Warning, /tools/run_cpl_test is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit a99d7059 on 2022-03-25 19:27:01 UTC
b2495a94f0 Jean*0001 #! /usr/bin/env bash
dda5bd4160 Jean*0002
a99d705983 Jean*0003 #---
0004 # Description:
0005 # script to compile and run MITgcm Atmosphere-Ocean coupled set-up
0006 # see, e.g., verification/cpl_aim+ocn/README.md
0007 # or verification_other/cpl_gray+ocn/
0008 # Note: currently these coupled set-up are not covered by "testreport"
0009 # 1) running "./run_cpl_test" show the different steps (+ some options) available
0010 # 2) some options are not available as argument and require editing this script, e.g.,
0011 # a) to run Ocean or Atmos component on more that 1 MPI process (edit: NpOc and Npr)
0012 # b) to use compiler Optimisation (edit: GMKopt)
0013 #---
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0015 bdPfx='build'; # build-dir prefix
a99d705983 Jean*0017 # Npr :: total number of MPI procs (including 1 for coupler)
0018 # NpOc :: number of MPI procs for Ocean component
0019 # Npr - NpOc - 1 :: number of MPI procs for Atmos. component
c186d3754d Jean*0020 #- default:
ab3c9af868 Jean*0021 Npr=3 ; NpOc=1 ;
0022 #Npr=25; NpOc=12;
a99d705983 Jean*0023
0024 # MTH :: genmake2 option for multi-threading compilation
4fee6741c4 Jean*0025 MTH=
a99d705983 Jean*0026
0027 # GMKopt :: other genmake2 option (empty --> use compiler optimisation)
3bf5ee70f4 Jean*0028 GMKopt='-devel'
0029 #GMKopt='-ieee'
ab3c9af868 Jean*0030 #GMKopt=
c186d3754d Jean*0031
a99d705983 Jean*0032 rnkO=1 ; rnkA=`expr $rnkO + $NpOc`
0033 MTHo=
0034 MTHa=
c186d3754d Jean*0035 #- parse options:
5d8546a51a Jean*0036 if [ $# -ge 1 ] ; then if test $1 = '-mth' ; then
7e24056d27 Jean*0037 MTH='-omp' ; shift
0038 if test -f input_ocn/eedata.mth ; then MTHo=$MTH ; fi
0039 if test -f input_atm/eedata.mth ; then MTHa=$MTH ; fi
5d8546a51a Jean*0040 fi ; fi
a99d705983 Jean*0041 sfx=''; chkArg=$# ;
0042 if [ $chkArg -eq 2 ]; then
0043 sfx=$2 ; nInpAlt=`ls -1 -d input_???.$sfx 2> /dev/null | wc -l`
0044 if [ $nInpAlt -eq 0 ]; then chkArg=0
0045 echo " no second set of input-dir matching suffix '.$sfx'"
0046 else chkArg=1 ; fi
0047 fi
0048 if [ $chkArg -ge 1 ]; then
0049 if [ $1 -lt 0 -o $1 -gt 5 ]; then chkArg=0 ; fi
0050 #- allows more argument for building step (step=1)
0051 if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then chkArg=1 ; fi
0052 fi
3bf5ee70f4 Jean*0053 if [ $chkArg -ne 1 ]; then
a99d705983 Jean*0054 echo 'Usage: '`basename $0`' [typ] step [opt-arg]'
ab7ee76107 Jean*0055 echo ' => test coupled set-up on linux box (1.cpu)'
a99d705983 Jean*0056 echo ' typ = -mth : compile and run (if eedata.mth) 2-threads for ocn & atm'
7e24056d27 Jean*0057 echo ' step = 0 : clean all directories'
a99d705983 Jean*0058 echo ' step = 1 : compile the 3 executables (cpl,ocn,atm);'
0059 echo ' opt-arg: -of Optfile_Name : using option-file "Optfile_Name"'
0060 echo ' step = 2 : copy input files and dir(s);'
ab3c9af868 Jean*0061 echo " step = 3 : run with $Npr mpi processes"
7e24056d27 Jean*0062 echo ' step = 4 : check the results'
0063 echo ' step = 5 : remove output files in rank_0,1,2 dir.'
