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view on githubraw file Latest commit cf705a6c on 2022-08-14 22:40:32 UTC
5c4f7c1114 Gael*0001 c     ==================================================================
                0002 c     HEADER CTRL_legacy
                0003 c     ==================================================================
                0004 c
                0006 c     Files where the control variables are stored:
                0007 c     =============================================
                0008 c
                0009 c     xx_theta_file - control vector temperature part.
                0010 c     xx_salt_file  - control vector salinity part.
                0011 c     xx_hflux_file - control vector surface heat flux file.
                0012 c     xx_sflux_file - control vector surface salt flux file.
                0013 c     xx_tauu_file  - control vector zonal wind stress file.
                0014 c     xx_tauv_file  - control vector meridional wind stress file.
                0016       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_theta_file
                0017       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_salt_file
                0018       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_hflux_file
                0019       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_sflux_file
                0020       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_tauu_file
                0021       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_tauv_file
                0022       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_atemp_file
                0023       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_aqh_file
                0024       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_precip_file
                0025       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_swflux_file
                0026       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_swdown_file
                0027       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_lwflux_file
                0028       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_lwdown_file
                0029       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_evap_file
                0030       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_snowprecip_file
                0031       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_apressure_file
                0032       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_runoff_file
                0033       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_uwind_file
                0034       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_vwind_file
                0035       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_atemp_mean_file
                0036       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_aqh_mean_file
                0037       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_precip_mean_file
                0038       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_swdown_mean_file
                0039       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_uwind_mean_file
                0040       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_vwind_mean_file
                0041       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_diffkr_file
                0042       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_kapgm_file
                0043       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_kapredi_file
                0044       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_tr1_file
                0045       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_sst_file
                0046       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_sss_file
                0047       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_depth_file
                0048       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_efluxy_file
                0049       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_efluxp_file
                0050       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_bottomdrag_file
                0051       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_edtaux_file
                0052       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_edtauy_file
                0053       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_uvel_file
                0054       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_vvel_file
                0055       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_etan_file
cf705a6c8e Mart*0056 CML      character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_relaxsst_file
                0057 CML      character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_relaxsss_file
                0058 CML      character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_theta_ini_fin_file
                0059 CML      character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_salt_ini_fin_file
5c4f7c1114 Gael*0060       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_siarea_file
                0061       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_siheff_file
                0062       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_sihsnow_file
                0063       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_gen2d_file
                0064       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_gen3d_file
                0065 cHFLUXM_CONTROL
                0066       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_hfluxm_file
                0067 cHFLUXM_CONTROL
                0068       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) xx_shifwflx_file
                0070 c     Calendar information for the control variables:
                0071 c     ===============================================
                0072 c
                0073 c     xx_${varname}period - sampling interval for the ${varname} control
                0074 c                           part in seconds
                0075 c     special cases for ifdef ALLOW_CAL (in anology to pkg/exf):
                0076 c     xx_${varname}period = -12. : control parameter is the seasonal cycle
                0077 c     xx_${varname}period =   0. : control parameter is constant in time
                0078 c
                0079 c     The naming convention follows mostly that of the exf-pkg. A few
                0080 c     examples follow:
                0081 c     xx_atempperiod - sampling interval for the atmospheric surface
                0082 c                      temperature control part.
                0083 c     ...
                0084 c     xx_hfluxperiod - sampling interval for the heat flux control part.
                0085 c     xx_sfluxperiod - sampling interval for the salt flux control part.
                0086 c     xx_tauuperiod  - sampling interval for the zonal wind
                0087 c                      stress control part.
                0088 c     xx_tauvperiod  - sampling interval for the meridional wind
                0089 c                      stress control part.
                0090 c     ...
