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3a677ccb28 Davi*0001 #include "DIC_OPTIONS.h"
                0003 CBOP
                0004 C !ROUTINE: DIC_READPARMS
                0005 C !INTERFACE: ==========================================================
                0006       SUBROUTINE DIC_READPARMS( myThid )
                0008 C     !DESCRIPTION: \bv
                0009 C     *==========================================================*
                0010 C     | S/R DIC_READPARMS
                0011 C     | o Initialise and read dic package parameters
                0012 C     *==========================================================*
                0013 C     \ev
                0015 C     !USES:
                0016       IMPLICIT NONE
                0018 C     === Global variables ===
                0019 #include "SIZE.h"
                0020 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0021 #include "PARAMS.h"
                0022 #include "DIC_VARS.h"
f6a5c42cd4 Jean*0023 #include "PTRACERS_SIZE.h"
                0024 #include "PTRACERS_PARAMS.h"
3a677ccb28 Davi*0025 
                0026 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0027 C     === Routine arguments ===
                0028 C     myThid    :: My Thread Id. number
                0029       INTEGER myThid
                0030 CEOP
                0032 #ifdef ALLOW_DIC
                0034 C     === Local variables ===
                0035 C     msgBuf    :: Informational/error message buffer
                0036 C     iUnit     :: Work variable for IO unit number
6acab690ae Jona*0037 C     errCount  :: error counter
3a677ccb28 Davi*0038       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf
                0039       INTEGER iUnit
6acab690ae Jona*0040       INTEGER errCount
                0041 #ifndef CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE
                0042       INTEGER selectBTconst, selectFTconst, selectHFconst
                0043       INTEGER selectK1K2const, selectPHsolver
                0044 #endif
9cfb9181db Jean*0045 
3a677ccb28 Davi*0046 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
                0048 C-- Abiotic dic parameters:
                0049 C permil   :: set carbon mol/m3 <---> mol/kg conversion factor
ab18c0635e Jean*0050 C             default permil = 1024.5 kg/m3
b31669ac34 Jean*0051 C Pa2Atm   :: Conversion factor for atmospheric pressure anomaly pLoad (when
                0052 C             coupled to atmospheric model) into Atm.
                0053 C             Default assumes pLoad in Pascal: 1 Atm = 1.01325e5 Pa = 1013.25 mb
6acab690ae Jona*0054 C  selectBTconst :: estimates borate concentration from salinity:
                0055 C     =1 :: use default formulation of Uppström (1974)(same as S/R CARBON_COEFFS)
                0056 C     =2 :: use new formulation from Lee et al (2010)
                0057 C  selectFTconst :: estimates fluoride concentration from salinity:
                0058 C     =1 :: use default formulation of Riley (1965) (same as S/R CARBON_COEFFS)
                0059 C     =2 :: use new formulation from Culkin (1965)
                0060 C  selectHFconst :: sets the first dissociation constant for hydrogen fluoride:
                0061 C     =1 :: use default  Dickson and Riley (1979) (same as S/R CARBON_COEFFS)
                0062 C     =2 :: use new formulation of Perez and Fraga (1987)
                0063 C  selectK1K2const :: sets the 1rst & 2nd dissociation constants of carbonic acid:
                0064 C     =1 :: use default formulation of Millero (1995) with data
                0065 C            from Mehrbach et al. (1973) (same as S/R CARBON_COEFFS)
                0066 C     =2 :: use formulation of Roy et al. (1993)
                0067 C     =3 :: use "combination" formulation of Millero (1995)
                0068 C     =4 :: use formulation of Luecker et al. (2000)
                0069 C     =5 :: use formulation of Millero (2010, Mar. Fresh Wat. Res.)
                0070 C     =6 :: use formulation of Waters, Millero, Woosley (2014, Mar. Chem.)
                0071 C  selectPHsolver :: sets the pH solver to use:
                0072 C     =0 :: use Follows et al., (2006) solver;
                0073 C     =1 :: use the GENERAL solver from Munhoven (2013);
                0074 C     =2 :: use SEC solver  from Munhoven (2013);
                0075 C     =3 :: use FAST solver from Munhoven (2013);
2e3e8c330d Jona*0076 C  useCalciteSaturation :: dissolve calcium carbonate below the calcite