a99d705983 Jean*0064 echo ' opt-arg (for step 2 & 4): suffix of second set of input-dir to use'
dda5bd4160 Jean*0065 exit
0066 fi
0067 kpr=$1
a99d705983 Jean*0068 curDir=`pwd`
dda5bd4160 Jean*0069
0070 #============================================================================
a99d705983 Jean*0072 if test $kpr = 0 ; then
0073 rm -f pr_group std_outp comp_res.{ocn,atm,land,icTh,icDy,pTr}
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0074 rm -f ${bdPfx}_???/TTT.*make.* ${bdPfx}_???/TTT.mkdepend.*
ab3c9af868 Jean*0075 /bin/rm -r -f rank_? rank_1? rank_2?
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0076 if test -f ${bdPfx}_cpl/Makefile ; then cd ${bdPfx}_cpl ; make Clean ; cd .. ; fi
0077 if test -f ${bdPfx}_ocn/Makefile ; then cd ${bdPfx}_ocn ; make Clean ; cd .. ; fi
0078 if test -f ${bdPfx}_atm/Makefile ; then cd ${bdPfx}_atm ; make Clean ; cd .. ; fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0079 fi
a99d705983 Jean*0080 if test $kpr = 5 ; then
37faa9ac7a Jean*0081 echo 'remove output files in rank_0,1,2 dir.'
a99d705983 Jean*0082 rm -f pr_group std_outp comp_res.{ocn,atm,land,icTh,icDy,pTr}
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0083 test -f rank_0/Coupler.0000.clog && rm -f rank_0/Coupler.0000.clog
0084 if test -d rank_$rnkO ; then
a99d705983 Jean*0085 ( cd rank_$rnkO ; rm -f *.txt *.log STD???.00?? UV-*.00??.clog
0086 mkdir tmp_trash ; mv *.data *.meta tmp_trash
0087 listLNK=`find tmp_trash -type l`
0088 if test "x$listLNK" != x ; then mv $listLNK .
0089 echo -n " move back to rank_$rnkO : " ; echo $listLNK | sed "s|tmp_trash/||g"
0090 fi
0091 /bin/rm -rf tmp_trash )
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0092 fi
0093 if test -d rank_$rnkA ; then
a99d705983 Jean*0094 ( cd rank_$rnkA ; rm -f *.txt *.log STD???.00?? UV-*.00??.clog
0095 mkdir tmp_trash ; mv *.data *.meta tmp_trash
0096 listLNK=`find tmp_trash -type l`
0097 if test "x$listLNK" != x ; then mv $listLNK .
0098 echo -n " move back to rank_$rnkA : " ; echo $listLNK | sed "s|tmp_trash/||g"
0099 fi
0100 /bin/rm -rf tmp_trash )
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0101 fi
37faa9ac7a Jean*0102 fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0103
a99d705983 Jean*0104 if test $kpr = 1 ; then
dda5bd4160 Jean*0105
3bf5ee70f4 Jean*0106 #- choice of the optfile:
0107 # default: take a local one in dir verification with sufix '+mpi'
c186d3754d Jean*0108 nbOpF=`ls ../linux_* | grep '+mpi' 2> /dev/null | wc -l`
3bf5ee70f4 Jean*0109 # or take the one given as argument:
0110 if [ $# -ge 3 ]; then
0111 if test $2 = '-of' -a -f $3 ; then nbOpF=-1 ; OPTFILE=$3 ; fi
0112 fi
ab3c9af868 Jean*0113 if test $nbOpF = 1 ; then
c186d3754d Jean*0114 OPTFILE=`ls ../linux_* | grep '+mpi'`
ab3c9af868 Jean*0115 elif [ $nbOpF -ge 2 ] ; then
0116 echo "pick the 1rst of these ( $nbOpF ) optfiles:"
0117 ls ../linux_* | grep '+mpi'
0118 OPTFILE=`ls ../linux_* | grep '+mpi' | head -1`
3bf5ee70f4 Jean*0119 elif [ $nbOpF -ne -1 ] ; then
c186d3754d Jean*0120 echo "Pb in finding optfile: found $nbOpF :"
ab3c9af868 Jean*0121 ls ../linux_* | grep '+mpi' ; exit
ab7ee76107 Jean*0122 fi
3bf5ee70f4 Jean*0123 zz=`grep '^ *FC=' $OPTFILE | tail -1`
0124 echo " Using optfile: $OPTFILE (compiler: $zz) $MTH"
f9b804c1e5 Jean*0125 zz=`echo $OPTFILE | grep -c '^\/'`
0126 if test $zz = 0 ; then OPTFILE="../$OPTFILE" ; fi
ab7ee76107 Jean*0127 #---
dda5bd4160 Jean*0128 echo '==== compile coupler:'
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0129 cd ${bdPfx}_cpl
dda5bd4160 Jean*0130 echo ' --- genmake2 (cpl):'
