacc);
                0224       [mds_pac(:,k) mdss_pac(:,k) mdsstd_pac(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(ds,rac3d.*indopac_hfacc);
                0225       [mdt_sou(:,k) mdtt_sou(:,k) mdtstd_sou(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(dt,rac3d.*southern_hfacc);
                0226       [mds_sou(:,k) mdss_sou(:,k) mdsstd_sou(:,k)]    = mit_globalmean(ds,rac3d.*southern_hfacc);
                0227     end
                0229     figure('PaperPosition',[0.31 0.25 10.5 7.88],'PaperOrientation','landscape')
                0230     if length(tim) > 2
                0231       clear sh
                0232       sh(1) = subplot(2,2,1);
                0233       contourf(tim(2:end),-grd.zc,mdt(:,2:end),20); 
                0234       caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(caxis))); shading flat; colorbar('v')
                0235       title('T-T_{lev} horizontally averaged')
                0236       xlabel(['Time [' timeunit ']']); ylabel('Depth [m]')
                0237       sh(2) = subplot(2,2,2);
                0238       contourf(tim(2:end),-grd.zc,mds(:,2:end),20);  
                0239       caxis([-1 1]*max(abs(caxis))); shading flat; colorbar('v')
                0240       title('S-S_{lev} horizontally averaged')
                0241       xlabel(['Time [' timeunit ']']); ylabel('Depth [m]')
                0242       %
                0243       sh(3) = subplot(2,2,3);
                0244       contourf(tim(2:end),-grd.zc,mdtt(:,2:end),20); 
                0245       shading flat; colorbar('v')
                0246       title('|T-T_{lev}| horizontally averaged'); 
                0247       xlabel(['Time [' timeunit ']']); ylabel('Depth [m]')
                0248       sh(4) = subplot(2,2,4);
                0249       contourf(tim(2:end),-grd.zc,mdss(:,2:end),20);  
                0250       shading flat; colorbar('v')
                0251       title('|S-S_{lev}| horizontally averaged')
                0252       xlabel(['Time [' timeunit ']']); ylabel('Depth [m]')
                0253       set(sh,'layer','top');
                0254       suptitle(['experiment ' dname])
                0255     end %if length(tim) > 2
                0257     k=kmax;
                0258     figure('PaperOrientation','landscape','PaperPosition',[0.25 0.3125 10.5 7.875])
                0259     clear sh
                0260     sh(1) = subplot(2,4,1);
                0261     plot(mdt(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mdt(:,k)+mdtstd(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mdt(:,k)-mdtstd(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0262     xlabel('T-T_{lev} [degC]'); ylabel('depth [m]'); title('global')
                0263     legend('horiz. mean','std',3);
                0264     sh(2) = subplot(2,4,2);
                0265     plot(mdt_atl(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mdt_atl(:,k)+mdtstd_atl(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mdt_atl(:,k)-mdtstd_atl(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0266     xlabel('T-T_{lev} [degC]'); %ylabel('depth [m]');
                0267     title('atlantic')
                0268     sh(3) = subplot(2,4,3);
                0269     plot(mdt_pac(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mdt_pac(:,k)+mdtstd_pac(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mdt_pac(:,k)-mdtstd_pac(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0270     xlabel('T-T_{lev} [degC]'); %ylabel('depth [m]');
                0271     title('indo-pacific')
                0272     sh(4) = subplot(2,4,4);
                0273     plot(mdt_sou(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mdt_sou(:,k)+mdtstd_sou(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mdt_sou(:,k)-mdtstd_sou(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0274     xlabel('T-T_{lev} [degC]'); ylabel('depth [m]'); title('southern')
                0275     %
                0276     sh(5) = subplot(2,4,5);
                0277     plot(mds(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mds(:,k)+mdsstd(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mds(:,k)-mdsstd(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0278     xlabel('S-S_{lev} [PSU]'); ylabel('depth [m]');
                0279     sh(6) = subplot(2,4,6);
                0280     plot(mds_atl(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mds_atl(:,k)+mdsstd_atl(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mds_atl(:,k)-mdsstd_atl(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0281     xlabel('S-S_{lev} [PSU]'); %ylabel('depth [m]');
                0282     sh(7) = subplot(2,4,7);
                0283     plot(mds_pac(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mds_pac(:,k)+mdsstd_pac(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mds_pac(:,k)-mdsstd_pac(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0284     xlabel('S-S_{lev} [PSU]'); %ylabel('depth [m]');
                0285     sh(8) = subplot(2,4,8);
                0286     plot(mds_sou(:,k),-grd.zc,'b-',mds_sou(:,k)+mdsstd_sou(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--',mds_sou(:,k)-mdsstd_sou(:,k),-grd.zc,'r--');
                0287     xlabel('S-S_{lev} [PSU]'); ylabel('depth [m]');
                0288     set(sh,'xgrid','on','ygrid','on')
                0289     set([sh(4); sh(8)],'YAxisLocation','right')
                0290     suptitle(['experiment ' dname ', timestep = ' num2str(timesteps(k)) ...