                0077 C                          saturation horizon following method by Karsten Friis
                0078 C  calcOmegaCalciteFreq :: Frequency that 3d calcite saturation state, omegaC,
                0079 C                          is calculated.
                0080 C  nIterCO3             :: Number of iterations of the Follows 3D pH solver to
                0081 C                          calculate deep carbonate ion concenetration (no
                0082 C                          effect when using the Munhoven/SolveSapHe solvers).
a2c35952f2 Jona*0083 C  selectCalciteDissolution :: flag to control calcite dissolution rate method:
                0084 C          =0 : Constant dissolution rate
                0085 C          =1 : Follows sinking flux (default);
                0086 C          =2 : Keir (1980) Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta. ;
                0087 C          =3 : Naviaux et al. 2019, Marine Chemistry
                0088 C  calciteDissolRate :: Rate constant (%) for calcite dissolution from
                0089 C          e.g. Keir (1980) Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta. or Naviaux et al. (2019)
                0090 C  calciteDissolExp  :: Rate exponent for calcite dissolution from
                0091 C          e.g. Keir (1980) Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta. or Naviaux et al. (2019)
2e3e8c330d Jona*0092 C  WsinkPIC             :: sinking speed (m/s) of particulate inorganic carbon
                0093 C                          for calcite dissolution through the watercolumn
                0094 C  selectCalciteBottomRemin :: to either remineralize in bottom or top layer
                0095 C                          if flux reaches bottom layer: =0 : bottom, =1 : top
                0096 C   zca         :: scale depth for CaCO3 remineralization power law (m)
6acab690ae Jona*0097 C----
                0099       NAMELIST /ABIOTIC_PARMS/
                0100      &  permil, Pa2Atm,
                0101      &  selectBTconst, selectFTconst,
                0102      &  selectHFconst, selectK1K2const,
2e3e8c330d Jona*0103      &  selectPHsolver,
                0104      &  useCalciteSaturation, calcOmegaCalciteFreq,
a2c35952f2 Jona*0105      &  nIterCO3, selectCalciteDissolution,
2e3e8c330d Jona*0106      &  WsinkPIC, selectCalciteBottomRemin,
a2c35952f2 Jona*0107      &  calciteDissolRate, calciteDissolExp,
2e3e8c330d Jona*0108      &  zca
3a677ccb28 Davi*0109 
                0110 #ifdef DIC_BIOTIC
                0111 C-- Biotic dic parameters:
                0112 C   DOPfraction :: fraction of new production going to DOP
b718ae76a3 Davi*0113 C   KDOPRemin   :: DOP remineralization rate (1/s) = 1/(6 month)
3a677ccb28 Davi*0114 C   KRemin      :: remin power law coeff
                0115 C   zcrit       :: Minimum Depth (m) over which biological activity
                0116 C                  is computed --> determines nlev as the indice of the
                0117 C                  first layer deeper than -zcrit
                0118 C   O2crit      :: critical oxygen level (mol/m3)
                0119 C   R_OP, R_CP  :: stochiometric ratios
                0120 C   R_NP, R_FeP
                0121 CC Parameters for light/nutrient limited bioac
                0122 C   parfrac     :: fraction of Qsw that is PAR
                0123 C   k0          :: light attentuation coefficient (1/m)
                0124 C   lit0        :: half saturation light constant (W/m2)
                0125 C   KPO4        :: half saturation phosphate constant (mol/m3)
                0126 C   KFE         :: half saturation fe constant (mol/m3)
                0127 CC Iron chemisty values
                0128 C   alpfe       :: solubility of aeolian fe
13adbda1b1 Jean*0129 C   fesedflux_pcm :: ratio of sediment iron to sinking organic matter
                0130 C   FeIntSec    :: y-axis crossing for Fe_flux = fesedflux_pcm*pflux + FeIntSec
3a677ccb28 Davi*0131 C   freefemax   :: max solubility of free iron (mol/m3)
                0132 CC Control variables
ab18c0635e Jean*0133 C   KScav       :: iron scavenging rate QQ
3a677ccb28 Davi*0134 C   ligand_stab :: ligand-free iron stability constant (m3/mol)
                0135 C   ligand_tot  :: total free ligand  (mol/m3)
9cfb9181db Jean*0136 C   alpha       :: timescale for biological activity
7dccb58cca Jean*0137 C                  read in alphaUniform and filled in 2d array alpha
3a677ccb28 Davi*0138 C   rain_ratio  :: inorganic/organic carbon rain ratio
7dccb58cca Jean*0139 C                  read in rainRatioUniform and filled in 2d array rain_ratio
3a677ccb28 Davi*0140 
                0141       NAMELIST /BIOTIC_PARMS/
                0142      & DOPfraction, KDOPRemin, KRemin, zcrit,
2e3e8c330d Jona*0143      & O2crit, R_OP, R_CP, R_NP, R_FeP,
13adbda1b1 Jean*0144      & parfrac, k0, lit0, KPO4, KFE, kchl,
                0145      & alpfe, fesedflux_pcm, FeIntSec, freefemax,
3a677ccb28 Davi*0146      & KScav, ligand_stab, ligand_tot,
7dccb58cca Jean*0147      & alphaUniform, rainRatioUniform
3a677ccb28 Davi*0148 #endif
254eed5bf2 Davi*0150       NAMELIST /DIC_FORCING/
a1d0e455fd Hann*0151      &          DIC_windFile, DIC_atmospFile, DIC_silicaFile,
                0152      &          DIC_deepSilicaFile, DIC_iceFile, DIC_parFile,
                0153      &          DIC_chlaFile, DIC_ironFile,
946d3aa393 Jean*0154      &          DIC_forcingPeriod, DIC_forcingCycle,
254eed5bf2 Davi*0155      &          dic_int1, dic_int2, dic_int3, dic_int4, dic_pCO2
3a677ccb28 Davi*0157 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
                0159       _BEGIN_MASTER(myThid)
6acab690ae Jona*0160        errCount = 0
3a677ccb28 Davi*0161 
                0162        permil      = 1. _d 0 / 1024.5 _d 0
                0163        Pa2Atm      = 1.01325 _d 5
6acab690ae Jona*0164        selectBTconst   = UNSET_I
                0165        selectFTconst   = UNSET_I
                0166        selectHFconst   = UNSET_I
                0167        selectK1K2const = UNSET_I
                0168        selectPHsolver  = UNSET_I
2e3e8c330d Jona*0169        useCalciteSaturation = .FALSE.
