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3b6c79e4de Mart*0001 #include "AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h"
                0003 C     ==================================================================
                0004 C
                0005 C     adread_adwrite_i.F: routines to handle the I/O of the TAF/TAMC
                0006 C                         code for integer fields. All files are direct
                0007 C                         generated code or integer fields. All files
                0008 C                         are direct access files.
                0009 C     Routines:
                0010 C     o  ADREAD_I  - Read  INT data from file.
                0011 C     o  ADWRITE_I - Write INT data to   file.
                0012 C
                0013 C     see adread_adwrite.F for more explanation.
                0014 C
                0015 C     The following input variables are used throughout in the argument
                0016 C     lists:
                0017 C
                0018 C     name   -  character
                0019 C                 On entry, name is the extended tape name.
                0020 C     len    -  integer
                0021 C                 On entry, len is the number of characters in name.
                0022 C     tid    -  integer
                0023 C                 On entry, tid identifies the tape.
                0024 C     vid    -  integer
                0025 C                 On entry, vid identifies the variable to be stored on
                0026 C                 the tape.
                0027 C     var    -  real array of dimension length
                0028 C                 On entry, var contains the values to be stored.
                0029 C                           var must not be changed.
                0030 C     size   -  integer
                0031 C                 On entry, size is the size in bytes of the type of
                0032 C                           variable var.
                0033 C     length -  integer
                0034 C                 On entry, length is the dimension of the variable
                0035 C                           stored on the tape.
                0036 C     irec   -  integer
                0037 C                 On entry, irec is the record number to be written.
                0038 C     myThid -  integer
                0039 C                 On entry, myThid is the number of the thread or
                0040 C                           instance of the program.
                0041 C
                0042 C     For further details on this see the TAMC Users Manual, Appendix B,
                0043 C     User defined Storage Subroutines.
                0044 C
                0045 C     TAF does not provide the leading argument myThid when compiling
                0046 C     the MITgcmUV code. Instead there is a sed script available that
                0047 C     changes the TAF-generated adjoint code.
                0048 C
                0049 C     Only the master thread is allowed to write data and only gobal
                0050 C     model arrays are allowed to be written be the subsequent routines.
                0051 C     Tiled data are to be stored in common blocks. This implies that at
                0052 C     least a two level checkpointing for the adjoint code has to be
                0053 C     available.
                0054 C
                0055 C     ==================================================================
                0057 CBOP
                0058 C     !ROUTINE: ADREAD_I
                0059 C     !INTERFACE:
                0060       SUBROUTINE ADREAD_I(
                0061      I                   myThid,
                0062      I                   name,
                0063      I                   len,
                0064      I                   tid,
                0065      I                   vid,
                0066      O                   ivar,
                0067      I                   size,
                0068      I                   length,
                0069      I                   irec )
                0071 C     !DESCRIPTION: \bv
                0072 C     ==================================================================
                0073 C     SUBROUTINE ADREAD_I
                0074 C     ==================================================================
                0075 C     o read from direct access file, INTEGER version.
                0076 C     The strategy is to read an real*8 field with ADREAD resl*8 version
                0077 C     and convert to INTEGER
                0078 C     ==================================================================
                0079 C     SUBROUTINE ADREAD_I
                0080 C     ==================================================================
                0081 C     \ev
                0083 C     !USES:
                0084       IMPLICIT NONE
                0086 C     == global variables ==
                0087 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0088 #include "SIZE.h"
                0090 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0091 C     myThid :: number of the thread or instance of the program.
