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Warning, /verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input_ad.thsice/data.ctrl is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit cf705a6c on 2022-08-14 22:40:32 UTC
6b47d550f4 Mart*0001 # This is a somewhat untypical namelist file for the ctrl package. It is
                0002 # meant to illustrate the difference between the old method of declaring
                0003 # control parameters (active when ctrlUseGen=.FALSE.) and the new method with
                0004 # the generic control variables (active when ctrlUseGen=.TRUE.). This
                0005 # experiment is special because it enables both old and new method at compile
                0006 # time --- something that is possible for most, but not all combinations of
                0007 # control variables --- and therefore it is possible so switch between the
                0008 # two methods by choosing the appropriate runtime parameters. Both methods
                0009 # do the same thing for xx_theta, xx_salt, and xx_diffkr.
6f1165410c Patr*0010 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0011 # - CTRL_NML contains general parameter and the names of the control variable
                0012 # file names on disk for the old method. These names are really only the
                0013 # default values and for convenience they are associated with the
                0014 # corresponding CPP fags that need to be set. Setting the CPP flags is really
                0015 # the old (deprecated) way of defining which control parameters are used. The
                0016 # CPP flags of this experiment only define control parameters for the first
                0017 # timestep, so that any startdate/period are not used in this example. The
                0018 # behavior cannot be reproduced with the generic control variables method.
6f1165410c Patr*0019 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0020 # - CTRL_NML_GENARR contains the names of the control variable files (and
                0021 # control variables) for the generic control variable method. These names are
                0022 # predefined, but they can be choose at runtime. See the documentations,
                0023 # chapter 10 for details. The control variables are actually turned on by
                0024 # specifying non-zero weights files! The surface forcing control variables
                0025 # are for mean surface values (applied at every time step) and so they are
                0026 # different from the variables xx_tauu, xx_tauv, xx_sfl, and xx_hfl.
6f1165410c Patr*0027 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0028 # **********************
                0029 # ECCO control variables
                0030 # **********************
                0031  &CTRL_NML
                0032  &
6f1165410c Patr*0033 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0034 # *********************
                0035 # names for ctrl_pack/unpack
                0036 # *********************
                0037  &CTRL_PACKNAMES
                0038  &
6f1165410c Patr*0039 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0040 # *********************
                0041 # names for CTRL_GENARR, CTRL_GENTIM
                0042 # *********************
                0043  &CTRL_NML_GENARR
                0044  xx_genarr3d_file(1)       = 'xx_theta',
698b6992ee Jean*0045  xx_genarr3d_weight(1)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6b47d550f4 Mart*0046  xx_genarr3d_bounds(1:5,1) = -2.,-1.9,39.,40.,5.,
6f1165410c Patr*0047 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0048  xx_genarr3d_file(2)       = 'xx_salt',
698b6992ee Jean*0049  xx_genarr3d_weight(2)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6b47d550f4 Mart*0050 # not clear why this to be commented out,
                0051 # but the reference results have no bounds applied
                0052 #xx_genarr3d_bounds(1:5,2) = 29.,29.5,40.5,41.,5.,
6f1165410c Patr*0053 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0054  xx_genarr3d_file(3)       = 'xx_ptr',
698b6992ee Jean*0055  xx_genarr3d_weight(3)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6f1165410c Patr*0056 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0057  xx_genarr3d_file(4)       = 'xx_diffkr',
698b6992ee Jean*0058  xx_genarr3d_weight(4)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6b47d550f4 Mart*0059  xx_genarr3d_bounds(1:5,4) = 1.E-6,2.E-6,4.E-4,5.E-4,0.,
6f1165410c Patr*0060 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0061  xx_gentim2d_file(1)       = 'xx_qnet',
698b6992ee Jean*0062  xx_gentim2d_weight(1)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6f1165410c Patr*0063 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0064  xx_gentim2d_file(2)       = 'xx_empmr',
698b6992ee Jean*0065  xx_gentim2d_weight(2)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6f1165410c Patr*0066 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0067  xx_gentim2d_file(3)       = 'xx_fu',
698b6992ee Jean*0068  xx_gentim2d_weight(3)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6f1165410c Patr*0069 #
6b47d550f4 Mart*0070  xx_gentim2d_file(4)       = 'xx_fv',
698b6992ee Jean*0071  xx_gentim2d_weight(4)     = 'ones_64b.bin',
6f1165410c Patr*0072 #
                0073  &