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6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0001 #include "CAL_OPTIONS.h"
a63ed37559 Patr*0002 
                0003       subroutine cal_DaysForMonth( 
                0004      I                             imonth,
                0005      O                             firstday,
                0006      O                             lastday,
                0007      O                             ndays,
                0008      I                             mythid
                0009      &                           )
                0011 c     ==================================================================
                0012 c     SUBROUTINE cal_DaysForMonth
                0013 c     ==================================================================
                0014 c
                0015 c     o Given the current month of the integration this routine returns
                0016 c       first, the last and the number of calendar days that will have
                0017 c       to be performed.
                0018 c
                0019 c       This routine also checks consistency of variables quite
                0020 c       extensively.
                0021 c
                0022 c     started: Christian Eckert  06-Apr-2000
                0023 c
                0024 c     changed: 
                0025 c
                0026 c     ==================================================================
                0027 c     SUBROUTINE cal_DaysForMonth
                0028 c     ==================================================================
                0030       implicit none
                0032 c     == global variables ==
                0034 #include "cal.h"
                0036 c     == routine arguments ==
                0038       integer imonth
                0039       integer firstday
                0040       integer lastday
                0041       integer ndays
                0042       integer mythid
                0044 c     == local variables ==
                0046       integer i
                0047       integer ierr
                0048       integer nummonths
                0049       integer numdays
                0050       integer firstyear
                0051       integer firstmonth
                0052       integer firstd
                0053       integer lyfirst
                0054       integer lastyear
                0055       integer lastmonth
                0056       integer lastd
                0057       integer lastsecs
                0058       integer lylast
                0059       integer currentyear
                0060       integer currentmonth
                0061       integer lycurrent
                0063 c     == external ==
                0065       integer  cal_IntMonths
                0066       external cal_IntMonths
                0067       integer  cal_IsLeap
                0068       external cal_IsLeap
                0070 c     == end of interface ==
                0072       lyfirst     = cal_IsLeap( firstyear, mythid )
                0073       lylast      = cal_IsLeap( lastyear, mythid )
                0075       nummonths   = cal_Intmonths( mythid )
                0077       firstyear   = modelstartdate(1)/10000
                0078       firstmonth  = mod(modelstartdate(1)/100,100)
                0079       firstd      = mod(modelstartdate(1),100)
                0080       lastyear    = modelenddate(1)/10000
                0081       lastmonth   = mod(modelenddate(1)/100,100)
                0082       lastd       = mod(modelenddate(1),100)
                0083       lastsecs    = modelenddate(2)/10000*secondsperhour +
                0084      &              mod(modelenddate(2)/100,100)*secondsperminute +
                0085      &              mod(modelenddate(2),100)
                0087       if ( nummonths .eq. 1 ) then
                0088         if ( imonth .eq. 1 ) then
                0089 c--       Get the number of days in the first month.
                0090           if ( firstmonth .eq. lastmonth ) then
                0091             if (lastsecs .eq. 0) then
                0092 c--           Not really another day.
                0093               lastday  = lastd - 1
                0094             else
                0095               lastday  = lastd
                0096             endif
                0097             firstday = 1
                0098           else if ( mod(firstmonth+1,nmonthyear) .eq. lastmonth ) then
                0099 c--         This can only happen if we end at midnight of the first
                0100 c--         day of the next month.
                0101             if ( ( modelenddate(2) .eq. 0 ) .and.
                0102      &           ( mod(modelenddate(1),100) .eq. 1 ) ) then
                0103               firstday = firstd
                0104               lastday  = ndaymonth(firstmonth,lyfirst)
                0105             else
                0106 c--           We do not end at midnight of the first day of
                0107 c--           the next month.
                0108               ierr = 2704
                0109               call cal_PrintError( ierr, mythid )
                0110               stop ' stopped in cal_DaysForMonth.'
                0111             endif
                0112           else
                0113 c--         The first and the last month are inconsistent with imonth.
                0114             ierr = 2703
                0115             call cal_PrintError( ierr, mythid )
                0116             stop ' stopped in cal_DaysForMonth.'
                0117           endif
                0118         else
                0119 c--       The variables nummonths and imonth are inconsistent;
                0120 c--       ( imonth .gt. nummonths ).
                0121           ierr = 2702
                0122           call cal_PrintError( ierr, mythid )
                0123           stop ' stopped in cal_DaysForMonth.'
                0124         endif
                0126       else if ( nummonths .gt. 1 ) then
                0127 c--     More than one month of integration.