                0291               ', ' tuname ' = ' num2str(tim(k))])
                0292   end %if length(tim) > 1
                0294   % zonal mean of temperature and salinity for different ocean basins
                0295   k=kmax;
                0296   tdzm_glo = mit_zonalmean(tdatamean,grd.hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0297   tdzm_atl = mit_zonalmean(tdatamean,grd.atlantic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0298   tdzm_pac = mit_zonalmean(tdatamean,grd.pacific_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0299   tdzm_ind = mit_zonalmean(tdatamean,grd.indic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0300   sdzm_glo = mit_zonalmean(sdatamean,grd.hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0301   sdzm_atl = mit_zonalmean(sdatamean,grd.atlantic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0302   sdzm_pac = mit_zonalmean(sdatamean,grd.pacific_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0303   sdzm_ind = mit_zonalmean(sdatamean,grd.indic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0305   figure('PaperPosition',[0.25 0.368552 8 10.2629]);
                0306   tlev = -5:.5:5;
                0307   slev = -1:.1:1;
                0308   clear sh clh
                0309   clh = cell(8,1);
                0310   delay = 1;
                0311   for k = kmax
                0312     tzm_glo = mit_zonalmean(t(:,:,:,k),grd.hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0313     tzm_atl = mit_zonalmean(t(:,:,:,k),grd.atlantic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0314     tzm_pac = mit_zonalmean(t(:,:,:,k),grd.pacific_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0315     tzm_ind = mit_zonalmean(t(:,:,:,k),grd.indic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0316     szm_glo = mit_zonalmean(s(:,:,:,k),grd.hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0317     szm_atl = mit_zonalmean(s(:,:,:,k),grd.atlantic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0318     szm_pac = mit_zonalmean(s(:,:,:,k),grd.pacific_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0319     szm_ind = mit_zonalmean(s(:,:,:,k),grd.indic_hfacc,grd.dxc);
                0320     caxt = [min(tzm_glo(:)-tdzm_glo(:)) max(tzm_glo(:)-tdzm_glo(:))];
                0321     tlev = -5:.5:5;
                0322     if max(abs(caxt)) < 1;
                0323       tlev = -1:.1:1;
                0324     end
                0325     if max(abs(caxt)) < .1;
                0326       tlev = .1*tlev;
                0327     end
                0328     caxs = [min(szm_glo(:)-sdzm_glo(:)) max(szm_glo(:)-sdzm_glo(:))];
                0329     slev = -1.:.05:1;
                0330     if max(abs(caxs)) < 0.2;
                0331       slev = -.20:.01:.20;
                0332     end
                0333     if max(abs(caxs)) < .02;
                0334       slev = .1*slev;
                0335     end
                0336     sh(1) = subplot(4,2,1);
                0337     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(tzm_glo-tdzm_glo)',tlev);
                0338     if ~isempty(h);
                0339       clh{1} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]);
                0340     end
                0341     title('\theta-\theta_{lev} [degC]: global ocean')
                0342     sh(3) = subplot(4,2,3);
                0343     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(tzm_atl-tdzm_atl)',tlev);
                0344     if ~isempty(h);
                0345       clh{3} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]);
                0346     end
                0347     title('atlantic ocean')
                0348     sh(5) = subplot(4,2,5);
                0349     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(tzm_pac-tdzm_pac)',tlev);
                0350     if ~isempty(h);
                0351       clh{5} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]);
                0352     end
                0353     title('pacific ocean')
                0354     sh(7) = subplot(4,2,7);
                0355     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(tzm_ind-tdzm_ind)',tlev);
                0356     if ~isempty(h);
                0357       clh{7} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]);
                0358     end
                0359     title('indian ocean')
                0360     set(sh(1:2:end),'clim',[tlev(1) tlev(end)])
                0361     colorbar('h')
