Warning, /utils/scripts/xplodemnc is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC79ad2ffb0a Jean*0001 #! /usr/bin/env bash
0002 #
c9520951e9 Bayl*0003 # This is a shell script to separate an MITgcm mnc output file into
0004 # one file per multi-dimensional variable.
0005 # The file should be in one directory, where this script is run.
0006 # The resulting files will be in the same directory.
26aa721ce9 Bayl*0008 DEBUG="--dbg_lvl=0"
015eade80b Bayl*0009
c9520951e9 Bayl*0010 inone=$1
0011 inone=${1:?"You must input an mnc filename to be xploded"}
0013 for somefile in $@
0014 do
0015 echo Extracting from file $somefile...
0016 if [ ! -s $somefile ]; then
0017 echo "Error: $somefile is missing or empty"
0018 exit 1
0019 fi
015eade80b Bayl*0021 # Finding all the multidimensional variables
525eaadd5e Mart*0022 varls=$(ncdump -h $somefile | egrep "double|float" | egrep , )
c9520951e9 Bayl*0023 IFS=';'
0024 vars=
0025 for somevar in ${varls}
0026 do
0027 somevar1=${somevar%(*}
0028 somevar1=${somevar1#*double }
015eade80b Bayl*0029 somevar1=${somevar1#*float }
26aa721ce9 Bayl*0030 # echo $somevar1
c9520951e9 Bayl*0031 vars=${vars}$somevar1' '
0032 done
0033 IFS=' '
79ad2ffb0a Jean*0034 withIter=$(ncdump -h $somefile | grep -c 'int iter(' )
0035 if [ $withIter -gt 0 ]; then vars=${vars}iter ; fi
0036 echo Variables to extract: $vars
c9520951e9 Bayl*0037 for somevar in $vars
0038 do
015eade80b Bayl*0039 ncks $DEBUG -v $somevar $somefile $somevar.$somefile
c9520951e9 Bayl*0040 done
0041 done