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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
75f44dd9e8 Andr*0001 C
                0002 C     /==========================================================\
                0003 C     | SIZE.h Declare size of underlying computational grid.    |
                0004 C     |==========================================================|
                0005 C     | The design here support a three-dimensional model grid   |
                0006 C     | with indices I,J and K. The three-dimensional domain     |
                0007 C     | is comprised of nPx*nSx blocks of size sNx along one axis|
                0008 C     | nPy*nSy blocks of size sNy along another axis and one    |
                0009 C     | block of size Nz along the final axis.                   |
                0010 C     | Blocks have overlap regions of size OLx and OLy along the|
                0011 C     | dimensions that are subdivided.                          |
                0012 C     \==========================================================/
                0013 C     Voodoo numbers controlling data layout.
                0014 C     sNx - No. X points in sub-grid.
                0015 C     sNy - No. Y points in sub-grid.
                0016 C     OLx - Overlap extent in X.
                0017 C     OLy - Overlat extent in Y.
                0018 C     nSx - No. sub-grids in X.
                0019 C     nSy - No. sub-grids in Y.
                0020 C     nPx - No. of processes to use in X.
                0021 C     nPy - No. of processes to use in Y.
                0022 C     Nx  - No. points in X for the total domain.
                0023 C     Ny  - No. points in Y for the total domain.
                0024 C     Nr  - No. points in Z for full process domain.
                0025       INTEGER sNx
                0026       INTEGER sNy
                0027       INTEGER OLx
                0028       INTEGER OLy
                0029       INTEGER nSx
                0030       INTEGER nSy
                0031       INTEGER nPx
                0032       INTEGER nPy
                0033       INTEGER Nx
                0034       INTEGER Ny
                0035       INTEGER Nr
                0036       PARAMETER (
                0037      &           sNx =  32,
                0038      &           sNy =  32,
                0039      &           OLx =   2,
                0040      &           OLy =   2,
                0041 C    &           nSx =   6,
                0042      &           nSx =   6,
                0043      &           nSy =   1,
                0044      &           nPx =   1,
                0045      &           nPy =   1,
                0046      &           Nx  = sNx*nSx*nPx,
                0047      &           Ny  = sNy*nSy*nPy,
                0048      &           Nr  =  15)
                0050 C     MAX_OLX  - Set to the maximum overlap region size of any array
                0051 C     MAX_OLY    that will be exchanged. Controls the sizing of exch
                0052 C                routine buufers.
                0053       INTEGER MAX_OLX
                0054       INTEGER MAX_OLY
                0055       PARAMETER ( MAX_OLX = OLx,
                0056      &            MAX_OLY = OLy )