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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
d6c8672c92 Jean*0001 C     *===========================================================*
                0002 C     | MY82_OPTIONS.h
                0003 C     | o CPP options file for MY82 package.
                0004 C     *===========================================================*
                0005 C     | Use this file for selecting options within the MY82
                0006 C     | package.
                0007 C     *===========================================================*
08be60903a Mart*0008 
                0009 #ifndef MY82_OPTIONS_H
                0010 #define MY82_OPTIONS_H
                0011 #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h"
d6c8672c92 Jean*0012 #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h"
08be60903a Mart*0013 
                0014 #ifdef ALLOW_MY82
d6c8672c92 Jean*0015 C     Package-specific Options & Macros go here
08be60903a Mart*0016 
                0017 C o When set, smooth vertical diffusivity horizontally
                0018 #undef MY82_SMOOTH_RI
                0020 #endif /* ALLOW_MY82 */
                0021 #endif /* MY82_OPTIONS_H */