b2495a94f0 Jean*0131 ../../../tools/genmake2 -of $OPTFILE -mpi $GMKopt > TTT.genmake.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0132 RetVal=$? ; tail -5 TTT.genmake.$$
0133 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0134 echo "Error in genmake2 (cpl)" ; exit 11
0135 fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0136 echo ' --- make depend (cpl):'
b2495a94f0 Jean*0137 make depend > TTT.mkdepend.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0138 RetVal=$? ; tail -5 TTT.mkdepend.$$
0139 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0140 echo "Error in mkdepend (cpl)" ; exit 12
0141 fi
b6f598c890 Jean*0142 echo ' --- make (cpl):' ; touch TTT.make.$$
0143 #do_make_syntax.sh obj > TTT.make.$$ 2>&1
0144 make >> TTT.make.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0145 RetVal=$? ; tail -10 TTT.make.$$
0146 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0147 echo "Error in make (cpl)" ; exit 13
0148 fi
a99d705983 Jean*0149 echo ' ' ; cd $curDir
dda5bd4160 Jean*0150
0151 echo '==== compile OGCM:'
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0152 cd ${bdPfx}_ocn
dda5bd4160 Jean*0153 echo ' --- genmake2 (ocn):'
b2495a94f0 Jean*0154 ../../../tools/genmake2 -of $OPTFILE -mpi $MTHo $GMKopt > TTT.genmake.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0155 RetVal=$? ; tail -5 TTT.genmake.$$
0156 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0157 echo "Error in genmake2 (ocn)" ; exit 21
0158 fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0159 echo ' --- make depend (ocn):'
b2495a94f0 Jean*0160 make depend > TTT.mkdepend.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0161 RetVal=$? ; tail -10 TTT.mkdepend.$$
0162 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0163 echo "Error in mkdepend (ocn)" ; exit 22
0164 fi
b6f598c890 Jean*0165 echo ' --- make (ocn):' ; touch TTT.make.$$
0166 #do_make_syntax.sh obj > TTT.make.$$ 2>&1
0167 make >> TTT.make.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0168 RetVal=$? ; tail -10 TTT.make.$$
0169 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0170 echo "Error in make (ocn)" ; exit 23
0171 fi
a99d705983 Jean*0172 echo ' ' ; cd $curDir
dda5bd4160 Jean*0173
0174 echo '==== compile AGCM:'
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0175 cd ${bdPfx}_atm
dda5bd4160 Jean*0176 echo ' --- genmake2 (atm):'
b2495a94f0 Jean*0177 ../../../tools/genmake2 -of $OPTFILE -mpi $MTHa $GMKopt > TTT.genmake.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0178 RetVal=$? ; tail -5 TTT.genmake.$$
0179 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0180 echo "Error in genmake2 (atm)" ; exit 31
0181 fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0182 echo ' --- make depend (atm):'
b2495a94f0 Jean*0183 make depend > TTT.mkdepend.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0184 RetVal=$? ; tail -10 TTT.mkdepend.$$
0185 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0186 echo "Error in mkdepend (atm)" ; exit 32
0187 fi
b6f598c890 Jean*0188 echo ' --- make (atm):' ; touch TTT.make.$$
0189 #do_make_syntax.sh obj > TTT.make.$$ 2>&1
0190 make >> TTT.make.$$ 2>&1
42ba74acb2 Jean*0191 RetVal=$? ; tail -10 TTT.make.$$
0192 if test "x$RetVal" != x0 ; then
0193 echo "Error in make (atm)" ; exit 33
0194 fi
a99d705983 Jean*0195 echo ' ' ; cd $curDir
dda5bd4160 Jean*0196
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0197 ls -l ${bdPfx}_???/mitgcmuv
dda5bd4160 Jean*0198
0199 fi
a99d705983 Jean*0201 if test $kpr = 2 ; then
ab3c9af868 Jean*0202 echo 'rm dir:' rank_? rank_1? rank_2?
