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view on githubraw file Latest commit 41f98c40 on 2016-04-05 17:37:15 UTC
b837625b2f Andr*0001 # ====================
                0002 # | Model parameters |
                0003 # ====================
                0004 #
                0005 # Continuous equation parameters
                0006  &PARM01
                0007  tRef=295.1, 295.3, 295.4, 295.6, 295.8, 296.0, 296.2, 296.4, 296.6, 296.8,
                0008       297.0, 297.3, 297.5, 297.7, 298.0, 298.3, 298.5, 298.8, 299.1, 299.5,
                0009       299.8, 300.1, 300.5, 300.9, 301.5, 302.3, 303.4, 304.9, 306.8, 309.4,
                0010       312.9, 317.8, 324.7, 336.1, 352.6, 373.4, 401.2, 441.6, 511.0, 699.5,
                0011 #tRef=295.2, 295.5, 295.9, 296.3, 296.7, 297.1, 297.6, 298.1, 298.7, 299.3,
                0012 #     300.0, 300.7, 301.9, 304.1, 308.0, 315.1, 329.5, 362.3, 419.2, 573.8,
                0013 #tRef=295.3, 296.1, 296.9, 297.9, 299.0, 300.3, 302.8, 311.0, 343.9, 470.7,
                0014  sRef=40*0.0,
                0015 #sRef=1.0E-3,5.0E-4,1.E-4,5*1.E-6,1.E-8,1.E-9,
                0016  viscAr=0.E1,
                0017  viscAh=0.E6,
                0018  viscA4=0.E17,
                0019  no_slip_sides=.FALSE.,
                0020  no_slip_bottom=.FALSE.,
                0021  diffKhT=0.E3,
                0022  diffKrT=0.,
                0023  diffK4T=0.E17,
                0024  diffKrS=0.E2,
                0025  diffKhS=0.E3,
                0026  diffK4S=0.E17,
                0027  buoyancyRelation='ATMOSPHERIC',
f73cd03ec1 Jean*0028  eosType='IDEALG',
b837625b2f Andr*0029  atm_Rq=0.6078,
41f98c401e Jean*0030 #integr_GeoPot=2,
b837625b2f Andr*0031  gravity=9.81,
                0032  implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
                0033  exactConserv=.TRUE.,
                0034  uniformLin_PhiSurf=.FALSE.,
                0035  staggerTimeStep=.TRUE.,
                0036  hFacMin=0.5,
                0037  nonlinFreeSurf=4,
                0038  select_rStar=2,
                0039  saltAdvScheme=2,
                0040  vectorInvariantMomentum=.TRUE.,
                0041 #- here are the new things:
                0042  useAbsVorticity=.TRUE.,
                0043  SadournyCoriolis=.TRUE.,
                0044  selectKEscheme=3,
41f98c401e Jean*0045 #-
                0046  readBinaryPrec=64,
                0047  writeBinaryPrec=64,
b837625b2f Andr*0048  &
                0050 # Elliptic solver parameters
                0051  &PARM02
                0052  cg2dMaxIters=200,
                0053 #cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-12,
                0054  cg2dTargetResWunit=1.E-17,
                0055  &
                0057 # Time stepping parameters
                0058  &PARM03
                0059  nIter0=0,
                0060  nTimeSteps=6,
                0061 #endTime=864000.0,
                0062  deltaT=120.0,
                0063  forcing_In_AB=.FALSE.,
                0064  abEps=0.1,
                0065  cAdjFreq=0.,
                0066  pChkptFreq=0.0,
                0067  ChkptFreq=0.0,
                0068  dumpFreq=0.0,
                0069  dumpInitAndLast=.FALSE.,
4c81bb0c0a Andr*0070  monitorFreq=120.,
b837625b2f Andr*0071  taveFreq=0.0,
                0072  tave_lastiter=1.,
83cca3713a Jean*0073 # for daily testing: to save disk space
                0074  writePickupAtEnd=.FALSE.,
b837625b2f Andr*0075  &
                0077 # Gridding parameters
                0078  &PARM04
                0079  usingCurvilinearGrid=.TRUE.,
                0080  horizGridFile='dxC1_dXYa',
4bf3c9d5af Jean*0081  radius_fromHorizGrid=6370.E3,
50c39fe201 Jean*0082 #delR=40*25.325E2,
                0083  delR=40*25.E2,
b837625b2f Andr*0084  &
                0086 # Input datasets
                0087  &PARM05
                0088  topoFile='',
                0089  uVelInitFile='uVel_cs2-32x40.d19930110z06.bin',
                0090  vVelInitFile='vVel_cs2-32x40.d19930110z06.bin',
                0091  hydrogThetaFile='TH_cs2-32x40.d19930110z06.bin',
                0092  hydrogSaltFile='SHwet_cs32x40.d19930110z06.bin',
                0093  &