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view on githubraw file Latest commit 8da65836 on 2013-07-18 20:16:11 UTC
8da65836da Patr*0001 # ====================
                0002 # | Model parameters |
                0003 # ====================
                0004 #
                0005 # Continuous equation parameters
                0006 #
                0007 #   tRef            - Reference vertical potential temperature          (deg C)
                0008 #   sRef            - Reference vertical salinity                         (PSU)
                0009 #   viscAh          - Horizontal eddy viscosity coefficient             (m^2/s)
                0010 #   viscAz          - Vertical eddy viscosity coefficient               (m^2/s)
                0011 #   diffKhT         - Horizontal temperature diffusivity                (m^2/s)
                0012 #   diffKzT         - Vertical temperature diffusivity                  (m^2/s)
                0013 #   diffKhS         - Horizontal salt diffusivity                       (m^2/s)
                0014 #   diffKzS         - Vertical salt diffusivity                         (m^2/s)
                0015 #   gravity         - Acceleration due to gravity                       (m/s^2)
                0016 #   rigidLid        - Set to true to use rigid lid
                0017 #   implicitFreeSurface - Set to true to use implicit free surface
                0018 #   eosType         - Flag for linear or polynomial equation of state
                0019 #   momAdvection    - On/Off flag for momentum self transport
                0020 #   momViscosity    - On/Off flag for momentum mixing
                0021 #
                0022  &PARM01
                0023  tRef= 24.0 , 23.0 , 22.0 , 21.0 , 20.0 ,
                0024        19.0 , 18.0 , 17.0 , 16.0 , 15.0 ,
                0025        14.0 , 13.0 , 12.0 , 11.0 , 10.0 ,
                0026         9.0 ,  8.0 ,  7.0 ,  6.0,   5.0 ,
                0027         4.0 ,  3.0 ,  2.0 ,
                0028  sRef= 34.65, 34.75, 34.82, 34.87, 34.90,
                0029        34.90, 34.86, 34.78, 34.69, 34.60,
                0030        34.58, 34.62, 34.68, 34.72, 34.73,
                0031        34.74, 34.73, 34.73, 34.72, 34.72,
                0032        34.71, 34.70, 34.69,
                0033  no_slip_sides=.FALSE.,
                0034  no_slip_bottom=.TRUE.,
                0035  viscAz=1.93e-5,
                0036  viscAh=5.E4,
                0037  diffKhT=0.0,
                0038  diffKzT=1.46e-5,
                0039  diffKhS=0.0,
                0040  diffKzS=1.46e-5,
                0041  implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
                0042  eosType='JMD95Z',
                0043  saltStepping=.TRUE.,
                0044  tempStepping=.TRUE.,
                0045  momStepping=.TRUE.,
                0046  implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
                0047  implicitViscosity=.TRUE.,
                0048  allowFreezing=.FALSE.,
                0049 #- set wrong celsius2K to reproduce old results:
                0050  celsius2K=273.16,
                0051  HeatCapacity_Cp = 3986.D0,
                0052  gravity         = 9.8156,
                0053  rhoConst        = 1027.D0,
                0054  rhoConstFresh   = 999.8,
                0055  useCDscheme=.TRUE.,
                0056 #ph(
                0057  staggerTimeStep=.TRUE.,
                0058  multiDimAdvection=.TRUE.,
                0059  tempAdvScheme=30,
                0060  saltAdvScheme=30,
                0061 #ph)
                0062 #globalFiles=.TRUE.,
                0063 #- not safe to use globalFiles in multi-processors runs; set instead useSingleCpuIO
                0064  useSingleCpuIO=.FALSE.,
                0065  readBinaryPrec=32,
                0066  writeBinaryPrec=32,
                0067  &
                0069 # Elliptic solver parameters
                0070 #
                0071 #   cg2dMaxIters       - Maximum number of 2d solver iterations
                0072 #   cg2dTargetResidual - Solver target residual
                0073 #
                0074  &PARM02
                0075  cg2dMaxIters=1000,
                0076  cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-13,
                0077  &
                0079 # Time stepping parameters
                0080 #
                0081 #   startTime         - Integration starting time                (s)
                0082 #   endTime           - Integration ending time                  (s)
                0083 #   tauCD             - CD scheme coupling timescale             (s)
                0084 #   deltaTMom         - Timestep for momemtum equations          (s)
                0085 #   deltaTtracer      - Tracer timestep                          (s)
                0086 #   deltaTClock       - Timestep used as model "clock"           (s)
                0087 #   abEps             - Adams-Bashforth stabilising factor
                0088 #   pChkPtFreq        - Frequency of permanent check pointing    (s)
                0089 #   chkPtFreq         - Frequency of rolling check pointing      (s)
                0090 #   dumpFreq          - Frequency at which model state is stored (s)
                0091 #   tauThetaClimRelax - Relaxation to climatology time scale     (s)
                0092 #   tauSaltClimRelax  - Relaxation to climatology time scale     (s)
                0093 #
                0094  &PARM03
                0095  tauCD=172800.,
                0096  startTime=0.0,
                0097  nTimeSteps=12,
                0098  deltaTmom=3600.0,
                0099  deltaTtracer=3600.0,
                0100  deltaTClock =3600.0,
                0101  cAdjFreq=0.,
                0102  abEps=0.1,
                0103  forcing_In_AB = .FALSE.,
                0104  pChkptFreq=36000.,
                0105  chkptFreq= 0.,
                0106  dumpFreq = 0.,
                0107  monitorFreq=1.,
                0108  adjMonitorFreq=1.,
                0109  adjDumpFreq=1.,
                0110  &
                0112 # Gridding parameters
                0113 #
                0114 #   usingSphericalPolarGrid - On/Off flag for spherical polar coordinates
                0115 #   delX                    - Zonal grid spacing         (degrees)
                0116 #   delY                    - Meridional grid spacing    (degrees)
                0117 #   delZ                    - Vertical grid spacing      (m)
                0118 #   ygOrigin                - Southern boundary latitude (degrees)
                0119 #
                0120  &PARM04
                0121  usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
                0122  delX=20*2.E0,
                0123  delY=16*2.E0,
                0124  delZ= 10., 10., 15., 20., 20., 25., 35., 50., 75.,
                0125        100., 150., 200., 275., 350., 415., 450.,
                0126        500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500.,
                0127  ygOrigin=46.,
                0128  xgOrigin=280.,
                0129  rSphere = 6371.D3,
                0130  &
                0132 # Input datasets
                0133 #
                0134 #   bathyFile       - File containing bathymetry
                0135 #   hydrogThetaFile - File containing initial potential temperature data
                0136 #   hydrogSaltFile  - File containing initial salinity data
                0137 #   zonalWindFile   - File containing zonal wind data
                0138 #   meridWindFile   - File containing meridional wind data
                0139 #   thetaClimFile   - File containing theta climatology used for relaxation
                0140 #   saltClimFile    - File containing salt climatology used for relaxation
                0141 #
                0142  &PARM05
                0143  bathyFile       = 'bathy.labsea1979',
                0144  hydrogThetaFile = 'LevCli_temp.labsea1979',
                0145  hydrogSaltFile  = 'LevCli_salt.labsea1979',
                0146  &