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Last-Modified: Wed, 5 Nov 2024 06:12:11 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 MITgcm/MITgcm/pkg/compon_communic/couprecv_r8tiles.F
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bf4be02920 Jean*0001 !=======================================================================
                0002       subroutine couprecv_r8tiles( component, dataname, Nx, Ny, arr )
                0003       implicit none
                0004 ! Arguments
                0005       character*(*) component
                0006       character*(*) dataname
                0007       integer Nx,Ny
                0008       real*8 arr(Nx,Ny)
                0009 ! Predefined constants/arrays
                0010 #include "CPLR_SIG.h"
                0011 ! MPI variables
                0012 #include "mpif.h"
                0013       integer count,dtype,rank,tag,comm,ierr
                0014       integer stat(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
                0015 ! Functions
                0016       integer mitcplr_match_comp
                0017       integer generate_tag
                0018 ! Local
                0019       integer compind,numprocs
                0020       integer i,j,ij,n,bibj
                0021       integer Ni,Io,Nj,Jo
                0022       character*(MAXLEN_COMP_NAME) recvdname
                0023 !     ------------------------------------------------------------------
                0025 ! Establish who I am communicating with
                0026       compind=mitcplr_match_comp( component )
                0027       if (compind.le.0) stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: Bad component id'
                0028       comm=MPI_COMM_compcplr( compind )
                0029       numprocs=num_component_procs(compind)
                0030       if (numprocs.lt.1) then
                0031        write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: compind = ',compind
                0032        stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: numprocs < 1'
                0033       endif
                0034       if (VERB)
                0035      &  write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: ',component_Name(compind)
                0036       if (VERB)
                0037      &  write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: dataname=',dataname
                0039 ! Foreach component process
                0040       do n=1,numprocs
                0042 ! Foreach tile within process
                0043        do bibj=1,component_num_tiles(n,compind)
                0045 ! Receive message
                0046        count=MAX_R8_BUFLEN
                0047        dtype=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
                0048        tag=generate_tag(103,bibj,dataname)
                0049        rank=rank_component_procs(n,compind)
                0051        if (VERB) then
                0052         write(LogUnit,*)
                0053      &    'couprecv_r8tiles: calling MPI_Recv rank=',rank,
                0054      &    ' proc=',n,'/',numprocs,' tile=',bibj
                0055         call flush(LogUnit)
                0056        endif
                0057        call MPI_Recv(r8buf, count, dtype, rank, tag, comm, stat, ierr)
                0058        if (VERB) then
                0059         write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: returned ierr=',ierr
                0060         call flush(LogUnit)
                0061        endif
                0063        if (ierr.ne.0) then
                0064         write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: rank(W,G)=',
                0065      &            my_rank_in_world,my_rank_in_global,
                0066      &            ' ierr=',ierr
                0067         stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: MPI_Recv failed'
                0068        endif
                0070 ! Extract header
                0071        Io=int(0.5+r8buf(1))
                0072        Ni=int(0.5+r8buf(2))
                0073        Jo=int(0.5+r8buf(3))
                0074        Nj=int(0.5+r8buf(4))
                0076        if (Io+Ni-1.gt.Nx .or. Io.lt.1) then
                0077         write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: Io,Ni=',Io,Ni
                0078         stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: Incompatible header/target array'
                0079        endif
                0080        if (Jo+Nj-1.gt.Ny .or. Jo.lt.1) then
                0081         write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: Jo,Nj=',Jo,Nj
                0082         stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: Incompatible header/target array'
                0083        endif
                0084        if (Io.ne.component_tile_i0(bibj,n,compind))
                0085      &    stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: Io != component_tile_i0'
                0086        if (Jo.ne.component_tile_j0(bibj,n,compind))
                0087      &    stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: Jo != component_tile_j0'
                0088        if (Ni.ne.component_tile_nx(bibj,n,compind))
                0089      &    stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: Ni != component_tile_nx'
                0090        if (Nj.ne.component_tile_ny(bibj,n,compind))
                0091      &    stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: Nj != component_tile_ny'
e5266ce10c Jean*0093        call mitcplr_dbl2char( r8buf(9), recvdname )
bf4be02920 Jean*0094        if (recvdname .ne. dataname) then
                0095         write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles: recvdname = ',recvdname
                0096         write(LogUnit,*) 'couprecv_r8tiles:  dataname = ',dataname
                0097         stop 'couprecv_r8tiles: recvdname != dataname'
                0098        endif
                0100 ! Extract data
                0101        do j=1,Nj
                0102         do i=1,Ni
                0103          ij=HEADER_SIZE+i+Ni*(j-1)
                0104          arr(Io+i-1,Jo+j-1)=r8buf(ij)
                0105         enddo
                0106        enddo
                0108        enddo ! bibj
                0110       enddo ! n
                0112 !     ------------------------------------------------------------------
                0113       return
                0114       end
                0115 !=======================================================================