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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
4e66ab0b67 Oliv*0001 #ifdef ALLOW_LONGSTEP
                0003 CBOP
                0004 C    !ROUTINE: LONGSTEP_PARAMS.h
                0005 C    !INTERFACE:
                0006 C #include LONGSTEP_PARAMS.h
                0008 C    !DESCRIPTION:
                0009 C Contains parameters for long tracer time step.
                0011 CEOP
                0013 C     COMMON /LONGSTEP_PARAMS/  LONGSTEP parameters:
fda3710353 Oliv*0014 C     LS_nIter        :: number of dynamics time steps between ptracer steps
                0015 C     LS_whenToSample :: when to sample dynamical fields for the longstep average
                0016 C                        0 - at beginning of timestep (reproduces offline results)
                0017 C                        1 - after first THERMODYNAMICS but before DYNAMICS
                0018 C                            (use use old U,V,W for advection, but new T,S for GCHEM if
                0019 C                            staggerTimeStep=.FALSE.; reproduces online with
                0020 C                            staggerTimeStep=.FALSE. for LS_nIter=1)
                0021 C                        2 - after DYNAMICS and second THERMODYNAMICS
                0022 C                            (use new U,V,W and T,S; reproduces online with
                0023 C                            staggerTimeStep=.TRUE. for LS_nIter=1)
                0025       INTEGER LS_nIter, LS_whenToSample
                0026       LOGICAL LS_usePmEpR
                0027       COMMON /LONGSTEP_PARAMS/ LS_nIter, LS_whenToSample, LS_usePmEpR
4e66ab0b67 Oliv*0028 
                0029 #endif /* ALLOW_LONGSTEP */