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view on githubraw file Latest commit 7bb5a8a1 on 2024-11-29 14:30:55 UTC
f59d76b0dd Ed D*0001 C CPP options file for mom_common package
                0002 C Use this file for selecting CPP options within the mom_common package
                0004 #ifndef MOM_COMMON_OPTIONS_H
                0005 #define MOM_COMMON_OPTIONS_H
                0006 #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h"
                0007 #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h"
                0009 #ifdef ALLOW_MOM_COMMON
                0010 C     Package-specific options go here
7bb5a8a109 Jean*0012 C This flag selects the form of COSINE(lat) scaling of horizontal
                0013 C bi-harmonic viscosity -- only on lat-lon grid.
                0014 C Setting this flag here only affects momentum viscosity; to use it
                0015 C in the tracer equations it needs to be set in GAD_OPTIONS.h
                0016 #undef COSINEMETH_III
                0018 C This selects isotropic scaling of horizontal harmonic and bi-harmonic
                0019 C viscosity when using the COSINE(lat) scaling -- only on lat-lon grid.
                0020 C Setting this flag here only affects momentum viscosity; to use it
                0021 C in the tracer equations it needs to be set in GAD_OPTIONS.h
                0022 #define ISOTROPIC_COS_SCALING
f59d76b0dd Ed D*0024 C allow LeithQG coefficient to be calculated
                0025 #define ALLOW_LEITH_QG
                0027 C allow isotropic 3-D Smagorinsky viscosity
                0028 #undef ALLOW_SMAG_3D
                0030 C allow full 3D specification of horizontal Laplacian Viscosity
                0031 #undef ALLOW_3D_VISCAH
                0033 C allow full 3D specification of horizontal Biharmonic Viscosity
                0034 #undef ALLOW_3D_VISCA4
a340904e5a Ou W*0036 C Compute bottom drag coefficents, following the logarithmic law of the wall,
                0037 C as a function of grid cell thickness and roughness length
                0038 C zRoughBot (order 0.01m), assuming a von Karman constant = 0.4.
                0039 #undef ALLOW_BOTTOMDRAG_ROUGHNESS
                0041 C Compute extra momentum tendency diagnostics for bottom and ice-shelf drag.
                0042 C The code does not work with using implicit bottom or ice-shelf
                0043 C drag (selectImplicitDrag = 2). For non-r* vertical coordinate, these
                0044 C tendency diagnostics can be derived from existing diagnostics for
                0045 C frictional stress (botTauX etc.) and therefore are not necessarily needed.
                0046 #define ALLOW_MOM_TEND_EXTRA_DIAGS
f59d76b0dd Ed D*0048 #endif /* ALLOW_MOM_COMMON */
                0049 #endif /* MOM_COMMON_OPTIONS_H */