0203 /bin/rm -r -f rank_? rank_1? rank_2?
a99d705983 Jean*0204 n=0 ; inpDr='input_cpl';
0205 mkdir rank_$n
0206 ( cd rank_$n
0207 if test -d ../$inpDr.$sfx ; then
0208 echo 'Link files from dir:' $inpDr.$sfx '->' rank_$n
0209 ln -s ../$inpDr.$sfx/* .
0210 fi
0211 echo 'Link files from dir:' $inpDr '->' rank_$n
0212 ln -s ../$inpDr/* .
0213 if test -x prepare_run ; then ./prepare_run ; fi
0214 )
ab3c9af868 Jean*0215
a99d705983 Jean*0216 n=$rnkO ; inpDr='input_ocn';
ab3c9af868 Jean*0217 mkdir rank_$n
a99d705983 Jean*0218 ( cd rank_$n
0219 if test -d ../$inpDr.$sfx ; then
0220 echo 'Link files from dir:' $inpDr.$sfx '->' rank_$n
0221 ln -s ../$inpDr.$sfx/* .
0222 fi
0223 echo 'Link files from dir:' $inpDr '->' rank_$n
0224 ln -s ../$inpDr/* .
0225 if test -x prepare_run ; then ./prepare_run ; fi
0226 if test "x$MTHo" != x ; then
0227 echo " MTH run: mv -f eedata.mth eedata"
0228 if test -h eedata ; then rm -f eedata ; fi
0229 mv -f eedata.mth eedata
0230 fi
0231 )
ab3c9af868 Jean*0232 n=`expr $n + 1`
0233 while [ $n -le $NpOc ] ; do
0234 ln -s rank_$rnkO rank_$n
0235 n=`expr $n + 1`
0236 done
a99d705983 Jean*0238 n=$rnkA ; inpDr='input_atm';
ab3c9af868 Jean*0239 mkdir rank_$n
a99d705983 Jean*0240 ( cd rank_$n
0241 if test -d ../$inpDr.$sfx ; then
0242 echo 'Link files from dir:' $inpDr.$sfx '->' rank_$n
0243 ln -s ../$inpDr.$sfx/* .
0244 fi
0245 echo 'Link files from dir:' $inpDr '->' rank_$n
0246 ln -s ../$inpDr/* .
0247 if test -x prepare_run ; then ./prepare_run ; fi
0248 if test "x$MTHa" != x ; then
0249 echo " MTH run: mv -f eedata.mth eedata"
0250 if test -h eedata ; then rm -f eedata ; fi
0251 mv -f eedata.mth eedata
0252 fi
0253 )
ab3c9af868 Jean*0254 n=`expr $n + 1`
0255 while [ $n -lt $Npr ] ; do
0256 ln -s rank_$rnkA rank_$n
0257 n=`expr $n + 1`
0258 done
dda5bd4160 Jean*0259
0260 fi
a99d705983 Jean*0262 if test $kpr = 3 ; then
0263 runDir=$curDir
ab3c9af868 Jean*0264 # rm -f rank_?/pickup*.ckptA.00?.00?.??ta
a99d705983 Jean*0265 echo $runDir
ab3c9af868 Jean*0266 tmpfil=TTT.$$
0268 #--- running on the same node:
0269 list='' ; nc=0; xx=`hostname`
0270 while [ $nc -lt $Npr ] ; do list="$list $xx" ; nc=`expr $nc + 1` ; done
0271 #-- On darwin cluster node (from qrsh session):
0272 # JOB_ID=`qstat | sed -n '3,$ p' | grep " $USER " | awk '{print $1}'`
0273 # NODEFILE="/tmp/$JOB_ID.1.darwin/machines"
0274 # echo " JOB_ID = '$JOB_ID' ; NODEFILE = '$NODEFILE'"
0275 #-- On ACES cluster (in PBS batch job):
0277 #--- running on different nodes:
0278 # ls -l $NODEFILE
0279 # nprc=`cat $NODEFILE | uniq | wc -l`
0280 # if [ $nprc -ge $Npr ] ; then
