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view on githubraw file Latest commit 7130bed1 on 2018-08-24 20:42:39 UTC
670ec72fdb Patr*0001 # ====================
                0002 # | Model parameters |
                0003 # ====================
                0004 #
                0005 # Continuous equation parameters
                0006  &PARM01
                0007  tRef = 15*20.,
                0008  sRef = 15*35.,
                0009  viscAr=1.E-3,
f0d21d13c7 Jean*0010  diffKhT=0.,
                0011 #- diffKrT unused when compiled with ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR
                0012 #diffKrT=3.E-5,
                0013  diffKhS=0.,
670ec72fdb Patr*0014  diffKrS=3.E-5,
                0015 #ph(
                0016 #ph Many of the following params. are just for AD testing;
                0017 #ph not necesarily meaningful in a 4x4 deg. setting.
                0018  viscC4Leith=1.5,
                0019  viscC4Leithd=1.5,
                0020  viscA4GridMax=0.5,
                0021  useAreaViscLength=.TRUE.,
                0022 ###  viscAh=5.E5,
                0023 #ph)
                0024  bottomDragQuadratic = 0.0021,
f0d21d13c7 Jean*0025  rhoConst=1035.,
670ec72fdb Patr*0026  gravity=9.81,
                0027  eosType = 'JMD95Z',
                0028  ivdc_kappa=10.,
                0029  implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
                0030  allowFreezing=.TRUE.,
                0031  useRealFreshWaterFlux=.TRUE.,
                0032  useCDscheme=.TRUE.,
                0033  exactConserv=.TRUE.,
                0034 # turn on looped cells
                0035  hFacMin=.05,
f0d21d13c7 Jean*0036  hFacMinDr=50.,
670ec72fdb Patr*0037 #ph(
                0038  vectorInvariantMomentum=.TRUE.,
                0039  hFacInf=0.2,
                0040  hFacSup=2.0,
                0041  nonlinFreeSurf=2,
                0042  staggerTimeStep=.TRUE.,
                0043 ### multiDimAdvection=.FALSE.,
                0044  tempAdvScheme=30,
                0045  saltAdvScheme=30,
                0046  tempVertAdvScheme=20,
                0047  saltVertAdvScheme=20,
                0048  tempImplVertAdv=.TRUE.,
                0049  saltImplVertAdv=.TRUE.,
                0050 #ph)
f0d21d13c7 Jean*0051 # set precision of data files
                0052  readBinaryPrec=32,
                0053 #debugLevel=3,
670ec72fdb Patr*0054  &
                0056 # Elliptic solver parameters
                0057  &PARM02
                0058  cg2dMaxIters=500,
                0059  cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-13,
                0060  &
                0062 # Time stepping parameters
                0063  &PARM03
                0064  nIter0 =      0,
                0065  nTimeSteps = 10,
                0066 # 100 years of integration will yield a reasonable flow field
                0067 # startTime  =          0.,
                0068 # endTime    = 3110400000.,
                0069  deltaTmom = 1200.0,
                0070  tauCD =     321428.,
                0071  deltaTtracer= 43200.0,
                0072  deltaTClock = 43200.0,
                0073 #deltaTfreesurf= 43200.,
                0074  abEps = 0.1,
                0075  pChkptFreq= 311040000.,
                0076  dumpFreq=   311040000.,
                0077  dumpFreq=   864000.,
                0078  adjDumpFreq= 432000.,
                0079  adjMonitorFreq=0.,
                0080 # taveFreq=   311040000.,
                0081 # taveFreq=   864000.,
                0082 #monitorFreq=31104000.,
                0083  monitorFreq=0.,
                0084 # 2 months restoring timescale for temperature
                0085  tauThetaClimRelax =  5184000.0,
                0086 # 6 months restoring timescale for salinity
                0087  tauSaltClimRelax = 15552000.0,
                0088  periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE.,
                0089  externForcingPeriod=2592000.,
                0090  externForcingCycle=31104000.,
                0091  &
                0093 # Gridding parameters
                0094  &PARM04
                0095  usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
f0d21d13c7 Jean*0096  delR= 50.,  70., 100., 140., 190.,
                0097       240., 290., 340., 390., 440.,
                0098       490., 540., 590., 640., 690.,
670ec72fdb Patr*0099  ygOrigin=-80.,
                0100  dySpacing=4.,
                0101  dxSpacing=4.,
                0102  &
                0104 # Input datasets
                0105  &PARM05
                0106  bathyFile=      'bathymetry.bin',
                0107  hydrogThetaFile='lev_t.bin',
                0108  hydrogSaltFile= 'lev_s.bin',
                0109  zonalWindFile=  'trenberth_taux.bin',
                0110  meridWindFile=  'trenberth_tauy.bin',
                0111  thetaClimFile=  'lev_sst.bin',
                0112  saltClimFile=   'lev_sss.bin',
7130bed1c3 Jean*0113  surfQnetFile=   'ncep_qnet.bin',
670ec72fdb Patr*0114 # fresh water flux is turned off, uncomment next line to turn on
                0115 # (not recommened together with surface salinity restoring)
                0116 # EmPmRFile=      'ncep_emp.bin',
                0117  &