                0170 C-- Parameters used in Calcite Saturation calculation (useCalciteSaturation=T):
                0171 C set calcite saturation calculation to every timestep - could be expensive
                0172        calcOmegaCalciteFreq = deltaTClock
                0173 C number of iterations for the Follows 3d pH solver
                0174        nIterCO3             = 10
                0175 C flag to either remineralize in bottom or top layer if flux
                0176 C reaches bottom layer 0=bottom, 1=top
                0177        selectCalciteBottomRemin = 1
a2c35952f2 Jona*0178 C selectCalciteDissolution :: flag to control calcite dissolution rate method:
                0179        selectCalciteDissolution = 1
                0180 C Calcite dissolution rate constant (%/day, defaults set later if not read in)
                0181        calciteDissolRate(1) = UNSET_RL
                0182        calciteDissolRate(2) = UNSET_RL
                0183 C Calcite dissolution rate exponent (defaults set later if not read in)
                0184        calciteDissolExp(1)  = UNSET_RL
                0185        calciteDissolExp(2)  = UNSET_RL
                0186 C set nominal particulate sinking rate (m/s)
                0187        WsinkPIC             = 100. _d 0/86400. _d 0
2e3e8c330d Jona*0188 C-- setting default values for Calcite Saturation params ends here.
a2c35952f2 Jona*0189        zca                  = 3500. _d 0
6acab690ae Jona*0190 
3a677ccb28 Davi*0191 #ifdef DIC_BIOTIC
                0192        DOPfraction = 0.67 _d 0
                0193        KDOPRemin   = 1. _d 0/(6. _d 0*30. _d 0*86400. _d 0)
                0194        KRemin      = 0.9 _d 0
                0195        zcrit       = 500. _d 0
                0196        O2crit      = 4. _d -3
                0197        R_OP        =-170. _d 0
                0198        R_CP        = 117. _d 0
                0199        R_NP        = 16. _d 0
                0200        R_FeP       = 0.000468 _d 0
                0201        parfrac     = 0.4 _d 0
                0202        k0          = 0.02 _d 0
13adbda1b1 Jean*0203        kchl        = 0.02 _d 0
3a677ccb28 Davi*0204        lit0        = 30. _d 0
                0205        KPO4        = 5. _d -4
                0206        KFE         = 1.2 _d -7
                0207        alpfe       = 0.01 _d 0
edcef61f0d Jean*0208        fesedflux_pcm = 6.8 _d -4 * 106. _d 0
13adbda1b1 Jean*0209        FeIntSec    = 0.5 _d -6 / 86400. _d 0
3a677ccb28 Davi*0210        freefemax   = 3. _d -7
                0211        KScav       = 0.19 _d 0/(360. _d 0*86400. _d 0)
                0212        ligand_stab = 1. _d 8
                0213        ligand_tot  = 1. _d -6
7dccb58cca Jean*0214        alphaUniform     = 2. _d -3/(360. _d 0 * 86400. _d 0)
                0215        rainRatioUniform = 7. _d -2
3a677ccb28 Davi*0216 #endif
a1d0e455fd Hann*0217        DIC_windFile   = ' '
                0218        DIC_atmospFile = ' '
                0219        DIC_silicaFile = ' '
                0220        DIC_deepSilicaFile = ' '
                0221        DIC_iceFile    = ' '
                0222        DIC_parFile    = ' '
                0223        DIC_chlaFile   = ' '
                0224        DIC_ironFile   = ' '
254eed5bf2 Davi*0225        dic_int1    = 0
                0226        dic_int2    = 0
                0227        dic_int3    = 0
                0228        dic_int4    = 0
64adf6c21c Jean*0229        dic_pCO2    = 278. _d -6
2e3e8c330d Jona*0230 C default periodic forcing to same as for physics
946d3aa393 Jean*0231        DIC_forcingPeriod = externForcingPeriod
                0232        DIC_forcingCycle  = externForcingCycle
3a677ccb28 Davi*0233 
                0234       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') ' DIC_READPARMS: opening data.dic'
                0235       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
                0236      I                    SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid )
                0238       CALL OPEN_COPY_DATA_FILE( 'data.dic', 'DIC_READPARMS',
                0239      O                          iUnit, myThid )
                0241 C--   Read parameters from open data file:
                0243 C-    Abiotic parameters
