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6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0001 #include "CAL_OPTIONS.h"
a63ed37559 Patr*0002 
                0003       subroutine cal_GetMonthsRec(
                0004      O                             fac, first, changed,
deacece587 Oliv*0005      O                             month0, month1, year0, year1,
a63ed37559 Patr*0006      I                             mytime, myiter, mythid
                0007      &                           )
                0009 c     ==================================================================
                0010 c     SUBROUTINE cal_GetMonthsRec
                0011 c     ==================================================================
                0012 c
                0013 c     o Given the current model time or iteration number this routine
                0014 c       returns the corrresponding months that will have to be used in
                0015 c       order to interpolate monthly mean fields. The routine derives 
                0016 c       from *exf_GetMonthsRec* of the external forcing package.
                0017 c
                0018 c     started: Christian Eckert 21-Apr-2000
                0019 c              - ported from the external forcing package and slightly
                0020 c                modified (10 --> nmonthyear-2, 12 --> nmonthyear).
                0021 c
                0022 c     changed: Patrick Heimbach 15-Jun-2000
deacece587 Oliv*0023 c              - fixed bug for month1 = nmonthyear
a63ed37559 Patr*0024 c
                0025 c     ==================================================================
                0026 c     SUBROUTINE cal_GetMonthsRec
                0027 c     ==================================================================
                0029       implicit none
                0031 c     == global variables ==
                0033 #include "cal.h"
                0035 c     == routine arguments ==
                0037       _RL     fac
                0038       logical first
                0039       logical changed
deacece587 Oliv*0040       integer month0
                0041       integer month1
                0042       integer year0
                0043       integer year1
a63ed37559 Patr*0044       _RL     mytime
                0045       integer myiter
                0046       integer mythid
                0048 c     == local variables ==
                0050       integer currentdate(4)
                0051       integer midtime(4)
                0052       integer middate(4)
9e3f725f89 Jean*0053       integer tempDate(4)
                0054       integer middate0_1, middate0_2
a63ed37559 Patr*0055       integer middate0(4)
9e3f725f89 Jean*0056       integer middate1_1, middate1_2
a63ed37559 Patr*0057       integer middate1(4)
                0058       integer prevdate(4)
                0059       integer shifttime(4)
9e3f725f89 Jean*0060       integer startofmonth_1, startofmonth_2
                0061       integer endofmonth_1,  endofmonth_2
a63ed37559 Patr*0062       integer startofmonth(4)
                0063       integer endofmonth(4)
                0064       integer difftime(4)
deacece587 Oliv*0065       integer presentmonth
                0066       integer presentyear
a63ed37559 Patr*0067       integer previous
                0068       integer next
                0069       integer prevcount
                0070       integer modelsteptime(4)
                0072       _RL     currentsecs
                0073       _RL     prevsecs
                0074       _RL     midsecs_np
                0075       _RL     diffsecs
                0076       _RL     midsecs
                0078 c     == end of interface ==
                0080 ce    --> Include a check whether the right calendar is used.
                0082       shifttime(1) =  1
                0083       shifttime(2) =  0
                0084       shifttime(3) =  0
                0085       shifttime(4) = -1
                0087       call cal_TimeInterval( -modelstep, 'secs', modelsteptime,
                0088      &                        mythid )
                0090 c     Determine the current date and the current month.
                0091       call cal_GetDate( myiter, mytime, currentdate, mythid )
deacece587 Oliv*0093       presentyear     = currentdate(1)/10000
                0094       presentmonth    = mod(currentdate(1)/100,100)
9e3f725f89 Jean*0095       startofmonth_1  = (currentdate(1)/100)*100 + 1
                0096       startofmonth_2  = 0
                0097       call cal_FullDate( startofmonth_1, startofmonth_2,
a63ed37559 Patr*0098      &                   startofmonth, mythid )
9e3f725f89 Jean*0099 
                0100       endofmonth_1    = (currentdate(1)/100)*100 +
deacece587 Oliv*0101      &                  ndaymonth(presentmonth,currentdate(3))
9e3f725f89 Jean*0102       endofmonth_2    = 235959
                0103       call cal_FullDate( endofmonth_1, endofmonth_2,
a63ed37559 Patr*0104      &                   endofmonth, mythid )
                0106 c     Determine middle of current month.
                0107       currentsecs = float(
                0108      &              (mod(currentdate(1),100)-1)*secondsperday +
                0109      &              currentdate(2)/10000*secondsperhour +
                0110      &              mod(currentdate(2)/100,100)*secondsperminute +
                0111      &              mod(currentdate(2),100)
                0112      &              )
deacece587 Oliv*0113       midsecs     = float(ndaymonth(presentmonth,currentdate(3))*
a63ed37559 Patr*0114      &                    secondsperday/2)
                0116       call cal_TimeInterval( midsecs, 'secs', midtime, mythid )
                0117       call cal_AddTime( startofmonth, midtime, middate, mythid )
                0118       call cal_AddTime( currentdate, modelsteptime, prevdate, mythid )
                0120       prevsecs = float(
                0121      &           (mod(prevdate(1),100)-1)*secondsperday +
                0122      &           prevdate(2)/10000*secondsperhour +
                0123      &           mod(prevdate(2)/100,100)*secondsperminute +
                0124      &           mod(prevdate(2),100)
                0125      &           )
                0127 c--   Set switches for reading new records.
