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Warning, /verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/diags_matlab/mit_getparm.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
051ee7f715 Jean*0001 function y = mit_getparm(fname,pname);
                0002 %function y = mit_getparm(fname,pname);
                0004   y = [];
                0005   [fp, msg] = fopen(fname,'r');
                0006   if fp > 0
                0007     str{1} = [];
                0008     notfound = 0;
                0009     while isempty(mystrfind(str{1},pname))
                0010       str{1} = fgetl(fp); 
                0011       if ~ischar(str{1}); % this catches the end of file (not very clean)
                0012         notfound = 1;
                0013         break; 
                0014       end
                0015       % clear again if commented
                0016       if ~isempty(mystrfind(str{1},'#')) 
                0017         str{1} = [];
                0018       end
                0019     end
                0020     if notfound
                0021       disp(['Warning: ' pname ' not found in ' fname])
                0022       y=[];
                0023 %      disp(['         setting ' pname ' to zero'])
                0024 %      y = 0;
                0025     else
                0026       teststr = [];
                0027       % find the termination of parameter pname 
                0028       % (next line with an '=' sign
                0029       % or with a namelist termination character '&' or '/')
                0030       n = 1;
                0031       while ( isempty(mystrfind(teststr,'=')) & ...
                0032               isempty(mystrfind(teststr,'&')) & ...
                0033               isempty(mystrfind(teststr,'/')) )
                0034         n = n + 1;
                0035         teststr = fgetl(fp);
                0036         str{n}  = teststr;
                0037         if ~ischar(teststr); break; end
                0038       end
                0039       eqind = findstr(str{1},'=');
                0040       y = str{1}(eqind+1:end-1);
                0041       % check whether it is a string in quotes or something else
                0042       quotes = findstr(y,'''');
                0043       if ~isempty(quotes)
                0044         y(quotes(2):end) = [];
                0045         y(1:quotes(1)) = [];
                0046       else
                0047         if ~( strcmpi(y,'.TRUE.') | strcmpi(y,'.FALSE.') )
                0048           y = convert_str2num(str{1}(eqind+1:end-1));
                0049           for k=2:n-1
                0050             y = [y; convert_str2num(str{k}(eqind+1:end-1))];
                0051           end
                0052 % $$$     y = str2num(str{1}(eqind+1:end-1))';
                0053 % $$$     for k=2:n-1
                0054 % $$$       y = [y; str2num(str{k}(eqind+1:end-1))'];
                0055 % $$$     end
                0056         end
                0057       end
                0058     end
                0059     fclose(fp);
                0060   else
                0061     error([fname ' could not be opened: ' msg])
                0062   end
                0064   return
                0066 function y = convert_str2num(str)
                0068 % take care of the n*value format
                0069   stars = findstr(str,'*');
                0070   if isempty(stars)
                0071     y = str2num(str)';
                0072   else
                0073     if length(stars)==1
                0074       y=repmat(str2num(str(stars+1:end)),[str2num(str(1:stars-1)) 1]);
                0075     else
                0076       warning('The format n*x1,m*x2, ... cannot be handled')
                0077 % $$$       for k=1:length(stars)
                0078 % $$$   % find the beginnin and termination of the set
                0079 % $$$       end
                0080     end
                0081   end
                0083   return
                0085 function [ind] = mystrfind(str,pattern)
                0087   if length(pattern) > length(str)
                0088     ind = [];
                0089     return
                0090   else
                0091     ind = findstr(str,pattern);
                0092   end