Warning, /verification/cpl_aim+ocn/input_atm/data.aimphys is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit 0953a93f on 2004-11-14 20:11:51 UTC
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0001 # AIM physics package parameters:
0003 C-- AIM interface parameter (namelist AIM_PARAMS):
0004 # aim_useFMsurfBC :: select surface B.C. from Franco Molteni
0005 # aim_useMMsurfFc :: select Monthly Mean surface forcing (e.g., NCEP)
0006 # aim_surfPotTemp :: surf.Temp input file is in Pot.Temp (aim_useMMsurfFc)
c57670c38d Jean*0007 # aim_energPrecip :: account for energy of precipitation (snow & rain temp)
0008 # aim_splitSIOsFx :: compute separately Sea-Ice & Ocean surf. Flux
0953a93f7b Jean*0009 # aim_LandFile :: file name for Land fraction [0-1]
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0010 # aim_MMsufx :: sufix for all Monthly Mean surface forcing files
0011 # aim_MMsufxLength :: Length of sufix (Monthly Mean surf. forc. files)
0012 # aim_albFile :: file name for Albedo input file (F.M. surfBC)
0013 # aim_vegFile :: file name for vegetation fraction (F.M. surfBC)
0014 # aim_sstFile :: file name for Sea.Surf.Temp (F.M. surfBC)
0015 # aim_lstFile :: file name for Land.Surf.Temp (F.M. surfBC)
0016 # aim_oiceFile :: file name for Sea Ice fraction (F.M. surfBC)
0017 # aim_snowFile :: file name for Snow depth (F.M. surfBC)
0018 # aim_swcFile :: file name for Soil Water content (F.M. surfBC)
0019 # aim_dragStrato :: stratospheric-drag damping time scale (s)
7223f8052b Jean*0020 # aim_clrSkyDiag :: compute clear-sky radiation for diagnostics
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0021 # aim_taveFreq :: Frequency^-1 for time-average output (s)
0022 # aim_diagFreq :: Frequency^-1 for diagnostic output (s)
0023 # aim_tendFreq :: Frequency^-1 for tendencies output (s)
0025 # aim_useFMsurfBC=.FALSE.,
0026 # aim_useMMsurfFc=.TRUE.,
0027 # aim_surfPotTemp=.TRUE.,
fc7ee8b6dc Jean*0028 aim_energPrecip=.TRUE.,
0029 aim_splitSIOsFx=.TRUE.,
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0030 aim_LandFile= 'landFrc.cpl_FM.bin',
fc7ee8b6dc Jean*0031 aim_albFile = 'albedo_cs32.bin',
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0032 aim_vegFile = 'vegetFrc.cpl_FM.bin',
0033 aim_sstFile = 'seaSurfT.cpl_FM.bin',
0034 aim_lstFile = 'lndSurfT.cpl_FM.bin',
fc7ee8b6dc Jean*0035 aim_oiceFile= 'seaIce.cpl3FM.bin',
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0036 aim_snowFile= 'snowDepth.cpl_FM.bin',
0037 aim_swcFile = 'soilMoist.cpl_FM.bin',
fc7ee8b6dc Jean*0038 aim_dragStrato= 2592000.,
7223f8052b Jean*0039 # aim_clrSkyDiag=.TRUE.,
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0040 # aim_diagFreq=3600.,
0041 &
0043 #-- Physical constants
c57670c38d Jean*0044 # P0 = reference pressure [Pa=N/m2]
0045 # GG = gravity accel. [m/s2]
0046 # RD = gas constant for dry air [J/kg/K]
0047 # CP = specific heat at constant pressure [J/kg/K]
0048 # ALHC = latent heat of condensation [J/g]
0049 # ALHF = latent heat of freezing [J/g]
0050 # SBC = Stefan-Boltzmann constant
0051 # rainCP = heat capacity of liquid water [J/g/K]
0052 # tFreeze = freezing temperature of pure water [K]
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0053
0054 #-- Constants for forcing fields (namelist AIM_PAR_FOR):
0055 # SOLC = Solar constant (area averaged) in W/m^2
0056 # ALBSEA = Albedo over sea
0057 # ALBICE = Albedo over sea ice (for ice fraction = 1)
0058 # ALBSN = Albedo over snow (for snow depth > SDALB)
0059 # SDALB = Snow depth (mm water) corresponding to maximum albedo
0060 # SWCAP = Soil wetness at field capacity (volume fraction)
0061 # SWWIL = Soil wetness at wilting point (volume fraction)
7223f8052b Jean*0062 # hSnowWetness :: snow depth (m) corresponding to maximum wetness
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0063 &AIM_PAR_FOR
0064 &
c57670c38d Jean*0066 #-- Constants for surface fluxes (namelist AIM_PAR_SFL):
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0067 # FWIND0 = ratio of near-sfc wind to lowest-level wind
