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view on githubraw file Latest commit 25f7127a on 2017-08-21 18:14:23 UTC
688d11fba8 Alis*0001 # ====================
0002 # | Model parameters |
0003 # ====================
0004 #
0005 # Continuous equation parameters
0006 &PARM01
0007 tRef= 0.696834, 0.497738, 0.298643, 0.0995477, -0.0995477, -0.298643, -0.497738, -0.696834,
0008 sRef= 8*35.,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0009 viscAr=1.E-3,
688d11fba8 Alis*0010 viscAh=1.E3,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0011 #- put small value (<< stab.limit ~ 3.e10) only to test biharmonic-viscosity
b39f9ecbf5 Jean*0012 viscA4=1.E8,
def4068281 Alis*0013 no_slip_sides=.FALSE.,
0014 no_slip_bottom=.FALSE.,
688d11fba8 Alis*0015 diffKhT=1.E3,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0016 diffKrT=1.E-5,
688d11fba8 Alis*0017 diffKhS=1.E3,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0018 diffKrS=1.E-5,
0019 saltAdvScheme=4,
0020 eosType='LINEAR',
688d11fba8 Alis*0021 tAlpha=2.E-4,
0022 sBeta =0.E-4,
0023 gravity=9.81,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0024 f0=1.e-4,
0025 beta=0.E-11,
b39f9ecbf5 Jean*0026 nonHydrostatic=.TRUE.,
688d11fba8 Alis*0027 rigidLid=.FALSE.,
0028 implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
b39f9ecbf5 Jean*0029 exactConserv=.TRUE.,
688d11fba8 Alis*0030 hFacMin=0.2,
def4068281 Alis*0031 readBinaryPrec=64,
0da009e917 Jean*0032 #- not safe to use globalFiles in multi-processors runs
0033 #globalFiles=.TRUE.,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0034 #useSingleCpuIO=.TRUE.,
25f7127a41 Jean*0035 plotLevel=0,
688d11fba8 Alis*0036 &
0038 # Elliptic solver parameters
0039 &PARM02
0040 cg2dMaxIters=1000,
0041 cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-13,
91618db338 Alis*0042 cg3dMaxIters=400,
0043 cg3dTargetResidual=1.E-13,
688d11fba8 Alis*0044 &
0046 # Time stepping parameters
0047 &PARM03
6aba4fea5e Jean*0048 nIter0=0,
ab42872a05 Alis*0049 nTimeSteps=10,
b39f9ecbf5 Jean*0050 baseTime=10800.,
688d11fba8 Alis*0051 deltaT=600.0,
0052 abEps=0.1,
b39f9ecbf5 Jean*0053 momDissip_In_AB=.FALSE.,
bd2e7b4f6b Mart*0054 pChkptFreq=0.0,
688d11fba8 Alis*0055 chkptFreq=0.0,
42c525bfb4 Alis*0056 dumpFreq=10800.0,
2f6f180016 Jean*0057 monitorSelect=2,
16f603f274 Alis*0058 monitorFreq=1.,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0059 # for time dependent open boundary conditions, activate the following 3 lines:
b39f9ecbf5 Jean*0060 periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE.,
0061 externForcingPeriod=21600.,
0062 externForcingCycle =43200.,
688d11fba8 Alis*0063 &
0065 # Gridding parameters
0066 &PARM04
0067 usingCartesianGrid=.TRUE.,
0068 delX=80*5.e3,
0069 delY=42*5.e3,
6aba4fea5e Jean*0070 delR= 8*562.5,
688d11fba8 Alis*0071 &
0073 # Input datasets
0074 &PARM05
0075 bathyFile='topog.bump',
0076 &