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Warning, /verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input.thsice/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 915baf21 on 2007-04-29 23:56:35 UTC
76a95840bd Jean*0001  &THSICE_CONST
                0002  Tf0kel  = 273.15,
                0003 #- with LANL albedo:
915baf21a5 Jean*0004 #albWarmSnow= 0.75,
76a95840bd Jean*0005 #- for full ice-fraction :
915baf21a5 Jean*0006 #fracEnMelt = 0.,
                0007 #iceMaskMin = 1.,
                0008 #hThinIce   = 0.01,
                0009 #hThickIce  = 100.,
76a95840bd Jean*0010 #- with fractional ice:
915baf21a5 Jean*0011  iceMaskMin = 0.05,
76a95840bd Jean*0012  hiMax      = 10.,
                0013  hsMax      = 10.,
915baf21a5 Jean*0014 #albIceMax  = 0.7,
                0015 #albIceMin  = 0.7,
76a95840bd Jean*0016  &
                0018  &THSICE_PARM01
2e1df9109b Jean*0019 #StartIceModel=1,
                0020  stressReduction=0.,
76a95840bd Jean*0021 #thSIce_taveFreq=2592000.,
                0022 #thSIce_diagFreq=2592000.,
                0023 #thSIce_monFreq=864000.,
                0024  &