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fde391e9ed Jean*0001 #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"
                0003 CStartofinterface
                0004       SUBROUTINE FILL_IN_CORNERS_RL( 
                0005      U              fld, 
                0006      I              spvFld, Ksize,
                0007      I              myThid )
                0008 C     *==========================================================*
                0009 C     | SUBROUTINE FILL_IN_CORNERS_RL
                0010 C     | o Fill-in the corner part of the halo region.
                0011 C     *==========================================================*
                0012 C     | Only used to test some configuration and scheme:
                0013 C     | put a special value in corners to test the impact
                0014 C     *==========================================================*
                0015       IMPLICIT NONE
                0017 C     == Global variables ===
                0018 #include "SIZE.h"
                0019 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0021 C     == Routine arguments ==
                0022 C     myThid - Thread number for this instance of the routine.
                0023 C     fld   - input Field to modify 
                0024 C     spvFld - special value to fill-in the corner with
                0025 C     Ksize - 3rd dimension of local arrays (Input-Output field)
                0026       INTEGER Ksize
                0027       _RL fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Ksize,nSx,nSy)
                0028       _RL spvFld
                0029       INTEGER myThid
                0031 CEndofinterface
                0033 C     == Local variables ==
                0034 C     i,j,k,bi,bj  - Loop counters
                0035       INTEGER i, j, k
                0036       INTEGER ii, jj
                0037       INTEGER bi, bj
                0039       DO bj = myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid)
                0040        DO bi = myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid)
                0041         DO k=1,Ksize
                0042          DO j=1-Oly,0
                0043           jj = j + sNy+Oly
                0044           DO i=1-Olx,0
                0045            ii = i + sNx+Olx
                0046            fld(i,j,k,bi,bj)   = spvFld
                0047            fld(ii,j,k,bi,bj)  = spvFld
                0048            fld(i,jj,k,bi,bj)  = spvFld
                0049            fld(ii,jj,k,bi,bj) = spvFld
                0050           ENDDO
                0051          ENDDO
                0052         ENDDO
                0053        ENDDO
                0054       ENDDO
                0056       RETURN
                0057       END