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8f7d13d0c9 Jean*0001 #include "ECCO_OPTIONS.h"
5001c65f45 Patr*0002 
                0004       subroutine cost_AveragesFlags(
                0005      I                               myiter,
                0006      I                               mytime,
                0007      I                               mythid,
                0008      O                               first,
706976e7e4 Patr*0009      O                               last,
5001c65f45 Patr*0010      O                               startofday,
                0011      O                               startofmonth,
706976e7e4 Patr*0012      O                               startofyear,
5001c65f45 Patr*0013      O                               inday,
                0014      O                               inmonth,
706976e7e4 Patr*0015      O                               inyear,
5001c65f45 Patr*0016      O                               endofday,
                0017      O                               endofmonth,
706976e7e4 Patr*0018      O                               endofyear,
5001c65f45 Patr*0019      O                               sum1day,
                0020      O                               dayrec,
                0021      O                               sum1mon,
706976e7e4 Patr*0022      O                               monrec,
                0023      O                               sum1year,
                0024      O                               yearrec
5001c65f45 Patr*0025      &                             )
                0027 c     ==================================================================
                0028 c     SUBROUTINE cost_AveragesFlags
                0029 c     ==================================================================
                0030 c
                0031 c     o Get flags for the daily and monthly time averaging.
                0032 c
                0033 c     started: Christian Eckert 24-Feb-2000
                0034 c
                0035 c              - Introduced in order to create a package for the
                0036 c                MITgcmUV.
                0037 c
                0038 c     changed:
                0039 c
                0040 c     ==================================================================
                0041 c     SUBROUTINE cost_AveragesFlags
                0042 c     ==================================================================
                0044       implicit none
                0046 c     == global variables ==
                0048 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0049 #include "SIZE.h"
                0051 #include "cal.h"
                0053 c     == routine arguments ==
                0055       integer myiter
                0056       _RL     mytime
                0057       integer mythid
                0058       logical first
                0059       logical startofday
                0060       logical startofmonth
706976e7e4 Patr*0061       logical startofyear
5001c65f45 Patr*0062       logical inday
                0063       logical inmonth
706976e7e4 Patr*0064       logical inyear
5001c65f45 Patr*0065       logical last
                0066       logical endofday
                0067       logical endofmonth
706976e7e4 Patr*0068       logical endofyear
5001c65f45 Patr*0069       integer sum1day
                0070       integer dayrec
                0071       integer sum1mon
                0072       integer monrec
706976e7e4 Patr*0073       integer sum1year
                0074       integer yearrec
5001c65f45 Patr*0075 
                0076 c     == local variables ==
                0078       integer mydate(4)
                0079       integer nextdate(4)
                0080       integer prevdate(4)
                0081       integer timediff(4)
                0082       integer datediff(4)
                0083       integer targetdate(4)
                0084       integer targetdate1
                0085       integer targetdate2
                0086       integer mydateday
                0087       integer mydatemonth
706976e7e4 Patr*0088       integer mydateyear
5001c65f45 Patr*0089       integer nextdateday
                0090       integer nextdatemonth
706976e7e4 Patr*0091       integer nextdateyear
5001c65f45 Patr*0092       integer prevdateday
                0093       integer prevdatemonth
706976e7e4 Patr*0094       integer prevdateyear
5001c65f45 Patr*0095 
                0096       logical equal
                0098 c     == external functions ==
                0100       logical  cal_CompDates
                0101       external cal_CompDates
                0103       integer  cal_NumInts
                0104       external cal_NumInts
                0106 c     == end of interface ==
                0108 c--   First, get some dates.
                0109       call cal_GetDate( myiter,   mytime,           mydate,   mythid )
                0110       call cal_GetDate( myiter+1, mytime+modelstep, nextdate, mythid )
                0112       call cal_TimeInterval( -modelstep, 'secs', timediff, mythid )
                0113       call cal_AddTime( mydate, timediff, prevdate, mythid )
                0115 ce      print*,' time average flags:   mydate = ', mydate
                0116 ce      print*,' time average flags: nextdate = ', nextdate
                0117 ce      print*,' time average flags: prevdate = ', prevdate
                0119 c--   Where are we with respect to the calendar?