0281 # list=`cat $NODEFILE | uniq | head -$Npr`
0282 # else
0283 # list=`cat $NODEFILE | head -$Npr`
0284 # fi
0286 nc=0; nn=0; dd1=cpl ;
0287 rm -f pr_group ; touch pr_group
0288 for xx in $list
0289 do
a99d705983 Jean*0290 echo $xx $nn $curDir/${bdPfx}_$dd1/mitgcmuv >> pr_group
ab3c9af868 Jean*0291 nc=`expr $nc + 1`
0292 if [ $nc -le $NpOc ] ; then dd1=ocn ; else dd1=atm ; fi
0293 nn=1
0294 done
3b043b9ccf Jean*0295 NpAt=`expr $Npr - 1 - $NpOc`
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0296 RunOpt="-np 1 ./${bdPfx}_cpl/mitgcmuv"
0297 RunOpt="$RunOpt : -np $NpOc ./${bdPfx}_ocn/mitgcmuv"
0298 RunOpt="$RunOpt : -np $NpAt ./${bdPfx}_atm/mitgcmuv"
ab3c9af868 Jean*0299
a99d705983 Jean*0300 cd $runDir
ab3c9af868 Jean*0301 if test "x$MTH" != x ; then
0302 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 ; export KMP_STACKSIZE=400m
0303 if test "x$MTHo" != x ; then
0304 echo -n " run OCN ($MTHo) with $OMP_NUM_THREADS threads ;"
0305 fi
0306 if test "x$MTHa" != x ; then
0307 echo -n " run ATM ($MTHa) with $OMP_NUM_THREADS threads ;"
0308 fi
0309 echo ""
0310 fi
3b043b9ccf Jean*0311 mpich=`which mpirun`
0312 echo $mpich | grep 'mpich-mx' > /dev/null 2>&1
0313 mpichmx=$?
b6f598c890 Jean*0314 echo $mpich | grep 'mpich-1' > /dev/null 2>&1
0315 mpich1=$?
3b043b9ccf Jean*0316 echo $mpich | grep 'mpich2' > /dev/null 2>&1
0317 mpich2=$?
0919079818 Jean*0318 echo $mpich | grep 'openmpi' > /dev/null 2>&1
0319 opnmpi=$?
b6f598c890 Jean*0320 if test $mpich1 == 0 ; then
a99d705983 Jean*0321 # /usr/local/pkg/mpi/mpi-1.2.4..8a-gm-1.5/pgi/bin/mpirun.ch_gm -pg pr_group -wd $runDir --gm-kill 5 -v ./${bdPfx}_cpl/mitgcmuv > std_outp 2>&1
b6f598c890 Jean*0322 #- with mpich-1 (on danton, old aces: ao, geo, itrda):
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0323 echo "execute 'mpirun -p4pg pr_group -v ./${bdPfx}_cpl/mitgcmuv' :"
0324 mpirun -p4pg pr_group -v ./${bdPfx}_cpl/mitgcmuv > std_outp 2>&1
3b043b9ccf Jean*0325 elif test $mpichmx == 0 ; then
0326 #- with mpich-mx (on beagle):
a3fd9a2edd Jean*0327 echo "execute 'mpirun -pg pr_group -v ./${bdPfx}_cpl/mitgcmuv' :"
0328 mpirun -pg pr_group -v ./${bdPfx}_cpl/mitgcmuv > std_outp 2>&1
b6f598c890 Jean*0329 elif test $mpich2 == 0 -o $opnmpi == 0 ; then
0330 #- with Hydra mpich2 (on baudelaire) or with openmpi:
0331 echo "execute 'mpirun $RunOpt' :"
0332 mpirun $RunOpt > std_outp 2>&1
3b043b9ccf Jean*0333 else
b6f598c890 Jean*0334 #- new mpich (mpich2) installation often just put in "mpich" dir
0335 echo "execute 'mpirun $RunOpt' :"
0336 mpirun $RunOpt > std_outp 2>&1
3b043b9ccf Jean*0337 fi
ab3c9af868 Jean*0338 tail -20 std_outp
