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Warning, /pkg/pkg_depend is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 00f81e67 on 2024-05-24 21:00:12 UTC
6aec5d9846 Ed H*0001 #  This file contains a terse list of package dependencies that
                0002 #  specify which packages either must be or must not be compiled
                0003 #  simultaneously.  The format is:
                0004 #
6801499d5d Jean*0005 #    package0   -package1 +package2 =package3
77febe3968 Jean*0006 #
6aec5d9846 Ed H*0007 #  where:
6801499d5d Jean*0008 #    "-" ==>  must not be compiled together (if conflict --> stop)
                0009 #    "+" ==>  must be compiled  (and will be added automatically)
                0010 #    "=" ==>  will be added (recommended but no error if disabled)
6aec5d9846 Ed H*0011 #
                0012 #  The default behavior (that is, nothing specified) assumes that any
6801499d5d Jean*0013 #  two packages can be compiled together or independently.
6aec5d9846 Ed H*0014 
07adfda0e5 Jean*0015 #  needed to compile model/src:
                0016 model           +rw
a54312e8b3 Dimi*0017 
f3d8f2dc0a Jean*0018 #  the following probably don't have any dependencies
6aec5d9846 Ed H*0019 generic_advdiff
                0020 gmredi
                0022 #  Known dependencies
9c05b3873e Alis*0023 mom_fluxform    +mom_common
                0024 mom_vecinv      +mom_common
07adfda0e5 Jean*0025 cd_code         +mom_common
6aec5d9846 Ed H*0026 shap_filt       +mom_vecinv
3b21f0d575 Jean*0027 ptracers        +generic_advdiff
07adfda0e5 Jean*0028 matrix          +ptracers       -gchem
                0029 gchem           +ptracers
                0030 dic             +gchem
969fe7a3fe Jean*0031 bling           +gchem          -dic
07adfda0e5 Jean*0032 cfc             +gchem
                0033 fizhi           +gridalt        +diagnostics    -aim
                0034 fizhi           +atm_common
                0035 aim             +atm_common
                0036 aim_v23         +atm_common
6801499d5d Jean*0037 exf             =cal
07adfda0e5 Jean*0038 profiles        +cal
77febe3968 Jean*0039 flt             +mdsio
                0040 autodiff        +mdsio
                0041 ctrl            +mdsio
6801499d5d Jean*0042 ecco            +mdsio          +cal
b4daa24319 Shre*0043 tapenade        +autodiff
07adfda0e5 Jean*0044 grdchk          +autodiff       +cost           +ctrl
                0045 showflops       +runclock
00f81e6785 Ou W*0046 steep_cavity    +shelfice
f281898e95 Jean*0047