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5a54dbbd56 Jean*0001 #ifndef ECCO_OPTIONS_H
                0002 #define ECCO_OPTIONS_H
                0003 #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h"
                0004 #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h"
b4daa24319 Shre*0006 CBOP
                0007 C !ROUTINE: ECCO_OPTIONS.h
                0008 C !INTERFACE:
                0009 C #include "ECCO_OPTIONS.h"
                0011 C !DESCRIPTION:
                0012 C *==================================================================*
                0013 C | CPP options file for ECCO (ecco) package:
                0014 C | Control which optional features to compile in this package code.
                0015 C *==================================================================*
                0016 CEOP
                0018 #ifdef ALLOW_ECCO
                0019 #ifdef ECCO_CPPOPTIONS_H
                0021 C-- When multi-package option-file ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h is used (directly included
                0022 C    in CPP_OPTIONS.h), this option file is left empty since all options that
                0023 C   are specific to this package are assumed to be set in ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h
                0025 #else /* ndef ECCO_CPPOPTIONS_H */
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0027 C-- Package-specific Options & Macros go here
b4daa24319 Shre*0028 
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0029 C o Allow for generic cost function and integral terms with pkg/ecco:
b4daa24319 Shre*0030 #define ALLOW_GENCOST_CONTRIBUTION
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0031 C o Allow for 3 dimensional generic cost terms with pkg/ecco:
b4daa24319 Shre*0032 #define ALLOW_GENCOST3D
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0033 C   Note regarding GENCOST usage:
                0034 C   > In data.ecco, this requires the specification of data file (name,
                0035 C     frequency, etc.), bar file name for corresp. model average, standard
                0036 C     error file name, etc.
                0037 C   > In addition, adding such cost terms requires editing ECCO_SIZE.h to
                0038 C     increase NGENCOST/NGENCOST3D, and editing cost_gencost_customize.F to
                0039 C     implement the actual model average (i.e. the bar file content).
                0040 # undef ALLOW_GENCOST_1D
                0041 # undef ALLOW_GENCOST_SSTV4_OUTPUT
                0043 C o Allow Open-Boundary cost contributions
                0044 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS
                0045 C   Open-Boundary cost is meaningless without compiling pkg/obcs
                0046 C   Note: Make sure that coresponding OBCS N/S/W/E Option is defined
                0047 # define ALLOW_OBCSN_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0048 # define ALLOW_OBCSS_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0049 # define ALLOW_OBCSW_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0050 # define ALLOW_OBCSE_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0051 #  undef OBCS_AGEOS_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0052 #  undef OBCS_VOLFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0053 #  undef BAROTROPIC_OBVEL_CONTROL
                0054 #endif /* ALLOW_OBCS */
b4daa24319 Shre*0055 
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0056 C o Set ALLOW_OBCS_COST_CONTRIBUTION (Do not edit/modify):
                0057 #if (defined (ALLOW_OBCSN_COST_CONTRIBUTION) || \
                0058      defined (ALLOW_OBCSS_COST_CONTRIBUTION) || \
                0059      defined (ALLOW_OBCSW_COST_CONTRIBUTION) || \
                0060      defined (ALLOW_OBCSE_COST_CONTRIBUTION))
                0061 # define ALLOW_OBCS_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0062 #endif
b4daa24319 Shre*0063 
35c4fdc74b Emma*0064 C o Use total time-varying volume to weight contributions, if defined
                0065 #define ECCO_VARIABLE_AREAVOLGLOB
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0067 C o Include global mean steric sea level correction
                0068 #undef ALLOW_PSBAR_STERIC
                0069 #ifdef ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING
                0070 C   Apply inverse barometer correction (coded within ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING)
                0071 # define ALLOW_IB_CORR
                0072 #endif
35c4fdc74b Emma*0073 
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0074 C o Allow for near-shore and high-latitude altimetry
                0075 #undef ALLOW_SHALLOW_ALTIMETRY
                0076 #undef ALLOW_HIGHLAT_ALTIMETRY
b4daa24319 Shre*0077 
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0078 C o Allow for In-Situ Profiles cost function contribution
b4daa24319 Shre*0079 #define ALLOW_PROFILES_CONTRIBUTION
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0081 C o Cost function output format
                0082 #define ALLOW_ECCO_OLD_FC_PRINT
                0084 C o Generate more text in STDOUT
                0085 #undef ECCO_VERBOSE
                0086 #undef ALLOW_ECCO_DEBUG
                0088 C-- partially retired options (i.e., only used to set default switch):
                0089 # undef ALLOW_SSH_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0090 # undef ALLOW_SST_COST_CONTRIBUTION
                0091 # undef ALLOW_SEAICE_COST_CONTRIBUTION
b4daa24319 Shre*0093 C   ==================================================================
                0094 #endif /* ndef ECCO_CPPOPTIONS_H */
                0095 #endif /* ALLOW_ECCO */
                0096 #endif /* ECCO_OPTIONS_H */