a99d705983 Jean*0339 ls -l rank_$rnkO/pickup.ckpt?.*data | tail -1
0340 ls -l rank_$rnkA/pickup.ckpt?.*data | tail -1
dda5bd4160 Jean*0341
0342 fi
a99d705983 Jean*0344 if test $kpr = 4 ; then
3b043b9ccf Jean*0345 CompRes="$HOME/bin/comp_res"
a99d705983 Jean*0346 if test -x $CompRes ; then
0347 if test "x$sfx" = x ; then rfx='0000' ; else rfx=$sfx ; fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0348
a99d705983 Jean*0349 if test -f rank_$rnkO/STDOUT.0000 ; then
0350 echo '==> check Ocean output:'
0351 $CompRes rank_$rnkO/STDOUT.0000 results/ocnSTDOUT.$rfx
ab7ee76107 Jean*0352 mv -f comp_res.log comp_res.ocn
a99d705983 Jean*0353 usePkg=`grep -i '^ *useSEAICE *=' rank_$rnkO/data.pkg | tail -n 1 | grep -i -c '= *\.TRUE\.'`
0354 if [ $usePkg -ge 1 ] ; then
0355 echo '==> check Seaice output:'
0356 $CompRes rank_$rnkO/STDOUT.0000 results/ocnSTDOUT.$rfx S
0357 mv -f comp_res.log comp_res.icDy
0358 fi
0359 usePkg=`grep -i '^ *usePTRACERS *=' rank_$rnkO/data.pkg | tail -n 1 | grep -i -c '= *\.TRUE\.'`
0360 if [ $usePkg -ge 1 ] ; then
0361 echo '==> check pTracers output:'
0362 nTr=`grep -i '^ *PTRACERS_numInUse *=' rank_$rnkO/data.ptracers \
0363 | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^.*=//' | sed 's/,.*$//'`
0364 $CompRes rank_$rnkO/STDOUT.0000 results/ocnSTDOUT.$rfx $nTr
0365 mv -f comp_res.log comp_res.pTr
0366 fi
ab7ee76107 Jean*0367 echo ' '
a99d705983 Jean*0368 else echo "No Ocean output file in rank_$rnkO" ; fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0369
a99d705983 Jean*0370 if test -f rank_$rnkA/STDOUT.0000 ; then
dda5bd4160 Jean*0371 echo '==> check Atmos output:'
a99d705983 Jean*0372 $CompRes rank_$rnkA/STDOUT.0000 results/atmSTDOUT.$rfx
ab7ee76107 Jean*0373 mv -f comp_res.log comp_res.atm
a99d705983 Jean*0374 usePkg=`grep -i '^ *useLand *=' rank_$rnkA/data.pkg | tail -n 1 | grep -i -c '= *\.TRUE\.'`
0375 if [ $usePkg -ge 1 ] ; then
0376 echo '==> check Land output:'
0377 $CompRes rank_$rnkA/STDOUT.0000 results/atmSTDOUT.$rfx L
0378 mv -f comp_res.log comp_res.land
0379 fi
0380 usePkg=`grep -i '^ *useThSIce *=' rank_$rnkA/data.pkg | tail -n 1 | grep -i -c '= *\.TRUE\.'`
0381 if [ $usePkg -ge 1 ] ; then
0382 echo '==> check thSIce output:'
0383 $CompRes rank_$rnkA/STDOUT.0000 results/atmSTDOUT.$rfx I
0384 mv -f comp_res.log comp_res.icTh
0385 fi
ab7ee76107 Jean*0386 echo ' '
a99d705983 Jean*0387 else echo "No Atmos output file in rank_$rnkA" ; fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0388
a99d705983 Jean*0389 else
0390 echo "No file '$CompRes' to run ==> skip step: $kpr "
0391 fi
dda5bd4160 Jean*0392 fi
0394 exit 0