                0128         if ( imonth .eq. 1 ) then
                0129           firstday = 1
                0130           lastday  = ndaymonth(firstmonth,lyfirst) - firstd + 1
                0131         else if ( ( imonth .gt.     1     )        .and.
                0132      &            ( imonth .lt. nummonths )       ) then
                0133 c--       Somewhere between first and last month.
                0134           currentmonth = firstmonth
                0135           currentyear  = firstyear
                0136           numdays      = ndaymonth(firstmonth,lyfirst) - firstd + 1
                0137           do i = 2,imonth-1
                0138 c--         Accumulate days of the intermediate months.
                0139             currentmonth = mod(currentmonth+1,nmonthyear)
e39e60293e Patr*0140             if ( currentmonth .eq. 0 ) then
                0141               currentmonth = 12
                0142             endif
a63ed37559 Patr*0143             if ( currentmonth .eq. 1 ) then
                0144               currentyear = currentyear + 1
                0145             endif
                0146             lycurrent = cal_IsLeap( currentyear, mythid )
                0147             numdays   = numdays + ndaymonth(currentmonth,lycurrent)
                0148           enddo
                0149           currentmonth = mod(currentmonth+1,nmonthyear)
e39e60293e Patr*0150           if ( currentmonth .eq. 0 ) then
                0151              currentmonth = 12
                0152           endif
a63ed37559 Patr*0153           if ( currentmonth .eq. 1 ) then
                0154             currentyear = currentyear + 1
                0155           endif
                0156           lycurrent = cal_IsLeap( currentyear, mythid )
                0157           firstday  = numdays + 1
                0158           lastday   = numdays + ndaymonth(currentmonth,lycurrent)
                0159         else if ( imonth .eq. nummonths ) then
                0160 c--       The last month of the integration.
                0161           currentmonth = firstmonth
                0162           currentyear  = firstyear
                0163           numdays      = ndaymonth(firstmonth,lyfirst) - firstd + 1
                0164           do i = 2,nummonths-1
                0165 c--         Accumulate days of the intermediate months.
                0166             currentmonth = mod(currentmonth+1,nmonthyear)
e39e60293e Patr*0167             if ( currentmonth .eq. 0 ) then
                0168               currentmonth = 12
                0169             endif
a63ed37559 Patr*0170             if ( currentmonth .eq. 1 ) then
                0171               currentyear = currentyear + 1
                0172             endif
                0173             lycurrent = cal_IsLeap( currentyear, mythid )
                0174             numdays   = numdays + ndaymonth(currentmonth,lycurrent)
                0175           enddo
                0176 c--       Prepare for the last month of integration.
                0177           currentmonth = mod(currentmonth+1,nmonthyear)
e39e60293e Patr*0178           if ( currentmonth .eq. 0 ) then
                0179              currentmonth = 12
                0180           endif
a63ed37559 Patr*0181           if ( currentmonth .eq. 1 ) then
                0182             currentyear = currentyear + 1
                0183           endif
                0184           lycurrent = cal_IsLeap( currentyear, mythid )
                0185           if ( ( modelenddate(2) .eq. 0 ) .and.
                0186      &         ( mod(modelenddate(1),100) .eq. 1 ) ) then
                0187 c--         This can only happen if we end at midnight of the first
                0188 c--         day of the next month.
                0189             lastday  = numdays + ndaymonth(currentmonth,lycurrent)
                0190           else
                0191 c--         We do not stop at midnight of the first day of the
                0192 c--         next month.
                0193             if (lastsecs .eq. 0) then
                0194 c--           But we might stop at midnight of a day.
                0195               lastday = numdays + lastd - 1
                0196             else
                0197               lastday = numdays + lastd
                0198             endif
                0199           endif
                0200           firstday = numdays + 1
                0201         else
                0202 c--       The variables imonth and nummonths are inconsistent.
                0203           ierr = 2705
                0204           call cal_PrintError( ierr, mythid )
                0205           stop ' stopped in cal_DaysForMonth.'
                0206         endif
                0207       else
                0208 c--     The number of months to integrate is wrong; check cal_IntMonths.
                0209         ierr = 2701
                0210         call cal_PrintError( ierr, mythid )
                0211         stop ' stopped in cal_DaysForMonth.'
                0212       endif
                0214 c--   The number of days to integrate in the given month.
                0215       ndays = lastday - firstday + 1
                0217       return
                0218       end