                0244       READ(UNIT=iUnit,NML=ABIOTIC_PARMS)
                0246 #ifdef DIC_BIOTIC
                0247 C-    Biotic parameters
                0248       READ(UNIT=iUnit,NML=BIOTIC_PARMS)
                0249 #endif
254eed5bf2 Davi*0251 C-    forcing filenames and parameters
                0252       READ(UNIT=iUnit,NML=DIC_FORCING)
3a677ccb28 Davi*0254       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0255      &   ' DIC_READPARMS: finished reading data.dic'
                0256       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
                0257      I                    SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid )
                0259 C--   Close the open data file
7a77863887 Mart*0260 #ifdef SINGLE_DISK_IO
3a677ccb28 Davi*0261       CLOSE(iUnit)
7a77863887 Mart*0262 #else
                0263       CLOSE(iUnit,STATUS='DELETE')
                0264 #endif /* SINGLE_DISK_IO */
3a677ccb28 Davi*0265 
                0266 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
                0267 C-    derive other parameters:
6acab690ae Jona*0269 C-    set parameter default values
                0270       IF ( selectBTconst  .EQ.UNSET_I ) selectBTconst   = 1
                0271       IF ( selectFTconst  .EQ.UNSET_I ) selectFTconst   = 1
                0272       IF ( selectHFconst  .EQ.UNSET_I ) selectHFconst   = 1
                0273       IF ( selectK1K2const.EQ.UNSET_I ) selectK1K2const = 1
                0274       IF ( selectPHsolver .EQ.UNSET_I ) selectPHsolver  = 0
a2c35952f2 Jona*0275 
                0276       IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .EQ. 3 ) THEN
                0277 C     Calcite dissolution rate constant for the Naviaux et al. 2019 scheme
                0278 C      Default values are slightly different from the paper, but consistent with
                0279 C      the Darwin model. Values include a ~1e5 cm2/mol conversion factor for
                0280 C      specific surface area (SSA) of CaCO3 (e.g. benthic forams or synthetic
                0281 C      calcite), for example, Subhas et al. 2018 (Marine Chemistry).
                0282         IF ( calciteDissolRate(1).EQ.UNSET_RL )
                0283      &       calciteDissolRate(1) = 5.22 _d -9
                0284         IF ( calciteDissolRate(2).EQ.UNSET_RL )
                0285      &       calciteDissolRate(2) = 1.65 _d -5
                0286 C     Calcite dissolution rate exponent for the Naviaux et al. 2019 scheme
                0287         IF ( calciteDissolExp(1).EQ.UNSET_RL )
                0288      &       calciteDissolExp(1) = 0.11 _d 0
                0289         IF ( calciteDissolExp(2).EQ.UNSET_RL )
                0290      &       calciteDissolExp(2) = 4.76 _d 0
                0291       ELSE
                0292 C     use second set of Coeff only if select case =3
                0293        calciteDissolRate(2) = 0.0 _d 0
                0294        calciteDissolExp(2)  = 0.0 _d 0
                0295 C     set default for other cases:
                0296        IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .EQ. 0 ) THEN
                0297 C     Calcite dissolution rate constant
                0298         IF ( calciteDissolRate(1).EQ.UNSET_RL )
                0299      &       calciteDissolRate(1) = 1 _d 0/(360 _d 0*86400.0 _d 0)
                0300 C     Calcite dissolution rate exponent not used for constant dissolution
                0301         calciteDissolExp(1) = 0.0 _d 0
                0302        ELSE
                0303 C     Calcite dissolution rate constant (%/day) for Keir dissolution
                0304         IF ( calciteDissolRate(1).EQ.UNSET_RL )
                0305      &       calciteDissolRate(1) = 7.177 _d 0
                0306 C     Calcite dissolution rate exponent for Keir dissolution (4.2 for aragonite)
                0307         IF ( calciteDissolExp(1).EQ.UNSET_RL )
                0308      &       calciteDissolExp(1) = 4.54 _d 0
                0309        ENDIF
                0310       ENDIF
3a677ccb28 Davi*0312 #ifdef DIC_BIOTIC
ab18c0635e Jean*0313        QSW_underice = .FALSE.
                0314 #ifdef USE_QSW_UNDERICE
                0315        QSW_underice = .TRUE.
                0316 #elif (defined (USE_QSW))