                0128       first = ((mytime - modelstart) .lt. 0.5*modelstep)
                0130       if ( first ) then
                0131         changed = .false.
                0132       endif
                0134       if ( currentsecs .lt. midsecs ) then
deacece587 Oliv*0136         month0 = mod(presentmonth+nmonthyear-2,nmonthyear)+1
                0137         year0 = presentyear
                0138         if (month0 .EQ. 12) year0 = year0 - 1
                0139         prevcount = month0
a63ed37559 Patr*0140 
                0141         shifttime(1) = -shifttime(1)
                0142         call cal_AddTime( startofmonth, shifttime, middate0, mythid )
9e3f725f89 Jean*0143         middate0_1  = (middate0(1)/100)*100 + 1
                0144         middate0_2  = 0
                0145         call cal_FullDate( middate0_1, middate0_2, tempDate,
a63ed37559 Patr*0146      &                     mythid )
9e3f725f89 Jean*0148         previous   = mod(tempDate(1)/100,100)
a63ed37559 Patr*0149 
9e3f725f89 Jean*0150         midsecs_np = float(ndaymonth(previous,tempDate(3))*
a63ed37559 Patr*0151      &                     secondsperday/2)
                0153         call cal_TimeInterval( midsecs_np, 'secs', midtime, mythid )
9e3f725f89 Jean*0154         call cal_AddTime( tempDate, midtime, middate0, mythid )
a63ed37559 Patr*0155 
deacece587 Oliv*0156         month1 = presentmonth
                0157         year1 = presentyear
a63ed37559 Patr*0158 
                0159         middate1(1) = middate(1)
                0160         middate1(2) = middate(2)
                0161         middate1(3) = middate(3)
                0162         middate1(4) = middate(4)
                0164       else
deacece587 Oliv*0166         month0 = presentmonth
                0167         year0 = presentyear
a63ed37559 Patr*0168 
                0169         if ( prevsecs .lt. midsecs ) then
deacece587 Oliv*0170           prevcount = mod(presentmonth+nmonthyear-2,nmonthyear)+1
a63ed37559 Patr*0171         else
deacece587 Oliv*0172           prevcount = presentmonth
a63ed37559 Patr*0173         endif
                0175         middate0(1) = middate(1)
                0176         middate0(2) = middate(2)
                0177         middate0(3) = middate(3)
                0178         middate0(4) = middate(4)
deacece587 Oliv*0180         month1 = mod(presentmonth, nmonthyear) + 1
                0181         year1 = presentyear
                0182         if ( month1 .EQ. 1 ) year1 = year1 + 1
a63ed37559 Patr*0183 
                0184         call cal_AddTime( endofmonth, shifttime, middate1, mythid )
9e3f725f89 Jean*0185         middate1_1  = (middate1(1)/100)*100 + 1
                0186         middate1_2  = 0
a63ed37559 Patr*0187 
9e3f725f89 Jean*0188         call cal_FullDate( middate1_1, middate1_2, tempDate,
a63ed37559 Patr*0189      &                     mythid )
9e3f725f89 Jean*0190         next       = mod(tempDate(1)/100,100)
                0191         midsecs_np = float(ndaymonth(next,tempDate(3))*
a63ed37559 Patr*0192      &                     secondsperday/2)
                0193         call cal_TimeInterval( midsecs_np, 'secs', midtime, mythid )
9e3f725f89 Jean*0194         call cal_AddTime( tempDate, midtime, middate1, mythid )
a63ed37559 Patr*0195 
                0196       endif
                0198       call cal_SubDates( middate1, middate0, difftime, mythid )
                0199       call cal_ToSeconds( difftime, diffsecs, mythid )
                0201 c     Set counters, switches, and the linear interpolation factor.
deacece587 Oliv*0202 c     only check month, not year, as it will always change
                0203       if ( (.not. first) .and. (prevcount .ne. month0) ) then
a63ed37559 Patr*0204         changed = .true.
                0205       else
                0206         changed = .false.
                0207       endif
                0209       if ( currentsecs .lt. midsecs ) then
                0210         fac = (midsecs - currentsecs)/diffsecs
                0211       else
                0212         fac = (2.*midsecs + midsecs_np - currentsecs)/
                0213      &        diffsecs
                0214       endif
                0216       return
                0217       end