0068 # FTEMP0 = weight for near-sfc temperature extrapolation (0-1) :
0069 # 1 : linear extrapolation from two lowest levels
0070 # 0 : constant potential temperature ( = lowest level)
0071 # FHUM0 = weight for near-sfc specific humidity extrapolation (0-1) :
0072 # 1 : extrap. with constant relative hum. ( = lowest level)
0073 # 0 : constant specific hum. ( = lowest level)
0074 # CDL = drag coefficient for momentum over land
0075 # CDS = drag coefficient for momentum over sea
0076 # CHL = heat exchange coefficient over land
0077 # CHS = heat exchange coefficient over sea
0078 # VGUST = wind speed for sub-grid-scale gusts
0079 # CTDAY = daily-cycle correction (dTskin/dSSRad)
0080 # DTHETA = Potential temp. gradient for stability correction
7223f8052b Jean*0081 # dTstab = potential temp. increment for stability function derivative
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0082 # FSTAB = Amplitude of stability correction (fraction)
0083 # HDRAG = Height scale for orographic correction
0084 # FHDRAG = Amplitude of orographic correction (fraction)
0086 # FTEMP0 = 0.,
0087 # FHUM0 = 0.,
fc7ee8b6dc Jean*0088 # dTstab = 0.,
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0089 &
0091 #-- Convection constants (namelist AIM_PAR_CNV):
0092 # PSMIN = minimum (norm.) sfc. pressure for the occurrence of convection
0093 # TRCNV = time of relaxation (in hours) towards reference state
0094 # QBL = specific hum. threshold in the boundary layer
0095 # RHBL = relative hum. threshold in the boundary layer
0096 # RHIL = rel. hum. threshold in intermed. layers for secondary mass flux
0097 # ENTMAX = max. entrainment as a fraction of cloud-base mass flux
0098 # SMF = ratio between secondary and primary mass flux at cloud-base
0100 &
0953a93f7b Jean*0102 #-- Constants for large-scale condensation (namelist AIM_PAR_LSC):
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0103 # TRLSC = Relaxation time (in hours) for specific humidity
0104 # RHLSC = Maximum relative humidity threshold (at sigma=1)
0105 # DRHLSC = Vertical range of relative humidity threshold
0106 # QSMAX = used to define the maximum latent heat release
0108 &
0110 #-- Radiation constants (namelist AIM_PAR_RAD):
0111 # RHCL1 = relative hum. corresponding to cloud cover = 0
0112 # RHCL2 = relative hum. corresponding to cloud cover = 1
0113 # QACL1 = specific hum. threshold for cloud cover in the upper troposphere
0114 # QACL2 = specific hum. threshold for cloud cover in the upper troposphere
0115 # ALBCL = cloud albedo (for cloud cover = 1)
0116 # EPSSW = fraction of incoming solar radiation absorbed by ozone
0117 # EPSLW = fraction of surface LW radiation emitted directly to space
0118 # EMISFC = longwave surface emissivity
0119 #--: shortwave absorptivities (for dp = 10^5 Pa) :
0120 # ABSDRY = abs. of dry air (visible band)
0121 # ABSAER = abs. of aerosols (visible band)
0122 # ABSWV1 = abs. of water vapour (visible band, for dq = 1 g/kg)
0123 # ABSWV2 = abs. of water vapour (near IR band, for dq = 1 g/kg)
0124 # ABSCL1 = abs. of clouds (visible band, constant term)
0125 # ABSCL2 = abs. of clouds (visible band, for dw = 1 g/kg)
0126 #--: longwave absorptivities (per dp = 10^5 Pa) :
0127 # ABLWIN = abs. of air in "window" band
0128 # ABLCO2 = abs. of air in CO2 band
0129 # ABLWV1 = abs. of water vapour in H2O band 1 (weak), for dq = 1 g/kg
0130 # ABLWV2 = abs. of water vapour in H2O band 2 (strong), for dq = 1 g/kg
0131 # ABLCL1 = abs. of clouds in "window" band, constant term
0132 # ABLCL2 = abs. of clouds in "window" band, for dw = 1 g/kg
0134 &
c57670c38d Jean*0136 #-- Constants for vertical dif. and sh. conv. (namelist AIM_PAR_VDI):
d1f97ab8eb Jean*0137 # TRSHC = relaxation time (in hours) for shallow convection
0138 # TRVDI = relaxation time (in hours) for moisture diffusion
0139 # TRVDS = relaxation time (in hours) for super-adiab. conditions
0140 # RHGRAD = maximum gradient of relative humidity (d_RH/d_sigma)
0141 # SEGRAD = minimum gradient of dry static energy (d_DSE/d_phi)
0143 &