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Warning, /verification/adjustment.cs-32x32x1/input/data.exch2.mpi is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 01f7e2b1 on 2009-05-12 20:19:16 UTC
01f7e2b178 Jean*0001 # EXCH2 Package: Wrapper-2 User Choice
                0002 #--------------------
                0003 #  preDefTopol   :: pre-defined Topology selector:
                0004 #                :: = 0 : topology defined from processing "data.exch2";
                0005 #                :: = 1 : simple, single facet topology;
                0006 #                :: = 2 : customized topology (w2_set_myown_facets)
                0007 #                :: = 3 : 6-facet Cube (3 face-dims: nRed, nGreen, nBlue).
                0008 #  dimsFacets    :: facet pair of dimensions (n1x,n1y, n2x,n2y ...)
                0009 #  facetEdgeLink :: Face-Edge connectivity map:
                0010 #    facetEdgeLink(i,j)=XX.1 : face(j)-edge(i) (i=1,2,3,4 <==> N,S,E,W)
                0011 #    is connected to Northern edge of face "XX" ; similarly,
                0012 #    = XX.2 : to Southern.E, XX.3 = Eastern.E, XX.4 = Western.E of face "XX"
                0013 #  blankList     :: List of "blank" tiles
                0014 #  W2_mapIO      :: global map IO selector (-1 = old type ; 0 = 1 long line in X
                0015 #                :: 1 = compact, mostly in Y dir)
                0016 #  W2_printMsg   :: option for information messages printing
                0017 #                :: <0 : write to log file ; =0 : minimum print ; 
                0018 #                :: =1 : no duplicated print ; =2 : all processes do print
                0019 #--------------------
                0020  &W2_EXCH2_PARM01
                0021 # W2_printMsg= 1,
                0022 # W2_mapIO   = 1,
                0023   blankList  = 11, 13, 0, 12, 14,
                0024  &