                0317 C if using Qsw and seaice, then ice fraction is already
                0318 C taken into account
                0319        IF ( useSEAICE ) QSW_underice = .TRUE.
                0320        IF ( useThSIce ) QSW_underice = .TRUE.
3a677ccb28 Davi*0321 #endif
                0322 #endif /* DIC_BIOTIC */
b718ae76a3 Davi*0324 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
                0325 C--   Print out parameter values :
                0327       iUnit = standardMessageUnit
                0328       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') ' '
                0329       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0330       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') '// ==================================='
                0331       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
946d3aa393 Jean*0332       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') '// DIC package parameters :'
b718ae76a3 Davi*0333       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0334       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') '// ==================================='
                0335       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
6acab690ae Jona*0337 #ifdef CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE
                0338 C Record the solver to calculate pH and evaluate surface ocean pCO2
                0339       IF ( selectPHsolver.GT.0 ) THEN
                0340          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0341      &  'Using Munhoven (2013) Solvesaphe for pH/pCO2'
                0342          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0343       ELSEIF ( selectPHsolver.EQ.0 ) THEN
                0344          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0345      &  'Using Follows et al. (2006) for pH/pCO2'
                0346          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0347       ENDIF
                0348 #endif /* CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE */
                0350 C Record which carbonate coefficients are used and which pH/pCO2 solver
                0351 #ifdef CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE
                0352       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0353      &  'Using Munhoven (2013) Solvesaphe carbon coefficients'
                0354       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0355 C Munhoven (2013)'s "Solvesaphe" coefficients have several options:
                0356       IF ( selectK1K2const.EQ.1 ) THEN
                0357          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0358      &  'Using Millero (1995)/Mehrbach K1 and K2 coefficients'
                0359          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0360       ELSEIF ( selectK1K2const.EQ.2 ) THEN
                0361          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0362      &  'Using Roy et al. (1993) K1 and K2 coefficients'
                0363          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0364       ELSEIF ( selectK1K2const.EQ.3 ) THEN
                0365          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0366      &  'Using Millero (1995) "consensus" K1 and K2 coefficients'
                0367          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0368       ELSEIF ( selectK1K2const.EQ.4 ) THEN
                0369          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0370      &  'Using Luecker et al. (2000) K1 and K2 coefficients'
                0371          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0372       ELSEIF ( selectK1K2const.EQ.5 ) THEN
                0373          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0374      &  'Using Millero et al. (2010) K1 and K2 coefficients'
                0375          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0376       ELSEIF ( selectK1K2const.EQ.6 ) THEN
                0377          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0378      &  'Using Waters et al. (2014) K1 and K2 coefficients'
                0379          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0380       ENDIF
                0382       IF ( selectHFconst.EQ.1 ) THEN
                0383          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0384      &  'Using Dickson and Riley (1979) KF coefficient'
                0385          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0386       ELSEIF ( selectHFconst.EQ.2 ) THEN
                0387          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0388      &  'Using Perez and Fraga (1987) KF coefficient'
                0389          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0390       ENDIF
                0392       IF ( selectBTconst.EQ.1 ) THEN
                0393          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0394      & 'Using Uppstrom (1974) BT estimation from salinity'
                0395          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0396       ELSEIF ( selectBTconst.EQ.2 ) THEN
                0397          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0398      &  'Using Lee et al (2010) BT estimation from salinity'
                0399          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0400       ENDIF
                0402       IF ( selectFTconst.EQ.1 ) THEN
                0403          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0404      &  'Using Riley (1965) FT estimation from salinity'
                0405          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0406       ELSEIF ( selectBTconst.EQ.2 ) THEN
                0407          WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0408      &  'Using Culkin (1965) FT estimation from salinity'
                0409          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0410       ENDIF
                0411 #else /* CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE */
                0412 C OCMIP2 Coefficients from S/R CARBON_COEFFS in CARBON_CHEM.F
                0413       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0414      &  'Using Millero (1995)/Mehrbach K1 and K2 coefficients'
                0415       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0416       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0417      &  'Using Dickson and Riley (1979) KF coefficient'
                0418       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0419       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0420      &  'Using Uppstrom (1974) BT estimation from salinity'
                0421       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0422       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0423      &  'Using Riley (1965) FT estimation from salinity'
                0424       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0425 #endif /* CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE */
b718ae76a3 Davi*0427 C- namelist ABIOTIC_PARMS
4da4b49499 Jean*0428        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( permil, INDEX_NONE,'permil =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0429      &  ' /* Ref. density to convert mol/m3 to mol/kg */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0430        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( Pa2Atm, INDEX_NONE,'Pa2Atm =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0431      &  ' /* Atmosph. pressure conversion coeff (to Atm) */')