                0121 c--   The very first model step?
                0122       equal = cal_CompDates(modelstartdate,mydate,mythid)
                0123       if ( equal ) then
                0124         first  = .true.
                0125         dayrec = 0
                0126         monrec = 0
706976e7e4 Patr*0127         yearrec = 0
5001c65f45 Patr*0128       else
                0129         first = .false.
                0130       endif
                0132 c--   The very last model step?
                0133       equal = cal_CompDates(modelenddate,mydate,mythid)
                0134       if ( equal ) then
                0135         last = .true.
                0136       else
                0137         last = .false.
                0138       endif
                0140 c--   Start of a calendar day?
                0141       mydateday   = mod(mydate(1),100)
                0142       prevdateday = mod(prevdate(1),100)
                0143       if ( mydateday .ne. prevdateday ) then
                0144         startofday = .true.
                0145       else
                0146         startofday = .false.
                0147       endif
                0149 c--   End of a calendar day?
                0150       mydateday   = mod(mydate(1),100)
                0151       nextdateday = mod(nextdate(1),100)
                0152       if ( mydateday .ne. nextdateday ) then
                0153         endofday = .true.
                0154       else
                0155         endofday = .false.
                0156       endif
                0158 c--   In a calendar day? As coded here, inday can not be true
                0159 c--   for either the first or the last timestep in the day.
                0160 c--   So the cases are mutually exclusive.
                0161       if ( ( mydateday .eq. prevdateday ) .and.
                0162      &     ( mydateday .eq. nextdateday )       ) then
                0163         inday = .true.
                0164       else
                0165         inday = .false.
                0166       endif
                0168 c--   Determine sum1day and dayrec explicitly.
                0169       if ( last .or. endofday ) then
                0170         if ( mydate(1) .eq. modelstartdate(1) ) then
                0171           call cal_CopyDate( modelstartdate, targetdate, mythid )
                0172           dayrec = 1
                0173         else
                0174           targetdate(1) = mydate(1)
                0175           targetdate(2) = 0
                0176           targetdate(3) = mydate(3)
                0177           targetdate(4) = mydate(4)
                0178           call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate, targetdate, datediff,
                0179      &                         mythid )
                0180           if ( datediff(2) .eq. 0) then
                0181             dayrec = datediff(1) + 1
                0182           else
                0183             dayrec = datediff(1) + 2
                0184           endif
                0185         endif
                0186         call cal_TimeInterval( modelstep, 'secs', timediff, mythid )
                0188         sum1day =
                0189      &    cal_NumInts( targetdate, mydate, timediff, mythid ) + 1
                0190       else
                0191         sum1day = 0
                0192       endif
                0194 c--   Start of a calendar month?
                0195       mydatemonth   = mod(mydate(1)/100,100)
                0196       prevdatemonth = mod(prevdate(1)/100,100)
                0197       if ( mydatemonth .ne. prevdatemonth ) then
                0198         startofmonth = .true.
                0199       else
                0200         startofmonth = .false.
                0201       endif
                0203 c--   End of a calendar month?
                0204       mydatemonth   = mod(mydate(1)/100,100)
                0205       nextdatemonth = mod(nextdate(1)/100,100)
                0206       if ( mydatemonth .ne. nextdatemonth ) then
                0207         endofmonth = .true.
                0208       else
                0209         endofmonth = .false.
                0210       endif
                0212 c--   In a calendar month? As coded here, inmonth can not be true
                0213 c--   for either the first or the last timestep in the month.
                0214 c--   So the cases are mutually exclusive.
                0215       if ( ( mydatemonth .eq. prevdatemonth ) .and.