                0092       _RL     xx_hfluxperiod
                0093       _RL     xx_sfluxperiod
                0094       _RL     xx_tauuperiod
                0095       _RL     xx_tauvperiod
                0096       _RL     xx_atempperiod
                0097       _RL     xx_aqhperiod
                0098       _RL     xx_precipperiod
                0099       _RL     xx_swfluxperiod
                0100       _RL     xx_swdownperiod
                0101       _RL     xx_lwfluxperiod
                0102       _RL     xx_lwdownperiod
                0103       _RL     xx_evapperiod
                0104       _RL     xx_snowprecipperiod
                0105       _RL     xx_apressureperiod
                0106       _RL     xx_runoffperiod
                0107       _RL     xx_uwindperiod
                0108       _RL     xx_vwindperiod
                0109       _RL     xx_sstperiod
                0110       _RL     xx_sssperiod
                0111       _RL     xx_shifwflxperiod
                0114       _RL xx_hflux_remo_intercept, xx_hflux_remo_slope
                0115       _RL xx_sflux_remo_intercept, xx_sflux_remo_slope
                0116       _RL xx_tauu_remo_intercept, xx_tauu_remo_slope
                0117       _RL xx_tauv_remo_intercept, xx_tauv_remo_slope
                0118       _RL xx_atemp_remo_intercept, xx_atemp_remo_slope
                0119       _RL xx_aqh_remo_intercept, xx_aqh_remo_slope
                0120       _RL xx_precip_remo_intercept, xx_precip_remo_slope
                0121       _RL xx_swflux_remo_intercept, xx_swflux_remo_slope
                0122       _RL xx_swdown_remo_intercept, xx_swdown_remo_slope
                0123       _RL xx_lwflux_remo_intercept, xx_lwflux_remo_slope
                0124       _RL xx_lwdown_remo_intercept, xx_lwdown_remo_slope
                0125       _RL xx_evap_remo_intercept, xx_evap_remo_slope
                0126       _RL xx_snowprecip_remo_intercept
                0127       _RL xx_snowprecip_remo_slope
                0128       _RL xx_apressure_remo_intercept
                0129       _RL xx_apressure_remo_slope
                0130       _RL xx_sst_remo_intercept, xx_sst_remo_slope
                0131       _RL xx_sss_remo_intercept, xx_sss_remo_slope
                0132       _RL xx_runoff_remo_intercept, xx_runoff_remo_slope
                0133       _RL xx_uwind_remo_intercept, xx_uwind_remo_slope
                0134       _RL xx_vwind_remo_intercept, xx_vwind_remo_slope
                0135       _RL xx_shifwflx_remo_intercept,xx_shifwflx_remo_slope
                0137 c     xx_hfluxstartdate - start date for the heat flux control part.
                0138 c     xx_sfluxstartdate - start date for the salt flux control part.
                0139 c     xx_tauustartdate  - start date for the zonal wind stress
                0140 c                         control part.
                0141 c     xx_tauvstartdate  - start date for the meridional wind stress
                0142 c                         control part.
                0144       integer xx_hfluxstartdate1
                0145       integer xx_hfluxstartdate2
                0146       integer xx_sfluxstartdate1
                0147       integer xx_sfluxstartdate2
                0148       integer xx_tauustartdate1
                0149       integer xx_tauustartdate2
                0150       integer xx_tauvstartdate1
                0151       integer xx_tauvstartdate2
                0152       integer xx_atempstartdate1
                0153       integer xx_atempstartdate2
                0154       integer xx_aqhstartdate1
                0155       integer xx_aqhstartdate2
                0156       integer xx_precipstartdate1
                0157       integer xx_precipstartdate2
                0158       integer xx_swfluxstartdate1
                0159       integer xx_swfluxstartdate2
                0160       integer xx_swdownstartdate1
                0161       integer xx_swdownstartdate2
                0162       integer xx_snowprecipstartdate1
                0163       integer xx_snowprecipstartdate2
                0164       integer xx_lwfluxstartdate1
                0165       integer xx_lwfluxstartdate2
                0166       integer xx_lwdownstartdate1
                0167       integer xx_lwdownstartdate2
                0168       integer xx_evapstartdate1
                0169       integer xx_evapstartdate2
                0170       integer xx_apressurestartdate1
                0171       integer xx_apressurestartdate2
                0172       integer xx_runoffstartdate1
                0173       integer xx_runoffstartdate2
                0174       integer xx_uwindstartdate1
                0175       integer xx_uwindstartdate2
                0176       integer xx_vwindstartdate1
                0177       integer xx_vwindstartdate2
                0178       integer xx_sststartdate1
                0179       integer xx_sststartdate2
                0180       integer xx_sssstartdate1
                0181       integer xx_sssstartdate2
                0182       integer xx_shifwflxstartdate1
                0183       integer xx_shifwflxstartdate2
cf705a6c8e Mart*0185 CML      integer xx_hfluxstartdate(4)
                0186 CML      integer xx_sfluxstartdate(4)
                0187 CML      integer xx_tauustartdate(4)
                0188 CML      integer xx_tauvstartdate(4)
                0189 CML      integer xx_atempstartdate(4)
                0190 CML      integer xx_aqhstartdate(4)
                0191 CML      integer xx_precipstartdate(4)
                0192 CML      integer xx_swfluxstartdate(4)
                0193 CML      integer xx_swdownstartdate(4)
                0194 CML      integer xx_snowprecipstartdate(4)
                0195 CML      integer xx_lwfluxstartdate(4)
                0196 CML      integer xx_lwdownstartdate(4)
                0197 CML      integer xx_evapstartdate(4)
                0198 CML      integer xx_apressurestartdate(4)
                0199 CML      integer xx_runoffstartdate(4)
                0200 CML      integer xx_uwindstartdate(4)
                0201 CML      integer xx_vwindstartdate(4)
                0202 CML      integer xx_sststartdate(4)
                0203 CML      integer xx_sssstartdate(4)
                0204 CML      integer xx_shifwflxstartdate(4)
5c4f7c1114 Gael*0205 
                0206 c     ==================================================================
cf705a6c8e Mart*0207 c     END OF HEADER CONTROLVARS ctrl_local_params.h
5c4f7c1114 Gael*0208 c     ==================================================================