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Warning, /pkg/exf/TODO.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 9918f74d on 2004-03-17 23:08:09 UTC
cee16b76ae Dimi*0001 c   To Do:
                0002 c   ------
                0003 c
                0004 c   Many assumptions that are made in the current version should, and
                0005 c   can, be relaxed in later versions:
                0006 c
                0007 c   - equidistancy in time -->  general data set (non-equidistant in
                0008 c                                                 time)
                0009 c
                0010 c   - climatologies        -->  arbitrary subinterval of a year, not
                0011 c                               just monthly values.
                0012 c
                0013 c   - relaxation           -->  relaxation could be done to a given
                0014 c                               data set over the model's integration
                0015 c                               time. This would generalise the clima-
                0016 c                               tology block. One could have 'cyclic'
                0017 c                               and 'non-cyclic' fields. In the first
                0018 c                               case, the cycle length has to be spe-
                0019 c                               cified ('monthly','yearly','period') as
                0020 c                               well as the start of the cycle ( irec=1
                0021 c                               corresponds to a certain calendar date).
                0022 c                               The second case can be treated analog-
                0023 c                               ously.