2e3e8c330d Jona*0432        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( zca, INDEX_NONE,'zca =',
                0433      &  ' /* Scale depth for CaCO3 remineralization (m) */')
                0434        CALL WRITE_0D_L( useCalciteSaturation, INDEX_NONE,
                0435      &  'useCalciteSaturation  =',
                0436      &  '  /* Flag for omegaC calculation on/off */')
                0437       IF ( useCalciteSaturation ) THEN
                0438        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( calcOmegaCalciteFreq, INDEX_NONE,
                0439      &  'calcOmegaCalciteFreq =',
                0440      &  ' /* Frequency of calcite saturation calculation (s) */')
a2c35952f2 Jona*0441        IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .LT. 3 ) THEN
                0442         IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .EQ. 0 )
                0443      &  WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'Using Constant dissolution rate method'
                0444         IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .EQ. 1 )
                0445      &  WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'Using Follows default dissolution method'
                0446         IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .EQ. 2 )
                0447      &  WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'Using Keir (1980) dissolution method'
                0448         IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .GE. 0 ) THEN
                0449          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0450          CALL WRITE_0D_RL( calciteDissolRate(1), INDEX_NONE,
                0451      &   'calciteDissolRate =',
                0452      &   ' /* Rate constant for calcite dissolution (%/day) */')
                0453         ENDIF
                0454         IF ( selectCalciteDissolution .GE. 1  ) THEN
                0455          CALL WRITE_0D_RL( calciteDissolExp(1), INDEX_NONE,
                0456      &   'calciteDissolExp = ',
                0457      &   ' /* Rate exponent for calcite dissolution */')
                0458         ENDIF
                0459        ELSEIF ( selectCalciteDissolution .EQ. 3 ) THEN
                0460         WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0461      &               'Using Naviaux et al. (2019) dissolution rates'
                0462         CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0463         CALL WRITE_0D_RL( calciteDissolRate(1), INDEX_NONE,
                0464      &   'calciteDissolRate(1) =',
                0465      &   ' /* Rate constant for dissolution (%/day), omega > 0.8272 */')
                0466         CALL WRITE_0D_RL( calciteDissolRate(2), INDEX_NONE,
                0467      &   'calciteDissolRate(2) =',
                0468      &   ' /* Rate constant for dissolution (%/day), omega < 0.8272 */')
                0469         CALL WRITE_0D_RL( calciteDissolExp(1), INDEX_NONE,
                0470      &   'calciteDissolExp(1) = ',
                0471      &   ' /* Rate exponent for dissolution, omega > 0.8272 */')
                0472         CALL WRITE_0D_RL( calciteDissolExp(2), INDEX_NONE,
                0473      &   'calciteDissolExp(2) = ',
                0474      &   ' /* Rate exponent for dissolution, omega < 0.8272 */')
                0475        ENDIF
2e3e8c330d Jona*0476        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( WsinkPIC, INDEX_NONE, 'WsinkPIC =',
                0477      &  ' /* Sinking speed of particulate inorganic carbon (m/s) */')
                0478        CALL WRITE_0D_I( selectCalciteBottomRemin, INDEX_NONE,
                0479      &  'selectCalciteBottomRemin =',
                0480      &  ' /* Remineralize CO3 bottom flux: =0: here, =1: top layer */')
                0481       ENDIF
b718ae76a3 Davi*0482 
f7e1d98d25 Davi*0483 #ifdef DIC_BIOTIC
b718ae76a3 Davi*0484 C- namelist BIOTIC_PARMS
4da4b49499 Jean*0485        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( DOPfraction, INDEX_NONE,'DOPfraction =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0486      &  ' /* Fraction of new production going to DOP */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0487        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( KDOPRemin, INDEX_NONE,'KDOPRemin =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0488      &  ' /* DOP remineralization rate (1/s) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0489        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( KRemin, INDEX_NONE,'KRemin =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0490      &  ' /* Remin power law coeff. */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0491        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( zcrit, INDEX_NONE,'zcrit =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0492      &  ' /* Minimum depth for biological activity (m) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0493        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( O2crit, INDEX_NONE,'O2crit =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0494      &  ' /* Critical oxygen level (mol/m3) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0495        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( R_OP, INDEX_NONE,'R_OP =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0496      &  ' /* Stochiometric ratio R_OP */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0497        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( R_CP, INDEX_NONE,'R_CP =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0498      &  ' /* Stochiometric ratio R_CP */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0499        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( R_NP, INDEX_NONE,'R_NP =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0500      &  ' /* Stochiometric ratio R_NP */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0501        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( R_FeP, INDEX_NONE,'R_FeP =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0502      &  ' /* Stochiometric ratio R_FeP */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0503        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( parfrac, INDEX_NONE,'parfrac =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0504      &  ' /* Fraction of Qsw that is PAR */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0505        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( k0, INDEX_NONE,'k0 =',
13adbda1b1 Jean*0506      &  ' /* Light attentuation coefficient, water (1/m) */')
                0507        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( kchl, INDEX_NONE,'kchl =',
                0508      &  ' /* Light attentuation coefficient, chlorophyll (m2/mg) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0509        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( lit0, INDEX_NONE,'lit0 =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0510      &  ' /* Half saturation light constant (W/m2) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0511        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( KPO4, INDEX_NONE,'KPO4 =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0512      &  ' /* Half saturation phosphate constant (mol/m3) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0513        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( KFE, INDEX_NONE,'KFE =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0514      &  ' /* Half saturation fe constant (mol/m3) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0515        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( alpfe, INDEX_NONE,'alpfe =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0516      &  ' /* Solubility of aeolian fe */')
