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view on githubraw file Latest commit ce0d9af5 on 2021-04-21 19:30:20 UTC
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0001 % read in additional colormaps for plots
                0002 % assumes 'addpath ../../../utils/matlab/' typed from your run directory
                0003 % which is also where other matlab functions such as 'rdmds' are located
                0004 bluered_colormaps
94151a9b18 Jeff*0005 
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0006 
                0007 %%%%%%%%%%%  load grid data   %%%%%%%%%%%
                0009 % Load grid variables; names correspond with MITgcm source code.
                0010 % (if using standard binary output instead of netcdf, these are dumped
                0011 % to individual files, e.g. '' etc.)
                0012 % Assumes that output in multiple tiles has been concatenated into
                0013 % global files (used script utils/python/MITgcmutils/scripts/gluemncbig)
                0014 % and moved into the top directory;
                0015 % see MITgcm user manual section 
                0017 % Using a spherical polar grid, all X,Y variables in lon,lat coordinates
                0018 % vertical grid provided in meters, area in m^2
                0020 % 1-D fields
                0021   RC = ncread('', 'RC');   % vertical grid, cell center locations
                0022   drF = ncread('', 'drF'); % vertical spacing of grid cells (thickness of cells)
                0023 % 2-D fields (x,y)
                0024   XC = ncread('', 'XC');   % x-location of gridcell centers
                0025   YC = ncread('', 'YC');   % y-location of gridcell centers
                0026   dyG = ncread('', 'dyG'); % grid spacing in y-dim (separation between corners)
                0027   rA = ncread('', 'rA');   % surface area of gridcells
                0028 % 3-D fields (x,y,z)
                0029   HFacC = ncread('', 'HFacC'); % vertical fraction of cell which is ocean
94151a9b18 Jeff*0030    
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0031 % For convenience, load additional dimensional variables from
                0032 % netcdf files (these variables are NOT included in binary output)
                0033 % These grid variables are also present in netcdf diagnostic data files.
                0034 % 1-D fields
                0035   X = ncread('', 'X'); % 1-D version of XC data
                0036   Y = ncread('', 'Y'); % 1-D version of YC data
                0037   Xp1 = ncread('', 'Xp1'); % x-location of lower left corner
                0038   Yp1 = ncread('', 'Yp1'); % y-location of lower left corner
                0039 % Xp1 and Yp1 are effectively 1-D versions of grid variables XG,YG with
                0040 % an extra data value at the eastern and northern ends of the domain.
                0041 % See MITgcm users manual section 2.11 for additional MITgcm grid info
94151a9b18 Jeff*0042 
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0043 % Number of gridcells in x,y, full domain:
                0044   Nx = size(XC, 1);
                0045   Ny = size(XC, 2);
                0046 % out-of-the-box tutorial setup is configured to be 62x62
94151a9b18 Jeff*0047    
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0048    
                0049 %%%%%%%%%%%   load diagnostics   %%%%%%%%%%%
94151a9b18 Jeff*0050 
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0051 % unit for temperature is degrees Celsius, velocity in m/s,
                0052 % surface height in m, heat flux in W/m^2
                0053 % see run output file available_diagnostics.log
94151a9b18 Jeff*0054    
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0055 % load statistical diagnostic output (set to monthly time-avg output)
                0056 % only one output region is defined: global (the default)
                0057   TRELAX_ave = ncread('', 'TRELAX_ave');     % (depth, region, time); depth=1 (surf-only), region=1 (global) 
                0058   THETA_lv_ave = ncread('', 'THETA_lv_ave'); % (depth, region, time); region=1 (global)
                0059   THETA_lv_std = ncread('', 'THETA_lv_std'); % (depth, region, time); region=1 (global)
94151a9b18 Jeff*0060    
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0061 % load 2-D and 3-D variable diagnostic output, annual mean data
                0062   TRELAX = ncread('', 'TRELAX'); % (x, y, depth, time); depth=1 (surface-only)
                0063   ETAN = ncread('', 'ETAN');     % (x, y, depth, time); depth=1 (surface-only)
                0064   UVEL = ncread('', 'UVEL');      % (x, y, depth, time); x dim is Nx+1, includes eastern edge
                0065   VVEL = ncread('', 'UVEL');      % (x, y, depth, time); y dim is Ny+1, includes northern edge
                0066   THETA = ncread('', 'THETA');    % (x, y, depth, time)
                0068 % MITgcm time unit (dim='T') is seconds, so read new time series
                0069 % for (dynStDiag) monthly time averages and convert into years.
                0070 % Note that the MITgcm time array values correspond to time at the end
                0071 % of the time-avg periods, i.e. subtract 1/24 to plot at mid-month.
                0072   Tmon = ncread('', 'T')/(86400*360) - 1/24;
                0073 % and repeat to read time series for annual mean time output,
                0074 % subtract 0.5 to plot at mid-year.
