Simplified experiment to test pkg/shelfice vertical remeshing code
(simplified version of experiment verification_other/shelfice_remeshing/)
Specific options:
* Use a 2-D (y z) slice southern ocean (lat-long grid) domain with
flat bottom and Open Boundary at Northern edge; uniform horiz and
vertical resolution.
* shelfice pkg is used with SHELFICEuseGammaFrict=T but without
SHELFICEboundaryLayer. To avoid horizontal noise in solution next to a
large jump in top grid-cell thickness, vertical viscosity and diffusivity
are increased wherever the top grid-cell is too thin (pCellMix_select=20)
and are treated implicitly (implicitDiffusion=implicitViscosity=T).
* Use Non-Linear Free surface formulation with real fresh-water flux.
* Ice-Shelf has a simple initial shape (trapezoidal) and evolves
(SHELFICEMassStepping=T) as a result of melting and prescribed external
tendency (SHELFICEMassDynTendFile).