13adbda1b1 Jean*0517        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( fesedflux_pcm, INDEX_NONE,'fesedflux_pcm =',
                0518      &  ' /* Sediment Fe flux = fesedflux_pcm*pflux+FeIntSec */')
                0519        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( FeIntSec, INDEX_NONE,'FeIntSec =',
                0520      &  ' /* Sediment Fe flux = fesedflux_pcm * pflux + FeIntSec */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0521        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( freefemax, INDEX_NONE,'freefemax =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0522      &  ' /* Max solubility of free iron (mol/m3) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0523        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( KScav, INDEX_NONE,'KScav =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0524      &  ' /* Iron scavenging rate */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0525        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( ligand_stab, INDEX_NONE,'ligand_stab =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0526      &  ' /* Ligand-free iron stability constant (m3/mol) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0527        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( ligand_tot, INDEX_NONE,'ligand_tot =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0528      &  ' /* Total free ligand  (mol/m3) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0529        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( alphaUniform, INDEX_NONE,'alphaUniform =',
9cfb9181db Jean*0530      &  ' /* Timescale for biological activity */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0531        CALL WRITE_0D_RL(rainRatioUniform,INDEX_NONE,'rainRatioUniform=',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0532      &  ' /* Inorganic/organic carbon rain ratio */')
f7e1d98d25 Davi*0533        CALL WRITE_0D_L( QSW_underice, INDEX_NONE, 'QSW_underice  =',
                0534      &  '  /* Flag for Qsw under Sea-Ice (i.e. SI fract included) */')
6acab690ae Jona*0535 #endif /* DIC_BIOTIC */
f7e1d98d25 Davi*0536 
                0537 C- namelist DIC_FORCING
946d3aa393 Jean*0538        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_windFile, -1, INDEX_NONE, 'DIC_windFile =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0539      & '  /* File name of wind speeds */')
946d3aa393 Jean*0540        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_atmospFile, -1,INDEX_NONE,'DIC_atmospFile=',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0541      & '  /* File name of atmospheric pressure*/')
a1d0e455fd Hann*0542        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_silicaFile, -1,INDEX_NONE,
                0543      & 'DIC_silicaFile=','  /* File name of surface silica */')
2e3e8c330d Jona*0544       IF ( useCalciteSaturation ) THEN
a1d0e455fd Hann*0545        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_deepSilicaFile, -1,INDEX_NONE,
                0546      & 'DIC_deepSilicaFile=','  /* File name of 3d silica field */')
2e3e8c330d Jona*0547       ENDIF
946d3aa393 Jean*0548        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_iceFile, -1, INDEX_NONE, 'DIC_iceFile =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0549      & '  /* File name of seaice fraction */')
10167de8af Step*0550        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_parFile, -1,INDEX_NONE,'DIC_parFile=',
                0551      & '  /* File name of photosynthetically available radiation */')
13adbda1b1 Jean*0552        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_chlaFile, -1,INDEX_NONE,'DIC_chlaFile=',
                0553      & '  /* File name of chlorophyll climatology */')
a1d0e455fd Hann*0554        CALL WRITE_0D_C( DIC_ironFile, -1, INDEX_NONE, 'DIC_ironFile =',
                0555      & '  /* File name of aeolian iron flux */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0556        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( DIC_forcingPeriod,
946d3aa393 Jean*0557      &   INDEX_NONE,'DIC_forcingPeriod =',
                0558      &  ' /* Periodic forcing parameter specific for DIC (s) */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0559        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( DIC_forcingCycle,
946d3aa393 Jean*0560      &   INDEX_NONE,'DIC_forcingCycle =',
                0561      &  ' /* Periodic forcing parameter specific for DIC (s) */')
b718ae76a3 Davi*0562        CALL WRITE_0D_I( dic_int1, INDEX_NONE, 'dic_int1 =',
                0563      &  '  /*  */')
                0564        CALL WRITE_0D_I( dic_int2, INDEX_NONE, 'dic_int2 =',
                0565      &  '  /*  */')
                0566        CALL WRITE_0D_I( dic_int3, INDEX_NONE, 'dic_int3 =',
                0567      &  '  /*  */')
                0568        CALL WRITE_0D_I( dic_int4, INDEX_NONE, 'dic_int4 =',
                0569      &  '  /*  */')
4da4b49499 Jean*0570        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( dic_pCO2, INDEX_NONE,'dic_pCO2 =',
b718ae76a3 Davi*0571      &  ' /* Atmospheric pCO2 to be read in data.dic */')
                0573 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
64adf6c21c Jean*0575       IF ( dic_int1.EQ.0 .AND. dic_pCO2.NE.278. _d -6 ) THEN
                0576         WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
                0577      &    'DIC_READPARMS: cannot change default dic_pCO2 if dic_int1=0'
                0578         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
6acab690ae Jona*0579         errCount = errCount + 1
64adf6c21c Jean*0580       ENDIF
f6a5c42cd4 Jean*0581 #ifdef ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX
                0582       IF ( PTRACERS_EvPrRn(1).NE.UNSET_RL .OR.
                0583      &     PTRACERS_EvPrRn(2).NE.UNSET_RL ) THEN
                0584         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0585      &    'when ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX is defined (in DIC_OPTIONS.h)'
                0586         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0587         IF ( PTRACERS_EvPrRn(1).NE.UNSET_RL ) THEN
                0588          WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0589      &   ' cannot set PTRACERS_EvPrRn(1) (in data.ptracers)'
                0590          CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0591         ENDIF
                0592         IF ( PTRACERS_EvPrRn(2).NE.UNSET_RL ) THEN
                0593          WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0594      &   ' cannot set PTRACERS_EvPrRn(2) (in data.ptracers)'
                0595          CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0596         ENDIF
6acab690ae Jona*0597         errCount = errCount + 1
f6a5c42cd4 Jean*0598       ENDIF
                0599 #endif /* ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX */
64adf6c21c Jean*0600 
6acab690ae Jona*0601 #ifdef CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE
                0602       IF ( selectHFconst.LT.1 .OR. selectHFconst.GT.2 .OR.
                0603      &     selectBTconst.LT.1 .OR. selectBTconst.GT.2 .OR.