                0075   Tann = ncread('', 'T')/(86400*360) - 0.5;
                0078 %%%%%%%%%%%   plot diagnostics   %%%%%%%%%%%
                0079 % No sizing of figures is specified below, will render at matlab default
                0080 % to view properly, resize windows appropriately
94151a9b18 Jeff*0081 
                0082 % figure 4.6 - time series of global mean TRELAX and THETA by level
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0083 %
                0084 % plot THETA at MITgcm k levels 1,5,15 (SST, -305 m, -1705 m)
                0085   klevs = [1, 5, 15];
                0087   figure
                0088   subplot(221)
                0089   plot(Tmon,squeeze(TRELAX_ave(1,1,:)),'b','LineWidth',[4])
                0090 % To specify colors for specific lines, matlab 2019b adds a
                0091 % new function colororder(); otherwise, plot the lines separately
                0092 % (providing a unique color spec) or grab the plot handle
                0093 % and change colors after plotting.   
                0094   grid on
                0095   hold on
                0096   title('Net Heat Flux into Ocean (TRELAX\_ave)','FontSize',18)
                0097   set(gca,'Fontsize', 18)
                0098   xlabel('Time (yrs)')
                0099   ylabel('W/m^2')
                0100   set(gca,'YLim', [-400 0])
                0101 % Alternatively, a global mean area-weighted TRELAX (annual mean)
                0102 % could be computed as follows, using HfacC(:,:,1), i.e. HfacC in
                0103 % the surface layer, as a land-ocean mask.
                0104 % First, compute total surface area of ocean points:
                0105   total_ocn_area = sum(sum(rA .* HFacC(:,:,1)));
                0106 % Broadcasting the arrays across the time axis makes this a bit awkward:  
                0107   TRELAX_ave_ann = squeeze(sum(sum(TRELAX(:,:,1,:) .* ...
                0108       repmat(rA .* HFacC(:,:,1), [1 1 1 size(TRELAX,4)])))) / total_ocn_area;
                0109   plot(Tann, TRELAX_ave_ann, 'm--', 'LineWidth', [2])
                0110   subplot(223)
                0111   plot(Tmon, squeeze(THETA_lv_ave(klevs,1,:)), 'LineWidth', [4])
                0112   grid on
                0113   title('Mean Potential Temp. by Level (THETA\_lv\_avg)', 'FontSize', 18)
                0114   xlabel('Time (yrs)')
                0115   ylabel('^oC')
                0116   legendStrings = string(RC(klevs)) + ' m';
                0117   legend(legendStrings)
                0118   set(gca,'Fontsize', 16)
                0119   subplot(224)
                0120   plot(Tmon, squeeze(THETA_lv_std(klevs,:)), 'LineWidth', [4])
                0121   grid on
                0122   title('Std. Dev. Potential Temp. by Level (THETA\_lv\_std)', 'FontSize', 18)
                0123   set(gca,'Fontsize', 16)
                0124   xlabel('Time (yrs)')
                0125   ylabel('^oC')
                0126   legend(legendStrings)
                0128 % figure 4.7 - 2-D plot of TRELAX and contours of free surface height
                0129 % (ETAN) at simulation end ( endTime = 3110400000. is t=100 yrs).
                0130 %
                0131   mask = HFacC;
                0132   mask(mask==0) = NaN; % create a 3-D land mask, with land points set to NaN
                0133   eta_masked = mask(:,:,1) .* ETAN(:,:,1,end);
                0134   figure
                0135   pcolor(Xp1(1:end-1), Yp1(1:end-1), TRELAX(:,:,1,end)')
                0136   colorbar
                0137   shading flat
                0138   colormap(bluetored)
                0139   set(gca,'CLim', [-250 250])
                0140   hold on
                0141   contour(X,Y,eta_masked',[-.6:.1:.6],'k')
                0142   set(gca,'XLim', [0 60])
                0143   set(gca,'YLim', [15 75])
                0144   title({'Free surface height (contours, CI .1 m)';'and TRELAX (shading, W/m^2)'})
                0145   xlabel('Longitude')
                0146   ylabel('Latitude')
                0147 % Note we have used routine pcolor here with Xp1, Yp1, which are the 
                0148 % locations of the lower left corners of grid cells 
                0149 % (here, length Nx+1,Ny+1 as they include the ending right and upper
                0150 % locations of the grid, respectively). We don't pass pcolor the 
                0151 % +1 location, but matlab pcolor ignores the last row and column
                0152 % when plotting, here conveniently land points.
                0153 % Alternative one could plot shading using contourf with 'LineStyle'
                0154 % set to 'none' with coordinates  X and Y, the grid cell center
                0155 % locations. Also note we mask the land values as NaN when contouring
                0156 % the free surface height.
