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Warning, /verification/advect_xz/input/gendata.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0001 % This is a matlab script that generates the input data
                0002 prec='real*8';
                0003 ieee='b';
                0004 w2file=1; %- do write to file (1=y/0=no)
                0006 %- Dimensions of grid
                0007 nx=20;
                0008 ny=1;
                0009 nz=20;
                0011 %- Horizontal & vertical resolution (m):
0a0cf9eb41 Jean*0012 dx=1.e4; dy=dx; dz=1.e2;
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0013 % full size of the domain:
                0014 Lx=nx*dx;
                0015 H=nz*dz ;
                0017 %- grid point coordinate :
                0018 xf=[0:nx]*dx;
                0019 xc=(xf(1:nx)+xf(2:nx+1))/2;
                0020 zc=-dz/2:-dz:-H;
                0021 zf=0:-dz:-H;
                0023 wf=' write file: ';
                0024 %- bathymetry :
                0025 zb=-H*ones(nx,1);
                0026 zb=-H*(1.-xc'/Lx/2);
                0028 if w2file,
                0029  bname='bathy_slope.bin';
                0030  fid=fopen(bname,'w',ieee); fwrite(fid,zb,prec); fclose(fid); 
                0031  fprintf([wf,bname,'\n']);
                0032 end
                0034 %- partial cell filling (hFac):
                0035 hFac=ones(nx,1)*zf(1,[2:nz+1]);
                0036 hFac=max(hFac,zb*ones(1,nz));
                0037 hFac=ones(nx,1)*zf(1,[1:nz])-hFac;
                0038 hFac=hFac/dz; hFac=max(0,hFac);
                0040 rhFc=reshape(hFac,[nx*nz 1]); 
                0041 [IK]=find(rhFc > 0); rhFc(IK)=1./rhFc(IK);
                0042 rhFc=reshape(rhFc,[nx nz]);
                0044 %- horizontal flow field is defined from stream-function psi :
                0045 psi=zeros(nx+1,nz+1);
0a0cf9eb41 Jean*0046 psi1=sin(pi*xf'/Lx)*ones(1,nz+1);
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0047 zu=zeros(nx+1,1); zu(2:nx)=max(zb(2:nx),zb(1:nx-1));
                0048 rHu=zeros(nx+1,1); rHu(2:nx)=-1./zu(2:nx);
                0049 psi2=max( ones(nx+1,1)*zf, zu*ones(1,nz+1) );
                0050 psi2=psi2.*(rHu*ones(1,nz+1));
                0051 psi2=sin(pi*psi2);
0a0cf9eb41 Jean*0052 psi=H*psi1.*psi2;
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0053 
                0054 uTrans=psi(:,[1:nz])-psi(:,[2:nz+1]);
                0055 u0=uTrans(1:nx,:).*rhFc/dz;
0a0cf9eb41 Jean*0057 %- add small, vertically uniform, divergent component:
                0058 ud=psi1(:,1).*rHu;
                0059 ud=ud*H/160.;
                0060 u1=ud(1:nx,1)*ones(1,nz);
                0061 u1(find(hFac==0.))=0.;
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0063 if w2file,
                0064  uname='Uvel.bin';
                0065  fid=fopen(uname,'w',ieee); fwrite(fid,u0,prec); fclose(fid); 
                0066  fprintf([wf,uname,'\n']);
0a0cf9eb41 Jean*0067  uname='Udiv.bin';
                0068  fid=fopen(uname,'w',ieee); fwrite(fid,u0+u1,prec); fclose(fid); 
                0069  fprintf([wf,uname,'\n']);
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0070 end
                0072 %- Initial Temperature : Gaussian bump :
                0073 t0=zeros(nx,nz);
                0074 %  position of the center
                0075 xM=xf(5); zM=zf(6); 
                0076 %  size of the patch  
                0077 dX=2*dx; dH=2*dz; 
                0078 %  amplitude:
                0079 tA=exp(-0.5*(35/20)^2);
                0080 %
                0081 r1=(xc'-xM)/dX; r2=(zc-zM)/dH;
                0082 r1=r1.*r1; r2=r2.*r2;
                0083 rD=r1*ones(1,nz)+ones(nx,1)*r2;
                0084 t0=tA*exp(-rD/2);
                0086 if w2file,
                0087  tname='Tini_G.bin';
                0088  fid=fopen(tname,'w',ieee); fwrite(fid,t0,prec); fclose(fid); 
                0089  fprintf([wf,tname,'\n']);
                0090 end
                0092 %return
                0094 %- make plots to check:
                0095 figure(1);clf;
                0096  subplot(211)
0a0cf9eb41 Jean*0097 %imagesc(xf,zf,psi1'); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); colorbar;
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0098  imagesc(xf,zf,psi'); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); colorbar;
                0099  hold on ; plot(xc,zb,'b-'); hold off ; grid
                0100  title('Stream-Function [m^2/s]');
                0101  subplot(212)
0a0cf9eb41 Jean*0102 %imagesc(xf(1:nx),zc,u1'); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); colorbar;
c2bfce3ff6 Jean*0103  imagesc(xf(1:nx),zc,u0'); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); colorbar;
                0104  hold on ; plot(xc,zb,'r-'); hold off ; grid
                0105  title('U velocity [m/s]');
                0107 figure(2);clf;
                0108  subplot(211)
                0109  imagesc(xc,zc,rhFc'); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); colorbar;
                0110  hold on ; plot(xc,zb,'k-'); hold off ; grid
                0111  title('Recip hFac');
                0112  subplot(212)
                0113  imagesc(xc,zc,t0'); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); colorbar;
                0114  hold on ; plot(xc,zb,'r-'); hold off ; grid
                0115  title('Initial Theta');
                0117 return