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view on githubraw file Latest commit 9952f046 on 2019-12-17 17:59:00 UTC
9952f046d7 dngo*0001 Simplified experiment to test pkg/shelfice vertical remeshing code
0002 (simplified version of experiment verification_other/shelfice_remeshing/)
0003 ===============================================================================
0005 Specific options:
0006 * Use a 2-D (y z) slice southern ocean (lat-long grid) domain with
0007 flat bottom and Open Boundary at Northern edge; uniform horiz and
0008 vertical resolution.
0009 * shelfice pkg is used with SHELFICEuseGammaFrict=T but without
0010 SHELFICEboundaryLayer. To avoid horizontal noise in solution next to a
0011 large jump in top grid-cell thickness, vertical viscosity and diffusivity
0012 are increased wherever the top grid-cell is too thin (pCellMix_select=20)
0013 and are treated implicitly (implicitDiffusion=implicitViscosity=T).
0014 * Use Non-Linear Free surface formulation with real fresh-water flux.
0015 * Ice-Shelf has a simple initial shape (trapezoidal) and evolves
0016 (SHELFICEMassStepping=T) as a result of melting and prescribed external
0017 tendency (SHELFICEMassDynTendFile).
0020 In order to experience several remeshing event during a very short test run,
0021 the ice-mass tendency forcing has been set to to un-realistically large value.
0023 Input files:
0024 * generated from matlab script: gendata.n
0026 Sequence of runs:
0027 * From resting initial conditions, model was integrated for 1 day (-> iter=2880)
0028 without SHELFICEMassDynTendFile.
0029 Then, with SHELFICEMassDynTendFile, run just 18.it to generated current pickup
0030 files (at iter=2898).
0031 * During current short test run (20.iter long), 4 remeshing event occurs,
0032 ( grep -A4 'SHI_REMESH at' output.txt )
0033 2 top-cell merge (it= 2900 & 2916) and 2 top-cell split (it= 2904 & 2914).