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view on githubraw file Latest commit 598aebfc on 2024-03-29 19:16:48 UTC
598aebfcee Mart*0001 # ====================
                0002 # | Model parameters |
                0003 # ====================
                0004 #
                0005 # Continuous equation parameters
                0006  &PARM01
                0007  Tref = 30*-1.9,
                0008  Sref = 30*34.4,
                0009  viscAz=1.E-3,
                0010  viscAh=600.0,
                0011  no_slip_sides=.FALSE.,
                0012  no_slip_bottom=.FALSE.,
                0013  diffKhT= 60.0,
                0014  diffKhS= 60.0,
                0015 #- diffKzT unused when compiled with ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR
                0016 #diffKzT=3.E-5,
                0017  diffKzS=3.E-5,
                0018  bottomDragQuadratic=2.5E-3,
                0019  eosType='JMD95Z',
                0020  HeatCapacity_Cp = 3974.0,
                0021  rhoConst=1030.,
                0022  gravity=9.81,
                0023  convertFW2Salt = 33.4,
                0024  implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
                0025  exactConserv=.TRUE.,
                0026  hFacMin=0.10,
                0027  nonHydrostatic=.FALSE.,
                0028  useCDScheme = .TRUE.,
                0029  tempAdvScheme = 7,
                0030  saltAdvScheme = 7,
                0031 #ph(
                0032  implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
                0033 # ivdc_kappa = 7200.,
                0034  staggerTimeStep=.TRUE.,
                0035  vectorInvariantMomentum=.TRUE.,
                0036  nonlinFreeSurf=2,
                0037  hFacInf=0.05,
                0038  hFacSup=2.0,
                0039 #ph)
                0040  readBinaryPrec=64,
                0041  useSingleCpuIO=.TRUE.,
                0042  &
                0044 # Elliptic solver parameters
                0045  &PARM02
                0046  cg2dMaxIters=1000,
                0047  cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-13,
                0048  &
                0050 # Time stepping parameters
                0051  &PARM03
                0052  nIter0=8640,
                0053  nTimeSteps=5,
                0054  deltaT=1800.0,
                0055  abEps=0.1,
                0056  cAdjFreq = 1.,
                0057  tauCD = 400000.,
                0058  pChkptFreq=0.0,
                0059  chkptFreq=0.0,
                0060  dumpFreq=0.0,
                0061  taveFreq=0.0,
                0062  monitorFreq=1.,
                0063  monitorSelect=2,
                0064  adjMonitorFreq=1800.,
                0065  &
                0067 # Gridding parameters
                0068  &PARM04
                0069  usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
                0070  ygOrigin = -80.0,
                0071  delX=50*0.3,
                0072  delY=100*0.1,
                0073  delZ=30*30.0,
                0074  &
                0076 # Input datasets
                0077  &PARM05
                0078  bathyFile='',
                0079  &