Warning, /verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input_ad.thsice/data.gmredi is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit 6f116541 on 2010-10-21 03:56:34 UTC
6f1165410c Patr*0001 # GM+Redi package parameters:
0002 # GM_Small_Number :: epsilon used in computing the slope
0003 # GM_slopeSqCutoff :: slope^2 cut-off value
0005 #-from MOM :
0006 # GM_background_K: G & Mc.W diffusion coefficient
0007 # GM_maxSlope : max slope of isopycnals
0008 # GM_Scrit : transition for scaling diffusion coefficient
0009 # GM_Sd : half width scaling for diffusion coefficient
0010 # GM_taper_scheme: slope clipping or one of the tapering schemes
0011 # GM_Kmin_horiz : horizontal diffusion minimum value
0013 #-Option parameters (needs to "define" options in GMREDI_OPTIONS.h")
0014 # GM_isopycK : isopycnal diffusion coefficient (default=GM_background_K)
0015 # GM_AdvForm : turn on GM Advective form (default=Skew flux form)
0017 &GM_PARM01
0018 GM_Small_Number = 1.D-20,
0019 GM_slopeSqCutoff = 1.D+08,
0020 GM_AdvForm = .FALSE.,
0021 GM_background_K = 1.D+3,
0022 GM_taper_scheme = 'dm95',
0023 GM_maxSlope = 1.D-2,
0024 GM_Kmin_horiz = 50.,
0025 GM_Scrit = 4.D-3,
0026 GM_Sd = 1.D-3,
0027 # GM_Visbeck_alpha = 1.5D-2,
0028 GM_Visbeck_alpha = 0.,
0029 GM_Visbeck_length = 2.D+5,
0030 GM_Visbeck_depth = 1.D+3,
0031 GM_Visbeck_maxval_K= 2.5D+3,
0032 &