                0216      &     ( mydatemonth .eq. nextdatemonth )       ) then
                0217         inmonth = .true.
                0218       else
                0219         inmonth = .false.
                0220       endif
                0222 c--   Determine sum1mon and monrec explicitly.
                0223       if ( last .or. endofmonth ) then
                0224         if ( (mydate(1)/100)*100 .eq. (modelstartdate(1)/100)*100 ) then
                0225           call cal_CopyDate( modelstartdate, targetdate, mythid )
                0226           monrec  = 1
                0227         else
                0228           targetdate1 = (mydate(1)/100)*100+1
                0229           targetdate2 = 0
                0230           call cal_FullDate( targetdate1, targetdate2, targetdate,
                0231      &                       mythid )
                0232           if ( mydate(1)/10000 .eq. modelstartdate(1)/10000 ) then
                0233             monrec = mod(         mydate(1)/100, 100 )
                0234      &             - mod( modelstartdate(1)/100, 100 ) + 1
                0235           else
                0236             monrec = mod( mydate(1)/100, 100 )
                0237      &             + nmonthyear - mod(modelstartdate(1)/100,100) + 1
                0238      &             + ( mydate(1)/10000 - modelstartdate(1)/10000 - 1)*
951926fb9b Jean*0239      &                nmonthyear
5001c65f45 Patr*0240           endif
                0241         endif
                0242         call cal_TimeInterval( modelstep, 'secs', timediff, mythid )
951926fb9b Jean*0244         sum1mon =
5001c65f45 Patr*0245      &    cal_NumInts( targetdate, mydate, timediff, mythid ) + 1
                0246       else
                0247         sum1mon = 0
                0248       endif
706976e7e4 Patr*0250 c--   Start of a Year?
                0251       mydateyear   = int(mydate(1)/10000)
                0252       prevdateyear = int(prevdate(1)/10000)
                0253       if ( mydateyear .ne. prevdateyear ) then
                0254         startofyear = .true.
                0255       else
                0256         startofyear = .false.
                0257       endif
                0259 c--   End of a Year?
                0260       mydateyear   = int(mydate(1)/10000)
                0261       nextdateyear = int(nextdate(1)/10000)
                0262       if ( mydateyear .ne. nextdateyear ) then
                0263         endofyear = .true.
                0264       else
                0265         endofyear = .false.
                0266       endif
                0268 c--   In a calendar year? As coded here, inyear can not be true
                0269 c--   for either the first or the last timestep in the year.
                0270 c--   So the cases are mutually exclusive.
                0271       if ( ( mydateyear .eq. prevdateyear ) .and.
                0272      &     ( mydateyear .eq. nextdateyear )       ) then
                0273         inyear = .true.
                0274       else
                0275         inyear = .false.
                0276       endif
                0278 c--   Determine sum1year and yearrec explicitly.
                0279       if ( last .or. endofyear ) then
951926fb9b Jean*0280         if (  int(mydate(1)/10000) .eq.
dc3b22adb0 Patr*0281      &        int(modelstartdate(1)/10000) ) then
706976e7e4 Patr*0282           call cal_CopyDate( modelstartdate, targetdate, mythid )
                0283           yearrec  = 1
                0284         else
dc3b22adb0 Patr*0285           targetdate1 = int(mydate(1)/10000)*10000+101
706976e7e4 Patr*0286           targetdate2 = 0
                0287           call cal_FullDate( targetdate1, targetdate2, targetdate,
                0288      &                       mythid )
                0289           yearrec  = mydate(1)/10000 - modelstartdate(1)/10000 + 1
                0290         endif
                0291 c
                0292         call cal_TimeInterval( modelstep, 'secs', timediff, mythid )
951926fb9b Jean*0294         sum1year =
706976e7e4 Patr*0295      &    cal_NumInts( targetdate, mydate, timediff, mythid ) + 1
                0296       else
                0297         sum1year = 0
                0298       endif
5001c65f45 Patr*0300       end