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aea29c8517 Alis*0001 #ifdef ALLOW_SHAP_FILT
05ad780035 Jean*0003 C-    Package flag and logical parameters :
92369167b8 Jean*0004 C     shap_filt_uvStar  :: filter applied to u*,v* (before SOLVE_FOR_P)
                0005 C     shap_filt_TrStagg :: if using a Stagger time-step, filter T,S before
05ad780035 Jean*0006 C                           computing PhiHyd ;
                0007 C                           has no effect if syncr. time step is used
92369167b8 Jean*0008 C     Shap_alwaysExchUV :: always call exch(U,V)    nShapUV times
                0009 C     Shap_alwaysExchTr :: always call exch(Tracer) nShapTr times
                0010 C               Note :: those exchanges are part of the filtering itself and
                0011 C                       are not dealing with the validity of the output field
                0012 C                       in the overlap region.
05ad780035 Jean*0013 
                0014       LOGICAL shap_filt_uvStar, shap_filt_TrStagg
92369167b8 Jean*0015       LOGICAL Shap_alwaysExchUV, Shap_alwaysExchTr
                0016       COMMON /SHAP_FILT_PARM_L/
                0017      &        shap_filt_uvStar, shap_filt_TrStagg,
                0018      &        Shap_alwaysExchUV, Shap_alwaysExchTr
05ad780035 Jean*0019 
92369167b8 Jean*0020 C-    Shapiro Filter integer parameters :
05ad780035 Jean*0021 C     Shap_funct :: define which Shapiro Filter function is used
aea29c8517 Alis*0022 C        = 1  (S1) : [1 - d_xx^n - d_yy^n]
                0023 C        = 4  (S4) : [1 - d_xx^n][1- d_yy^n]
                0024 C        = 2  (S2) : [1 - (d_xx+d_yy)^n]
fb09a37055 Jean*0025 C     nShap_T,S,UV :: (total) power of the filter for T,S, Velocity
e64f43ca56 Jean*0026 C  available only with Shap_funct=2 : 
05ad780035 Jean*0027 C      combine filter in Physical space (power of nShap_Phys) 
e64f43ca56 Jean*0028 C        and pure numerical filter (power nShap - nShap_Phys) 
aea29c8517 Alis*0029 
fb09a37055 Jean*0030       INTEGER  Shap_funct, nShapT, nShapS, nShapUV 
                0031       INTEGER  nShapTrPhys, nShapUVPhys
05ad780035 Jean*0032       COMMON /SHAP_FILT_PARM_I/ 
fb09a37055 Jean*0033      &         Shap_funct, nShapT, nShapS, nShapTrPhys, 
                0034      &                            nShapUV, nShapUVPhys
e64f43ca56 Jean*0035 
05ad780035 Jean*0036 C-    Shapiro Filter (real) parameters
d11f474de4 Jean*0037 C     Shap_Trtau    :: Time scale for tracer filter
                0038 C     Shap_TrLength :: Length scale for tracer filter
                0039 C     Shap_uvtau    :: Time scale for momentum filter
fb09a37055 Jean*0040 C     Shap_uvLength :: Length scale for momentum filter
d11f474de4 Jean*0041 C     Shap_noSlip   :: No-slip parameter (=0 free sleep ; =1 No-slip)
00177dc887 Jean*0042 C     Shap_diagFreq :: Frequency^-1 for diagnostic output (s)
e64f43ca56 Jean*0043       _RL Shap_Trtau, Shap_TrLength
                0044       _RL Shap_uvtau, Shap_uvLength
d11f474de4 Jean*0045       _RL Shap_noSlip
00177dc887 Jean*0046       _RL Shap_diagFreq
aea29c8517 Alis*0047       COMMON /SHAP_FILT_PARAMS/ 
e64f43ca56 Jean*0048      &                  Shap_Trtau, Shap_TrLength,
00177dc887 Jean*0049      &                  Shap_uvtau, Shap_uvLength, Shap_noSlip,
                0050      &                  Shap_diagFreq
d11f474de4 Jean*0051 
                0052 C-    Shapiro Filter temporary working arrays :
                0053       _RL Shap_tmpFld1(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy)
                0054       _RL Shap_tmpFld2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy)
                0055       COMMON /SHAP_FILT_WRK_FLD/ 
                0056      &                  Shap_tmpFld1, Shap_tmpFld2
aea29c8517 Alis*0057 
                0058 #endif /* ALLOW_SHAP_FILT */