Warning, /verification/aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit d6a28d35 on 2014-03-10 01:35:18 UTC42c525bfb4 Alis*0001 Five level intermediate atmospheric physics example.
f925ef2945 Jean*0002 Experimental configuration is an equatorial channel
d6a28d3589 Jean*0003 of 65 degrees wide cented on the Equator. A warm SST anomaly
f925ef2945 Jean*0004 with a gaussian shape is defined at the center of the domain
d6a28d3589 Jean*0005 with an extension of ~30 degrees meridionally and ~60 degrees
f925ef2945 Jean*0006 zonally.
d6a28d3589 Jean*0008 The local copy of S/R aim_surf_bc.F (in code directory) provide
f925ef2945 Jean*0009 a) the SST field (hard coded).
0010 b) the time in the year is fixed and corresponds to the spring equinox;
0011 this ensures a symetric forcing between N & S hemispheres.
0012 The model uses the standard 5-level vertical resolution of the Speedy_v23
0013 code; the horizontal resolution is 2.8125 with 128x23 grid points.
d6a28d3589 Jean*0015 ====================================================================
aea29c8517 Alis*0016
d6a28d3589 Jean*0017 Configure and compile the code:
0018 cd build
0019 ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code [-of my_platform_optionFile]
0020 make depend
0021 make
0022 cd ..
aea29c8517 Alis*0023
d6a28d3589 Jean*0024 To run:
0025 cd run
0026 ln -s ../input/* .
0027 ln -s ../build/mitgcmuv .
0028 ./mitgcmuv > output.txt
0029 cd ..
aea29c8517 Alis*0030
d6a28d3589 Jean*0031 There is comparison output in the directory:
0032 results/output.txt
aea29c8517 Alis*0033
d6a28d3589 Jean*0034 ---------------------------
aea29c8517 Alis*0035 Notes:
0036 * To produce a short test that is relevant for the Atmosphere physics part,
f925ef2945 Jean*0037 a restart file (pickup.0000051840) is included. The model reaches
0038 a statistical equilibrium after 1 year.
0039 * the file aim_SST.* contains the SST field.
0040 * Since aim pkg uses arrays with MAX_NO_THREADS as dimension, the maximum
0041 number of treads is set to 1 (in code/EEPARAMS.h) instead of 32, so that the
d6a28d3589 Jean*0042 size of the executable is reduced. This obviously needs to be changed
f925ef2945 Jean*0043 before compiling on a multi-threaded platform.
d6a28d3589 Jean*0044 ---------------------------
0045 Northern boundary :
0046 o initially, the domain (SIZE.h) 128x24x5 with a land line as the Northern
0047 boundary, reduciong the effective domain to 128x23x5.
aea29c8517 Alis*0048 o To have a more efficient code (and a good starting point for MIT Atmos.
d6a28d3589 Jean*0049 Physics), the new domain (SIZE.h) is now 128x23x5 .
0050 Northern and Southern boundaries are "closed" like the in Lat-Lon set-up.