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Warning, /verification/MLAdjust/input.QGLthGM/data.diagnostics is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit f59d76b0 on 2019-04-27 00:31:52 UTC
f59d76b0dd Ed D*0001 # Diagnostic Package Choices
                0002 #--------------------
                0003 #  dumpAtLast (logical): always write output at the end of simulation (default=F)
                0004 #  diag_mnc   (logical): write to NetCDF files (default=useMNC)
                0005 #--for each output-stream:
                0006 #  fileName(n) : prefix of the output file name (max 80c long) for n
                0007 #  frequency(n):< 0 : write snap-shot output every |frequency| seconds
                0008 #               > 0 : write time-average output every frequency seconds
                0009 #  timePhase(n)     : write at time = timePhase + multiple of |frequency|
                0010 #    averagingFreq  : frequency (in s) for periodic averaging interval
                0011 #    averagingPhase : phase     (in s) for periodic averaging interval
                0012 #    repeatCycle    : number of averaging intervals in 1 cycle
                0013 #  levels(:,n) : list of levels to write to file (Notes: declared as REAL)
                0014 #                when this entry is missing, select all common levels of this list
                0015 #  fields(:,n) : list of selected diagnostics fields (8.c) in n
                0016 #                (see "available_diagnostics.log" file for the full list of diags)
                0017 #  missing_value(n) : missing value for real-type fields in output file "n"
                0018 #  fileFlags(n)     : specific code (8c string) for output file "n"
                0019 #--------------------
                0020  &DIAGNOSTICS_LIST
                0021   dumpAtLast=.TRUE.,
                0022 # diag_mnc=.FALSE.,
                0023 #--
                0024   fields(1:6,1)  = 'momKE   ','momHDiv ','momVort3',
                0025                    'Strain  ','Tension ','Stretch',
                0026    fileName(1) = 'momDiag',
                0027   frequency(1) = 864000.,
                0028   fields(1:26,2) = 'VISCAHD ','VISCA4D ','VISCAHZ ','VISCA4Z ',
                0029                    'VAHDMAX ','VA4DMAX ','VAHZMAX ','VA4ZMAX ',
                0030                    'VAHDMIN ','VA4DMIN ','VAHZMIN ','VA4ZMIN ',
                0031                    'VAHDLTH ','VA4DLTH ','VAHZLTH ','VA4ZLTH ',
                0032                    'VAHDLTHD','VA4DLTHD','VAHZLTHD','VA4ZLTHD',
                0033                    'VAHDLTHQ','VAHZLTHQ',
                0034                    'VAHDSMAG','VA4DSMAG','VAHZSMAG','VA4ZSMAG',
                0035    fileName(2) = 'viscDiag',
                0036   frequency(2) = 864000.,
                0037   fields(1:1,3)  = 'GM_LTHQG',
                0038    fileName(3) = 'GMLeithDiag',
                0039   frequency(3) = 864000.,
                0040  &
                0042 #--------------------
                0043 # Parameter for Diagnostics of per level statistics:
                0044 #--------------------
                0045 #  diagSt_mnc (logical): write stat-diags to NetCDF files (default=diag_mnc)
                0046 #  diagSt_regMaskFile : file containing the region-mask to read-in
                0047 #  nSetRegMskFile   : number of region-mask sets within the region-mask file
                0048 #  set_regMask(i)   : region-mask set-index that identifies the region "i"
                0049 #  val_regMask(i)   : region "i" identifier value in the region mask
                0050 #--for each output-stream:
                0051 #  stat_fName(n) : prefix of the output file name (max 80c long) for n
                0052 #  stat_freq(n):< 0 : write snap-shot output every |stat_freq| seconds
                0053 #               > 0 : write time-average output every stat_freq seconds
                0054 #  stat_phase(n)    : write at time = stat_phase + multiple of |stat_freq|
                0055 #  stat_region(:,n) : list of "regions" (default: 1 region only=global)
                0056 #  stat_fields(:,n) : list of selected diagnostics fields (8.c) in n
                0057 #                (see "available_diagnostics.log" file for the full list of diags)
                0058 #--------------------
                0059  &DIAG_STATIS_PARMS
                0060   diagSt_mnc = .FALSE.,
                0061  stat_fields(1:12,1) = 'ETAN    ','DETADT2 ','THETA   ','SALT    ',
                0062                        'UVEL    ','VVEL    ','WVEL    ','CONVADJ ',
                0063                        'VISCAHD ','VISCA4D ','VISCAHZ ','VISCA4Z ',
                0064   stat_fName(1) = 'dynStDiag',
                0065    stat_freq(1) = 7200.,
                0066 # stat_phase(1) = 0.,
                0067  &