94151a9b18 Jeff*0157 
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0158 % figure 4.8 - barotropic streamfunction, plot at simulation end
                0159 % (w/overlaid labeled contours)
                0160 %
                0161   ubt = squeeze(sum(UVEL .* permute(repmat(drF, [1 Nx+1 Ny size(UVEL,4)]), ...
                0162                                     [2 3 1 4]), 3)); % depth-integrated u velocity
                0163   psi = zeros(Nx+1, Ny+1, size(UVEL,4));                                
                0164   psi(:,2:end,:) = cumsum(-ubt .* repmat(dyG, [1 1 size(UVEL,4)]), 2) ...
                0165                    / 1.e6; % compute streamfn in Sv (for each yr)
                0166 % Note psi is computed and plotted at the grid cell corners and we
                0167 % compute as dimensioned (Nx+1,Ny); as noted, UVEL contains an extra
                0168 % data point in x, at the eastern edge. cumsum is done in y-direction.
                0169 % We have a wall at southern boundary (i.e. no reentrant flow from
                0170 % north), ergo psi(j=1) is accomplished by declaring psi 
                0171 % to be shape (Nx+1, Ny+1, size(UVEL,4)) where size(UVEL, 4) is the 
                0172 % size of the time dimension.
                0174   figure
                0175   clabel(contourf(Xp1, Yp1, psi(:,:,end)', [-35:5:35], 'k'))
                0176   colorbar
                0177   colormap(blueyelred)
                0178   set(gca, 'XLim', [0 60])
                0179   set(gca, 'Ylim', [15 75])
                0180   set(gca, 'Clim', [-35 35])
                0181   title('Barotropic Streamfunction (Sv)')
                0182   xlabel('Longitude')
                0183   ylabel('Latitude')
94151a9b18 Jeff*0184    
ce0d9af5ea Jeff*0185 % figure 4.9 - potential temp at depth and xz slice, at simulation end
                0186 %
                0187 % plot THETA at MITgcm k=4 (220 m depth) and j=15 (28.5N)
                0188   klev = 4;
                0189   jloc = 15;
                0191   theta_masked = mask(:,:,klev) .* THETA(:,:,klev,end);
                0192   figure
                0193   subplot(121)
                0194 % again we use pcolor for the plan view and provide the
                0195 % corner point locations XG,YG via Xp1,Yp1
                0196   pcolor(Xp1(1:end-1), Yp1(1:end-1), THETA(:,:,klev,end)')
                0197   shading flat
                0198   hold on
                0199   colorbar
                0200   colormap(coolwarm)
                0201 % but to overlay contours we provide the cell centers
                0202 % and mask out boundary/land cells
                0203 % also note we are passing contour 2-D coordinates XC,YC
                0204 % so no transpose on THETA needed
                0205   contour(XC, YC, theta_masked, [0:2:30], 'k')
                0206   set(gca, 'XLim', [0 60])
                0207   set(gca, 'Ylim', [15 75])
                0208   set(gca, 'Clim', [0 30])
                0209   title(['a) THETA ' num2str(RC(klev)) ' m Depth (^oC)'])
                0210   xlabel('Longitude')
                0211   ylabel('Latitude')
                0213 % For the xz slice, our limited vertical resolution makes for an ugly
                0214 % pcolor plot, we'll shade using contour instead, providing the centers
                0215 % of the vertical grid cells and cell centers in the x-dimension.
                0216 % Also mask out land cells at the boundary, which results in slight
                0217 % white space at domain edges.
                0218   theta_masked = squeeze(mask(:,jloc,:).*THETA(:,jloc,:,end));
                0219   subplot(122)
                0220   contourf(X, RC, theta_masked', 0:2:30)
                0221   colorbar
                0222   title(['b) THETA at ' num2str(Y(jloc)) 'N (^oC)'])
                0223   set(gca, 'CLim', [0 30])
                0224   set(gca, 'XLim', [0 60])
                0225   set(gca, 'YLim', [-1800 0])
                0226   xlabel('Longitude')
                0227   ylabel('Depth (m)')
                0228 % One approach to avoiding the white space at boundaries/top/bottom
                0229 % is to copy neighboring tracer values to land cells prior to contouring
                0230 % (and don't mask), and augment a row of z=1 data at the ocean surface
                0231 % and a row at the ocean bottom.
                0232 % (see tutorial Southern Ocean Reentrant Channel for an example)
                0233 % The white space occurs because contour uses data at cell centers, with
                0234 % values masked/undefined beyond the cell centers toward boundaries.
                0236 % To instead plot using pcolor, pass location of vertical cell faces RF:
                0237 %
                0238 % RF=ncread('', 'RF')
                0239 % pcolor(Xp1(1:end-1), RF(1:end-1), squeeze(THETA(:,jloc,:,end))')
                0240 % shading flat; colormap(coolwarm)
                0241 %
                0242 % but note that unlike python, matlab pcolor doesn't plot the bottom
                0243 % layer of valid temperature data (the ending column)