                0362     sh(2) = subplot(4,2,2);
                0363     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(szm_glo-sdzm_glo)',slev);
                0364     if ~isempty(h);
                0365       clh{2} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]);
                0366     end
                0367     title('S-S_{lev} [PSU]: global ocean')
                0368     sh(4) = subplot(4,2,4);
                0369     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(szm_atl-sdzm_atl)',slev);
                0370     if ~isempty(h);
                0371       clh{4} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]);
                0372     end
                0373     title('atlantic ocean')
                0374     sh(6) = subplot(4,2,6);
                0375     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(szm_pac-sdzm_pac)',slev);
                0376     if ~isempty(h);
                0377       clh{6} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]);
                0378     end
                0379     title('pacific ocean')
                0380     sh(8) = subplot(4,2,8);
                0381     [cs h] = contourf(grd.latc,-grd.zc,(szm_ind-sdzm_ind)',slev);
                0382     if ~isempty(h);
                0383       clh{8} = clabel(cs,h,[0 0]); 
                0384     end
                0385     title('indian ocean')
                0386     set(sh(2:2:end),'clim',[slev(1) slev(end)])
                0387     colorbar('h')
                0388     set(sh,'layer','top')
                0389     if ~isempty(cat(1,clh{:}))
                0390       set(cat(1,clh{:}),'fontsize',8);
                0391     end
                0393     suptitle(['experiment ' dname ', timestep = ' num2str(timesteps(k)) ...
                0394             ', ' tuname ' = ' num2str(tim(k)) ', zonal averages'])
                0395     drawnow; 
                0396     pause(delay)
                0397   end
                0398   clear clh sh
                0400   % meridional transport of heat (internal energy) and fresh water
                0401   % diagnosed from surface fluxes
                0402   petawatts = 1e-15;
                0403   sverdrups = 1e-6;
                0404   heat_data = -mit_meridflux(qnet,grd.dxc,grd.dyc)*petawatts;
                0405   heat_diag = -mit_meridflux(qnet_diag,grd.dxc,grd.dyc)*petawatts;
                0406   freshwater_data = -mit_meridflux(empr,grd.dxc,grd.dyc)*sverdrups;
                0407   freshwater_diag = -mit_meridflux(empr_diag,grd.dxc,grd.dyc)*sverdrups;
                0408   figure
                0409   latgf = [2*grd.latc-grd.latg];
                0410   clear sh
                0411   sh(1) = subplot(2,1,1);
                0412   hh  = plot(latgf,heat_data,'-',latgf,heat_diag,'--', ...
                0413              latgf,heat_data+heat_diag,'-.');
                0414   title('heat (internal energy) flux [PW]')
                0415   suptitle(['experiment ' dname ', timestep = ' num2str(timesteps(k)) ...
                0416             ', ' tuname ' = ' num2str(tim(k))])
                0417   legend('surface flux','restoring','net',2)
                0418   sh(2) = subplot(2,1,2);
                0419   fwh = plot(latgf,freshwater_data,'-',latgf,freshwater_diag,'--', ...
                0420              latgf,freshwater_data+freshwater_diag,'-.');
                0421   title('freshwater flux [Sv]')
                0422   legend('surface flux','restoring','net',3)
                0423   set(sh,'xlim',[latgf(1) latgf(end)],'xgrid','on','ygrid','on');
                0425 end % meanfields
                0427 mit_plotmeandrift
                0429 fname = [grd.dname '_' sprintf('%u',tim(kmax)) timeunit];
                0430 in = findstr(fname,'\');
                0431 fname(in) = [];
                0432 fn = gcf;
                0433 if meanfields
                0434   fname = [fname '.ps'];
2b5e163001 Patr*0435 % change required by newer Matlab versions
                0436 %  f0 = fn-7;
                0437   f0=fn.Number-7;
051ee7f715 Jean*0438 else
                0439   fname = [fname ''];
2b5e163001 Patr*0440 % change required by newer Matlab versions
                0441 %  f0 = fn-4;
                0442   f0=fn.Number-4;
051ee7f715 Jean*0443 end
                0444 print(f0,'-dpsc',fname);
                0445 for k = f0+1:fn
                0446   print(k,'-dpsc',fname,'-append')
                0447 end