                0092 C     name   :: extended tape name.
                0093 C     len    :: number of characters in name.
                0094 C     tid    :: tape identifier.
                0095 C     vid    :: identifies the variable to be stored on tape.
                0096 C     ivar   :: values to be stored.
                0097 C     size   :: size in bytes of the type of variable var.
                0098 C     length :: dimension of the variable stored on the tape.
                0099 C     irec   :: record number to be written.
                0100       INTEGER myThid
                0101       CHARACTER*(*) name
                0102       INTEGER len
                0103       INTEGER tid
                0104       INTEGER vid
                0105       INTEGER ivar(*)
                0106       INTEGER size
                0107       INTEGER length
                0108       INTEGER irec
                0110 C     !LOCAL VARIABLES:
                0111       INTEGER k, lsize, length2d
                0112 C     2D fields only
                0113       PARAMETER ( length2d = (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy)*nSx*nSy )
                0114       real*8  var(length2d)
                0115       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf
                0116 CEOP
                0118 #ifdef ALLOW_DEBUG
                0119       IF ( debugMode ) CALL DEBUG_ENTER('ADREAD_I',myThid)
                0120 #endif
                0122       IF ( length .GT. length2d ) THEN
                0123        WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I9,A,I9)')
                0124      &      'ADREAD_I: length = ', length,' > length2d = ', length2d
                0125        CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0126        CALL ALL_PROC_DIE( myThid )
                0127        STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R ADREAD_I'
                0128       ENDIF
                0129       lsize = 8
                0130       CALL ADREAD(
                0131      I            myThid,
                0132      I            name,
                0133      I            len,
                0134      I            tid,
                0135      I            vid,
                0136      O            var,
                0137      I            lsize,
                0138      I            length,
                0139      I            irec )
                0141       DO k = 1,length
                0142        ivar(k) = NINT(var(k))
                0143       ENDDO
                0145 #ifdef ALLOW_DEBUG
                0146       IF ( debugMode ) CALL DEBUG_LEAVE('ADREAD_I',myThid)
                0147 #endif
                0149       RETURN
                0150       END
                0152 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
                0153 CBOP
                0154 C     !ROUTINE: ADWRITE_I
                0155 C     !INTERFACE:
                0156       SUBROUTINE ADWRITE_I(
                0157      I                    myThid,
                0158      I                    name,
                0159      I                    len,
                0160      I                    tid,
                0161      I                    vid,
                0162      I                    ivar,
                0163      I                    size,
                0164      I                    length,
                0165      I                    irec )
                0167 C     !DESCRIPTION: \bv
                0168 C     ==================================================================
                0169 C     SUBROUTINE ADWRITE_I
                0170 C     ==================================================================
                0171 C     o Write to direct access file, INTEGER version.
                0172 C     The strategy is to convert field to real*8 and use the
                0173 C     ADWRITE real*8 version.
                0174 C     ==================================================================
                0175 C     SUBROUTINE ADWRITE_I
                0176 C     ==================================================================
                0177 C     \ev
                0179 C     !USES:
                0180       IMPLICIT NONE
                0182 C     == global variables ==
                0183 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0184 #include "SIZE.h"
                0186 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0187 C     myThid :: number of the thread or instance of the program.
                0188 C     name   :: extended tape name.
                0189 C     len    :: number of characters in name.
                0190 C     tid    :: tape identifier.
                0191 C     vid    :: identifies the variable to be stored on tape.
                0192 C     ivar   :: values to be stored.
                0193 C     size   :: size in bytes of the type of variable var.
                0194 C     length :: dimension of the variable stored on the tape.
                0195 C     irec   :: record number to be written.
                0196       INTEGER myThid
                0197       CHARACTER*(*) name
                0198       INTEGER len
                0199       INTEGER tid
                0200       INTEGER vid
                0201       INTEGER ivar(*)
                0202       INTEGER size
                0203       INTEGER length
                0204       INTEGER irec
                0206 C     !LOCAL VARIABLES:
                0207       INTEGER k, lsize, length2d
                0208       PARAMETER ( length2d = (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy)*nSx*nSy )
                0209       real*8  var(length2d)
                0210       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf
                0211 CEOP
                0213 #ifdef ALLOW_DEBUG
                0214       IF ( debugMode ) CALL DEBUG_ENTER('ADWRITE_I',myThid)
                0215 #endif
                0217       IF ( length .GT. length2d ) THEN
                0218        WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I9,A,I9)')
                0219      &      'ADWRITE_I: length = ',length,' > length2d = ',length2d
                0220        CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0221        CALL ALL_PROC_DIE( myThid )
                0222        STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R ADWRITE_I'
                0223       ENDIF
                0225       DO k = 1,length
                0226 C     no automatic conversion
                0227 c      var(k) = DFLOAT(ivar(k))
                0228 C     let compiler do the type conversion
                0229        var(k) = ivar(k)
                0230       ENDDO
                0232       lsize = 8
                0233       CALL ADWRITE(
                0234      I             myThid,
                0235      I             name,
                0236      I             len,
                0237      I             tid,
                0238      I             vid,
                0239      I             var,
                0240      I             lsize,
                0241      I             length,
                0242      I             irec )
                0244 #ifdef ALLOW_DEBUG
                0245       IF ( debugMode ) CALL DEBUG_LEAVE('ADWRITE_I',myThid)
                0246 #endif
                0248       RETURN
                0249       END