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view on githubraw file Latest commit 41f98c40 on 2016-04-05 17:37:15 UTC
94c1395bc2 Andr*0001 # ====================
                0002 # | Model parameters |
                0003 # ====================
                0004 #
                0005 # Continuous equation parameters
                0006  &PARM01
                0007 #tRef=288.8,292.7,298.1,303.8,309.8,316.2,323.2,332.5,356.1,437.4,
                0008  tRef=286.0,288.0,290.0,292.0,295.0,298.0,301.0,304.0,307.0,310.0,
                0009       313.0,316.0,319.5,323.0,327.5,332.0,343.0,356.0,396.0,440.0,
                0010 #sRef=1.0E-3,5.0E-4,1.E-4,5*1.E-6,1.E-8,1.E-9,
                0011  sRef=20*0.0,
                0012  viscAr=0.E1,
                0013  viscAh=0.E6,
                0014  viscA4=0.E17,
                0015  no_slip_sides=.FALSE.,
                0016  no_slip_bottom=.FALSE.,
                0017  diffKhT=0.E3,
                0018  diffKrT=0.,
                0019  diffK4T=0.E17,
                0020  diffKrS=0.E2,
                0021  diffKhS=0.E3,
                0022  diffK4S=0.E17,
                0023  buoyancyRelation='ATMOSPHERIC',
f73cd03ec1 Jean*0024  eosType='IDEALG',
94c1395bc2 Andr*0025  atm_Rq=0.6078,
41f98c401e Jean*0026 #integr_GeoPot=2,
94c1395bc2 Andr*0027  gravity=9.81,
                0028  rigidLid=.FALSE.,
                0029  implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
                0030  exactConserv=.TRUE.,
                0031  uniformLin_PhiSurf=.FALSE.,
                0032  staggerTimeStep=.TRUE.,
                0033  hFacMin=0.2,
                0034  nonlinFreeSurf=4,
                0035  select_rStar=2,
                0036  saltAdvScheme=3,
                0037  vectorInvariantMomentum=.TRUE.,
                0038 #- here are the new things:
                0039  useAbsVorticity=.TRUE.,
                0040  SadournyCoriolis=.TRUE.,
                0041  selectKEscheme=3,
41f98c401e Jean*0042 #-
                0043  readBinaryPrec=64,
                0044  writeBinaryPrec=64,
94c1395bc2 Andr*0045  &
                0047 # Elliptic solver parameters
                0048  &PARM02
                0049  cg2dMaxIters=200,
                0050 #cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-12,
                0051  cg2dTargetResWunit=1.E-17,
                0052  &
                0054 # Time stepping parameters
                0055  &PARM03
                0056  nIter0=0,
                0057  nTimeSteps=7,
                0058 #endTime=864000.0,
                0059  deltaT=120.0,
                0060  forcing_In_AB=.FALSE.,
                0061  abEps=0.1,
                0062  cAdjFreq=0.,
                0063  pChkptFreq=0.0,
                0064  ChkptFreq=0.0,
                0065  dumpFreq=0.0,
                0066  monitorFreq=1.,
                0067 #monitorFreq=2678400.,
                0068  taveFreq=0.0,
                0069  tave_lastiter=1.,
83cca3713a Jean*0070 # for daily testing: to save disk space
                0071  writePickupAtEnd=.FALSE.,
94c1395bc2 Andr*0072  &
                0074 # Gridding parameters
                0075  &PARM04
                0076  usingCurvilinearGrid=.TRUE.,
8509842276 Jean*0077  horizGridFile='dxC1_dXYa',
                0078  radius_fromHorizGrid=6370.E3,
94c1395bc2 Andr*0079  delR=20*5054.,
                0080  &
                0082 # Input datasets
                0083  &PARM05
                0084 #topoFile='topo.cs.bin',
                0085  uVelInitFile='U.input.20Lev',
                0086  vVelInitFile='V.input.20Lev',
                0087  hydrogThetaFile='T.input.20Lev',
                0088  hydrogSaltFile='RH.input.20Lev',
                0089  &