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Warning, /verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/code_alt/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 8d58d478 on 2009-04-14 20:02:13 UTC
8d58d4787e Jean*0001 Update (from Aug 1rst, 2008): 
                0002  move all supplementary code to utils/exch2/code-mods
                0003 ------------------------------------------------------------
1f5306338f Chri*0004 Supplementary code mods sets for alternate verification tests
                0005 that involve additional code mods. The tests here are designed to check that
                0006 cube tilings that have multiple tiles per cube face and that have
                0007 missing tiles for all land regions are working OK.
                0009 Code mods are in addition to the base mods in code/, i.e. they are applied in genmake2 together
                0010 using a command such as
                0011 % ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods="../code_alt/code.176t_8x4 ../code"
                0013 Directories
                0014 code.12t_32x16  :: Same as base but with 12 tiles each of 32x16
                0016 code.192t_8x4   :: Same as base but with 192 tiles each of 8x4
                0018 code.176t_8x4   :: Same as base but with 176 tiles each of 8x4. This
                0019                 :: case has dropped the 8x4 tiles that are
                0020                 :: all land in bathy_Hmin50.bin.
                0022 The modified "ini_masks_etc.F" in code.192t_8x4/ was used to generate
                0023 the list of all land tiles for code.176t_8x4/. This list is used by the
                0024 utils/exch2/matlab_topology_generator/driver.m program. The "driver.m"
                0025 program reads an optional file "blanklist.txt" that lists tiles that
                0026 are blank in the full tile case. The topology files (W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h 
                0027 and w2_e2setup.F) that are generated are then missing thise tiles.