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88974492f6 Andr*0001 #include "FIZHI_OPTIONS.h"
c18993e51a Andr*0002        subroutine update_ocean_exports (myTime, myIter, myThid)
                0003 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
                0004 c  Subroutine update_ocean_exports - 'Wrapper' routine to update
88f72205aa Jean*0005 c        the fields related to the ocean surface that are needed
88974492f6 Andr*0006 c        by fizhi (sst and sea ice extent).
c18993e51a Andr*0007 c
                0008 c Call:  getsst  (Return the current sst field-read dataset if needed)
                0009 c        getsice (Return the current sea ice field-read data if needed)
                0010 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                0011        implicit none
                0012 #include "SIZE.h"
                0013 #include "GRID.h"
88974492f6 Andr*0014 #include "fizhi_ocean_coms.h"
c18993e51a Andr*0015 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
88974492f6 Andr*0016 #include "chronos.h"
c18993e51a Andr*0017 
f0587bb5d2 Andr*0018        integer myIter, myThid
                0019        _RL myTime
c18993e51a Andr*0020 
88974492f6 Andr*0021        integer i, j, bi, bj, biglobal, bjglobal
c18993e51a Andr*0022        integer im1, im2, jm1, jm2, idim1, idim2, jdim1, jdim2
88974492f6 Andr*0023        integer nSxglobal, nSyglobal
                0024        _RL        sstmin 
                0025        parameter ( sstmin = 273.16 )
c18993e51a Andr*0026 
88974492f6 Andr*0027        idim1 = 1-OLx
                0028        idim2 = sNx+OLx
                0029        jdim1 = 1-OLy
                0030        jdim2 = sNy+OLy
                0031        im1 = 1
                0032        im2 = sNx
                0033        jm1 = 1
                0034        jm2 = sNy
                0035        nSxglobal = nSx*nPx
                0036        nSyglobal = nSy*nPy
c18993e51a Andr*0037 
88974492f6 Andr*0038 C***********************************************************************
c18993e51a Andr*0039 
88974492f6 Andr*0040        DO BJ = myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid)
                0041        DO BI = myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid)
c18993e51a Andr*0042 
88974492f6 Andr*0043        biglobal=bi+(myXGlobalLo-1)/im2
                0044        bjglobal=bj+(myYGlobalLo-1)/jm2
                0046        call getsst(ksst,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,nSx,
                0047      .  nSy,nSxglobal,nSyglobal,bi,bj,biglobal,bjglobal,nymd,nhms,sst)
                0048        call getsice(kice,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,nSx,
                0049      .  nSy,nSxglobal,nSyglobal,bi,bj,biglobal,bjglobal,nymd,nhms,sice)
                0051 c Check for Minimum Open-Water SST
                0052 c --------------------------------
                0053        do j=jm1,jm2
                0054        do i=im1,im2
                0055        if(sice(i,j,bi,bj).eq.0.0 .and. sst(i,j,bi,bj).lt.sstmin)
                0056      .                                          sst(i,j,bi,bj) = sstmin
c18993e51a Andr*0057        enddo
                0058        enddo
88974492f6 Andr*0060        ENDDO
                0061        ENDDO
c18993e51a Andr*0063        return
                0064        end
88974492f6 Andr*0065 
                0066        subroutine getsice(iunit,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,
                0067      .     nSumx,nSumy,nPgx,nPgy,bi,bj,biglobal,bjglobal,nymd,nhms,sice)
