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6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0001 #ifndef GMREDI_OPTIONS_H
                0002 #define GMREDI_OPTIONS_H
                0003 #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h"
                0004 #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h"
4978411747 Jean*0006 CBOP
                0007 C !ROUTINE: GMREDI_OPTIONS.h
                0008 C !INTERFACE:
                0009 C #include "GMREDI_OPTIONS.h"
                0011 C !DESCRIPTION:
                0012 C *==================================================================*
                0013 C | CPP options file for GM/Redi package:
                0014 C | Control which optional features to compile in this package code.
                0015 C *==================================================================*
                0016 CEOP
d6c8672c92 Jean*0018 #ifdef ALLOW_GMREDI
                0019 C     Package-specific Options & Macros go here
6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0021 C Designed to simplify the Ajoint code:
ea71059281 Jean*0022 C #define GMREDI_WITH_STABLE_ADJOINT
                0023 C -- exclude the clipping/tapering part of the code that is not used
bd3f833a36 Jean*0024 C #define GM_EXCLUDE_CLIPPING
ea71059281 Jean*0025 C #define GM_EXCLUDE_FM07_TAP
bd3f833a36 Jean*0026 C #define GM_EXCLUDE_AC02_TAP
                0027 C #define GM_EXCLUDE_TAPERING
050b4366e6 Jean*0028 C #define GM_EXCLUDE_SUBMESO
ea71059281 Jean*0029 
94a8024bbe Jean*0030 C Allows to read-in background 3-D Redi and GM diffusivity coefficients
                0031 C Note: need these to be defined for use as control (pkg/ctrl) parameters
                0032 #undef GM_READ_K3D_REDI
                0033 #undef GM_READ_K3D_GM
2092dbb101 Patr*0035 C This allows to use Visbeck et al formulation to compute K_GM+Redi
                0036 #undef GM_VISBECK_VARIABLE_K
ea71059281 Jean*0037 C Use old calculation (before 2007/05/24) of Visbeck etal K_GM+Redi
                0038 C (which depends on tapering scheme)
                0039 #undef OLD_VISBECK_CALC
0c49347dc7 Alis*0040 
a4576c7cde Juli*0041 C This allows to use the GEOMETRIC formulation to compute K_GM
                0042 #undef GM_GEOM_VARIABLE_K
05118ac017 Jean*0044 C This allows the Bates et al formulation to calculate the
0d1e4b948d Mich*0045 C bolus transport and K for Redi
05118ac017 Jean*0046 #undef GM_BATES_K3D
                0047 #undef GM_BATES_PASSIVE
0d1e4b948d Mich*0048 
0c49347dc7 Alis*0049 C This allows the leading diagonal (top two rows) to be non-unity
                0050 C (a feature required when tapering adiabatically).
a4b92bfacc Jean*0051 #define GM_NON_UNITY_DIAGONAL
0c49347dc7 Alis*0052 
f42e64b3e7 Jean*0053 C Allows to use different values of K_GM and K_Redi ; also to
                0054 C be used with the advective form (Bolus velocity) of GM
a4b92bfacc Jean*0055 #define GM_EXTRA_DIAGONAL
f42e64b3e7 Jean*0056 
                0057 C Allows to use the advective form (Bolus velocity) of GM
                0058 C  instead of the Skew-Flux form (=default)
a4b92bfacc Jean*0059 #define GM_BOLUS_ADVEC
f42e64b3e7 Jean*0060 
d0035fac68 Jean*0061 C Allows to use the Boundary-Value-Problem method to evaluate GM Bolus transport
                0062 #define GM_BOLUS_BVP
0c49347dc7 Alis*0063 
f59d76b0dd Ed D*0064 C Allow QG Leith variable viscosity to be added to GMRedi coefficient
                0065 #undef ALLOW_GM_LEITH_QG
f40bb882f5 Jean*0067 C Related to Adjoint-code:
                0068 #undef GM_AUTODIFF_EXCESSIVE_STORE
                0069 #undef GMREDI_MASK_SLOPES
0c49347dc7 Alis*0071 #endif /* ALLOW_GMREDI */
6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0072 #endif /* GMREDI_OPTIONS_H */