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Warning, /verification/shelfice_2d_remesh/input/data.shelfice is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 9952f046 on 2019-12-17 17:59:00 UTC
9952f046d7 dngo*0001 # ===================================
                0002 # | Parameters for SHELFICE package |
                0003 # ===================================
                0004  &SHELFICE_PARM01
                0005  SHELFICEconserve = .TRUE.,
                0006  SHELFICEuseGammaFrict = .TRUE.,
                0007  SHELFICEDragQuadratic = 0.0015,
                0008  shiCdrag = 0.0015,
                0009  SHELFICEselectDragQuadr= 2,
                0010  SHELFICEMassStepping = .TRUE.,
                0011 #--
                0012  SHELFICEremeshFrequency = 600.0,
                0013 #- need to satisfy: splitThrs > 1 + mergeThrs / Sdz
                0014 #       with: Sdz = min{ delR(k+1)/delR(k) }_[k=1:Nr-1]
                0015  SHELFICEsplitThreshold = 1.12,
                0016  SHELFICEmergeThreshold = 0.10,
                0017 #--
                0018  SHELFICEtopoFile='shelficeTopo.Lin.bin',
                0019  SHELFICEmassFile='shelficeMass.Lin.bin',
                0020  SHELFICEMassDynTendFile='shelfice_dMdt.r02.bin',
                0021 #SHELFICEwriteState = .TRUE.,
                0022  &