                0068 C************************************************************************
                0069 C
                0070 C!ROUTINE:      GETSICE
                0071 C!DESCRIPTION:  GETSICE returns the sea ice depth.
                0072 C!              This routine is adaptable for any frequency
                0073 C!              data upto a daily frequency.  
                0074 C!              note: for diurnal data ndmax should be increased.
                0075 C
                0076 C!INPUT PARAMETERS:
                0077 C!      iunit     Unit number assigned to the sice data file
                0078 C!      idim1     Start dimension in x-direction
                0079 C!      idim2     End dimension in x-direction
                0080 C!      jdim1     Start dimension in y-direction
                0081 C!      jdim2     End dimension in y-direction
                0082 C!      im1       Begin of x-direction span for filling sice
                0083 C!      im2       End of x-direction span for filling sice
                0084 C!      jm1       Begin of y-direction span for filling sice
                0085 C!      jm2       End of y-direction span for filling sice
                0086 C!      nSumx     Number of processors in x-direction (local processor)
                0087 C!      nSumy     Number of processors in y-direction (local processor)
                0088 C!      nPgx      Number of processors in x-direction (global)
                0089 C!      nPgx      Number of processors in y-direction (global)
                0090 C!      bi        Processor number in x-direction (local to processor)
                0091 C!      bj        Processor number in y-direction (local to processor)
                0092 C!      biglobal  Processor number in x-direction (global)
                0093 C!      bjglobal  Processor number in y-direction (global)
                0094 C!      nymd      YYMMDD of the current model timestep
                0095 C!      nhms      HHMMSS of the model time
                0096 C
                0097 C!OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0098 C!      sice(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy) Sea ice depth in meters
                0099 C
                0100 C!ROUTINES CALLED:
                0101 C
                0102 C!      bcdata       Reads the data for a given unit number
                0103 C!      bcheader     Reads the header info for a given unit number
                0104 C!      interp_time  Returns weights for linear interpolation
                0105 C
                0106 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
                0108       implicit none
                0109 #include "SIZE.h"
                0111       integer iunit,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,nSumx,nSumy
                0112       integer nPgx,nPgy,bi,bj,biglobal,bjglobal,nymd,nhms
                0114       _RL sice(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy)
                0116       integer i,j
                0118       do j = jm1,jm2
                0119       do i = im1,im2
                0120        sice(i,j,bi,bj) = 0.
                0121       enddo
                0122       enddo
                0124       return
                0125       end
                0126       subroutine getsst(iunit,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,
                0127      .      nSumx,nSumy,nPgx,nPgy,bi,bj,biglobal,bjglobal,nymd,nhms,sst)
                0128 C************************************************************************
                0129 C
                0130 C!ROUTINE:      GETSST
                0131 C!DESCRIPTION:  GETSST gets the SST data.
                0132 C!              This routine is adaptable for any frequency
                0133 C!              data upto a daily frequency.  
                0134 C!              note: for diurnal data ndmax should be increased.
                0135 C
                0136 C!INPUT PARAMETERS:
                0137 C!      iunit     Unit number assigned to the sice data file
                0138 C!      idim1     Start dimension in x-direction
                0139 C!      idim2     End dimension in x-direction
                0140 C!      jdim1     Start dimension in y-direction
                0141 C!      jdim2     End dimension in y-direction
                0142 C!      im1       Begin of x-direction span for filling sice
                0143 C!      im2       End of x-direction span for filling sice
                0144 C!      jm1       Begin of y-direction span for filling sice
                0145 C!      jm2       End of y-direction span for filling sice
                0146 C!      nSumx     Number of processors in x-direction (local processor)
                0147 C!      nSumy     Number of processors in y-direction (local processor)
                0148 C!      nPgx      Number of processors in x-direction (global)
                0149 C!      nPgy      Number of processors in y-direction (global)
                0150 C!      bi        Processor number in x-direction (local to processor)
                0151 C!      bj        Processor number in y-direction (local to processor)
                0152 C!      biglobal  Processor number in x-direction (global)
                0153 C!      bjglobal  Processor number in y-direction (global)
                0154 C!      nymd      YYMMDD of the current model timestep
                0155 C!      nhms      HHMMSS of the model time
                0156 C
                0157 C!OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0158 C!      sst(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy) Sea surface temperature (K)
                0159 C
                0160 C!ROUTINES CALLED:
                0161 C
                0162 C!      bcdata          Reads the data for a given unit number
                0163 C!      bcheader        Reads the header info for a given unit number
                0164 C!     interp_time   Returns weights for linear interpolation
                0165 C
                0166 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
                0168       implicit none
                0169 #include "SIZE.h"
                0171       integer iunit,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,nSumx,nSumy
                0172       integer nPgx,nPgy,bi,bj,biglobal,bjglobal,nymd,nhms
                0174       _RL sst(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy)
                0176       integer i,j
                0178       do j = jm1,jm2
                0179       do i = im1,im2
                0180        sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 280.
                0181       enddo
                0182       enddo
                0184       return
                0185       end