                0604      &     selectFTconst.LT.1 .OR. selectFTconst.GT.2 ) THEN
                0605         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0606      &        'Invalid value for selectHF, selectBT or selectFT'
                0607         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0608         errCount = errCount + 1
                0609       ENDIF
                0610       IF ( selectK1K2const.LT.1 .OR. selectK1K2const.GT.6 ) THEN
                0611         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0612      &        'Invalid value for selectK1K2const (< 1 or > 6)'
                0613         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0614         errCount = errCount + 1
                0615       ENDIF
                0616       IF ( selectPHsolver.LT.0 .OR. selectPHsolver.GT.3 ) THEN
                0617         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0618      &        'Invalid value for selectPHsolver (< 0 or > 3)'
                0619         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0620         errCount = errCount + 1
                0621       ENDIF
                0622 #else /* CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE */
                0623       IF ( selectBTconst.NE.1 .OR. selectFTconst.NE.1 .OR.
                0624      &     selectHFconst.NE.1 .OR. selectK1K2const.NE.1 ) THEN
                0625         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0626      &    'to use: selectHF, selectBT, selectFT or selectK1K2const'
                0627         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0628         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0629      &    'needs: "#define CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE" in "DIC_OPTIONS.h"'
                0630         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0631         errCount = errCount + 1
                0632       ENDIF
                0633       IF ( selectPHsolver.NE.0 ) THEN
                0634         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0635      &    'to use: selectPHsolver > 0'
                0636         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0637         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0638      &    'needs: "#define CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE" in "DIC_OPTIONS.h"'
                0639         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0640         errCount = errCount + 1
                0641       ENDIF
                0642 #endif /* CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE */
2e3e8c330d Jona*0644 #ifdef DIC_CALCITE_SAT
a2c35952f2 Jona*0645 C Issue an error and stop for invalid selectCalciteDissolution
                0646       IF ( ( selectCalciteDissolution .LT. 0 .OR.
                0647      &       selectCalciteDissolution .GT. 3 )
                0648      &              .AND. useCalciteSaturation ) THEN
                0649         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A,I4,A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0650      &    'selectCalciteDissolution =', selectCalciteDissolution,
                0651      &    ' : invalid value'
                0652         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0653         errCount = errCount + 1
                0654       ENDIF
2e3e8c330d Jona*0655 C Issue a soft message if a deepSilicaFile is supplied
                0656 C    but will not be used because useCalciteSaturation is FALSE
                0657       IF ( DIC_deepSilicaFile .NE. ' ' .AND.
                0658      &                        .NOT. useCalciteSaturation ) THEN
                0659         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0660      &    'to use: DIC_deepSilicaFile (3d silicate input)'
                0661          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0662         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0663      &    'needs: "useCalciteSaturation=.TRUE." in "data.dic"'
                0664          CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,iUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT,myThid)
                0665       ENDIF
                0666 #else
                0667 C Issue an error and stop if useCalciteSaturation is TRUE but
                0668 C    DIC_CALCITE_SATURATION code is not compiled
                0669       IF ( useCalciteSaturation ) THEN
                0670         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0671      &    'to enable: useCalciteSaturation'
                0672         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0673         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0674      &    'needs: "#define DIC_CALCITE_SAT" in "DIC_OPTIONS.h"'
                0675         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0676         errCount = errCount + 1
                0677       ENDIF
                0679 C Issue an error and stop if deepSilicaFile is supplied but
                0680 C    DIC_CALCITE_SATURATION code is not compiled
                0681       IF ( DIC_deepSilicaFile .NE. ' '  ) THEN
                0682         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0683      &    'to use: DIC_deepSilicaFile (3d silicate input)'
                0684         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0685         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'DIC_READPARMS: ',
                0686      &    'needs: "#define DIC_CALCITE_SAT" in "DIC_OPTIONS.h"'
                0687         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0688         errCount = errCount + 1
                0689       ENDIF
                0690 #endif /* DIC_CALCITE_SAT */
6acab690ae Jona*0692       IF ( errCount.GE.1 ) THEN
                0693         WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I3,A)')
                0694      &       'DIC_READPARMS: detected', errCount,' fatal error(s)'
                0695         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0696         CALL ALL_PROC_DIE( 0 )
                0697         STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R DIC_READPARMS'
                0698       ENDIF
3a677ccb28 Davi*0699       _END_MASTER(myThid)
                0701 C--   Everyone else must wait for the parameters to be loaded
                0702       _BARRIER
                0704 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
                0706 #endif /* ALLOW_DIC */
                0708       RETURN
                0709       END