** Warning **

Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::mysql::db handle dbname=MITgcm at /usr/local/share/lxr/lib/LXR/Common.pm line 1224.

Last-Modified: Sat, 31 Jan 2025 06:12:16 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 MITgcm/MITgcm/verification/halfpipe_streamice/input/data.streamice_geomSetup
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Warning, /verification/halfpipe_streamice/input/data.streamice_geomSetup is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit db972cb2 on 2013-11-16 12:00:27 UTC
db972cb2e6 Dani*0001 # ===================================
                0002 # | Parameters for STREAMICE package |
                0003 # ===================================
                0004  &STREAMICE_PARM01
                0005  streamice_density = 917.,
                0006  streamice_density_ocean_avg = 1028.,
                0007  B_glen_isothermal = 700.,
                0008  C_basal_fric_const = 5.,
                0009  n_glen = 3.0,
                0010  n_basal_friction = 1.,
                0011  eps_glen_min = 1.0e-12,
                0012  eps_u_min = 1.0e-12,
                0013  streamice_cg_tol = 1.0e-6,
                0014  STREAMICE_lower_cg_tol = .true.,
                0015  streamice_nonlin_tol = 1.0e-6,
                0016  streamice_nonlin_tol_fp = 1.e-9,
                0017  streamice_max_cg_iter = 500,
                0018  streamice_max_nl_iter = 20,
                0019  STREAMICE_GL_regularize = .false.,
                0020  STREAMICE_GL_regularize = .false.,
                0021  STREAMICE_move_front = .false.,
                0022  STREAMICE_calve_to_mask = .false.,
                0023  streamice_CFL_factor = 0.5,
                0024  STREAMICE_dump_mdsio = .true.,
                0025  streamice_bg_surf_slope_x = 0.,
                0026  STREAMICEthickInit='FILE',
                0027  STREAMICEthickFile='h_init.box',
                0028  STREAMICEtopogFile='topog.box',
                0029  STREAMICEbasalTracConfig='UNIFORM',
                0030  STREAMICEGlenConstConfig='UNIFORM',
                0031  STREAMICEhmaskFile='hmask.box',
                0032  STREAMICEuFaceBdryFile='u_facemask_bdry.box',
                0033  STREAMICEvFaceBdryFile='v_facemask_bdry.box',
                0034  STREAMICEuDirichValsFile='u_bdryvals.box',
                0035  STREAMICEvDirichValsFile='v_bdryvals.box',
                0036  STREAMICEHBCxFile='STREAMICE_HBCx_file.box',
                0037  STREAMICEHBCyFile='STREAMICE_HBCy_file.box',
                0038  &
                0040 #&STREAMICE_PARMPETSC
                0041 #PETSC_SOLVER_TYPE = 'BICG',
                0042 #PETSC_PRECOND_TYPE = 'BLOCKJACOBI',
                0043 #&
                0045  &STREAMICE_PARM02
                0046  shelf_max_draft = 1300.0,
                0047  shelf_min_draft = 300.0,
                0048  shelf_edge_pos = 70.0e3,
                0049  shelf_slope_scale = 62.0e3,
                0050  shelf_flat_width = 20.0e3,
                0051  &
                0053  &STREAMICE_PARM03
                0054  min_x_noflow_north = 0.0,
                0055  max_x_noflow_north = 120.0e3,
                0056  min_x_noflow_south = 0.0,
                0057  max_x_noflow_south = 120.0e3,
                0058  min_y_noflow_WEST = -1.0,
                0059  max_y_noflow_WEST = -1.0,
                0060  min_y_noflow_EAST = -1.0,
                0061  max_y_noflow_EAST = -1.0,
                0062  min_x_noStress_NORTH = 0.0e3,
                0063  max_x_noStress_NORTH = 0.0e3,
                0064  min_x_noStress_SOUTH = 0.0e3,
                0065  max_x_noStress_SOUTH = 0.0e3,
                0066  min_y_noStress_WEST = -1.0,
                0067  max_y_noStress_WEST = -1.0,
                0068  min_y_noStress_EAST = -1.0,
                0069  max_y_noStress_EAST = -1.0,
                0070  min_x_FluxBdry_NORTH = -1.0,
                0071  max_x_FluxBdry_NORTH = -1.0,
                0072  min_x_FluxBdry_SOUTH = -1.0,
                0073  max_x_FluxBdry_SOUTH = -1.0,
                0074  min_y_FluxBdry_WEST = 0.0,
                0075  max_y_FluxBdry_WEST = 40.0e3,
                0076  min_y_FluxBdry_EAST = -1.0,
                0077  max_y_FluxBdry_EAST = -1.0,
                0078  min_x_Dirich_NORTH = -1.0,
                0079  max_x_Dirich_NORTH = -1.0,
                0080  min_x_Dirich_SOUTH = -1.0,
                0081  max_x_Dirich_SOUTH = -1.0,
                0082  min_y_Dirich_WEST = -1.0,
                0083  max_y_Dirich_WEST = -1.0,
                0084  min_y_Dirich_EAST = -1.0,
                0085  max_y_Dirich_EAST = -1.0,
                0086  min_x_CFBC_NORTH = -1.0,
                0087  max_x_CFBC_NORTH = -1.0,
                0088  min_x_CFBC_SOUTH = -1.0,
                0089  max_x_CFBC_SOUTH = -1.0,
                0090  min_y_CFBC_WEST = -1.0,
                0091  max_y_CFBC_WEST = -1.0,
                0092  min_y_CFBC_EAST = 0.0,
                0093  max_y_CFBC_EAST = 40.0e3,
                0094  flux_bdry_val_WEST =1.5e6,
                0095  STREAMICE_NS_periodic = .false.,
                0096  STREAMICE_EW_periodic = .false.,
                0097  &