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Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::mysql::db handle dbname=MITgcm at /usr/local/share/lxr/lib/LXR/Common.pm line 1224.

Last-Modified: Sat, 31 Jan 2025 06:12:16 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 MITgcm/MITgcm/verification/tutorial_global_oce_in_p/input/data
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view on githubraw file Latest commit 0320e252 on 2021-08-11 16:08:52 UTC
a4db914080 Jean*0001 # ====================
                0002 # | Model parameters |
                0003 # ====================
                0004 #
                0005 # Continuous equation parameters
                0006  &PARM01
cf38e74b60 Jean*0007  tRef = 15*20.,
                0008  sRef = 15*35.,
a4db914080 Jean*0009  viscAh =3.E5,
                0010  no_slip_sides=.TRUE.,
                0011  viscAr =1.721611620915750e5,
                0012 #viscAz =1.67E-3,
                0013  no_slip_bottom=.FALSE.,
                0014  diffKhT=1.E3,
                0015  diffKrT=5.154525811125000e3,
                0016 #diffKzT=0.5E-4,
                0017  diffKhS=1.E3,
                0018  diffKrS=5.154525811125000e3,
                0019 #diffKzS=0.5E-4,
4cfc27ca29 Jean*0020  cosPower=0.5,
a4db914080 Jean*0021  implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
                0022  ivdc_kappa=1.030905162225000e9,
                0023 #ivdc_kappa=10.0,
                0024  gravity=9.81,
cf38e74b60 Jean*0025  rhoConst=1035.,
                0026  rhoConstFresh=1000.,
a4db914080 Jean*0027  buoyancyRelation='OCEANICP',
                0028  integr_GeoPot=1,
                0029  eosType='JMD95P',
                0030  useNHMTerms=.TRUE.,
                0031  implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
                0032  exactConserv=.TRUE.,
                0033  nonlinFreeSurf=4,
                0034  hFacInf=0.2,
                0035  hFacSup=2.0,
663c32eb72 Jean*0036 #- to check that it has no impact:
                0037  doResetHFactors=.TRUE.,
a4db914080 Jean*0038 #useRealFreshWaterFlux=.TRUE.,
                0039  readBinaryPrec=64,
                0040  writeBinaryPrec=64,
                0041  &
                0043 # Elliptic solver parameters
                0044  &PARM02
                0045  cg2dMaxIters=200,
                0046  cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-9,
                0047  &
                0049 # Time stepping parameters
                0050  &PARM03
                0051  startTime =           0.,
                0052  endTime   =     3456000.,
                0053 # after 100 years of intergration, one gets a reasonable flow field
                0054 #endTime   = 3110400000.,
cf38e74b60 Jean*0055  deltaTMom      =   1200.0,
a4db914080 Jean*0056  deltaTtracer   = 172800.0,
cf38e74b60 Jean*0057  deltaTFreeSurf = 172800.0,
a4db914080 Jean*0058  deltaTClock    = 172800.0,
cf38e74b60 Jean*0059  abEps     = 0.1,
a4db914080 Jean*0060  pChkptFreq  = 3110400000.,
                0061  dumpFreq    = 3110400000.,
                0062  taveFreq    = 3110400000.,
                0063  monitorFreq =   1.,
                0064  periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE.,
                0065  externForcingPeriod=2592000.,
                0066  externForcingCycle=31104000.,
                0067  tauThetaClimRelax=5184000.0,
                0068  &
                0070 # Gridding parameters
                0071  &PARM04
                0072  usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
cf38e74b60 Jean*0073  dxSpacing=4.,
                0074  dySpacing=4.,
4cfc27ca29 Jean*0075 #Ro_SeaLevel=53023122.566084,
                0076  top_Pres=1.E-6,
a4db914080 Jean*0077  delR=7103300.720021, 6570548.440790, 6041670.010249,
                0078       5516436.666057, 4994602.034410, 4475903.435290,
                0079       3960063.245801, 3446790.312651, 2935781.405664,
                0080       2426722.705046, 1919291.315988, 1413156.804970,
                0081       1008846.750166,  705919.025481,  504089.693499,
fdb16198f0 Jean*0082  ygOrigin=-80.,
a4db914080 Jean*0083  &
                0085 # Input datasets
                0086  &PARM05
b663a16d49 Jean*0087  bathyFile      ='topog.bin',
0320e25227 Mart*0088  geoPotAnomFile ='deltageopotjmd95.bin',
a4db914080 Jean*0089  hydrogThetaFile='lev_t.bin',
                0090  hydrogSaltFile ='lev_s.bin',
                0091  zonalWindFile  ='trenberth_taux.bin',
                0092  meridWindFile  ='trenberth_tauy.bin',
                0093  thetaClimFile  ='lev_sst.bin',
                0094 #saltClimFile   ='lev_sss.bin',
7130bed1c3 Jean*0095  surfQnetFile   ='shi_qnet.bin',
a4db914080 Jean*0096  EmPmRFile      ='shi_empmr.bin',
                0097  &