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Warning, /verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/diags_matlab/jet0.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
051ee7f715 Jean*0001 function J = jet0(m)
                0002 %JET0    Variant of JET.
                0003 %   JET0(M), a variant of JET(M), is the colormap used with the
                0004 %   NCSA fluid jet image, but with the central colors set to white.
                0005 %   JET0, by itself, is the same length as the current colormap.
                0006 %   Use COLORMAP(JET0).
                0007 %
                0008 %   See also JET, HSV, HOT, PINK, FLAG, COLORMAP, RGBPLOT.
                0010 % taken from jet.m, Martin Losch, 3-8-02  
                0011 %   C. B. Moler, 5-10-91, 8-19-92.
                0012 %   Copyright 1984-2001 The MathWorks, Inc. 
                0013 if nargin < 1, m = size(get(gcf,'colormap'),1); end
                0014 n = max(round(m/4),1);
                0015 x = (1:n)'/n;
                0016 y = (n/2:n)'/n;
                0017 e = ones(length(x),1);
                0018 r = [0*y; 0*e; x; e; flipud(y)];
                0019 g = [0*y; x; e; flipud(x); 0*y];
                0020 b = [y; e; flipud(x); 0*e; 0*y];
                0021 J = [r g b];
                0022 while size(J,1) > m
                0023    J(1,:) = [];
                0024    if size(J,1) > m, J(size(J,1),:) = []; end
                0025 end
                0026 % set central colors to white
                0027 if mod(m,2)
                0028   ic = ceil(m/2);
                0029   J(ic-1:ic+1,:) = ones(3,3);
                0030 else
                0031   J(m/2:m/2+1,:) = ones(2,3);
                0032 end