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6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0001 #include "AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h"
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0002 
                0003 c     ==================================================================
                0004 c
                0005 c     adopen_adclose.F: Routines to handle the I/O of the TAMC generated
                0006 c                       code. All files are direct access files.
                0007 c     Routines:
                0008 c
                0009 c     o  adopen  - Open file  (here a dummy routine).
                0010 c     o  adclose - Close file (here a dummy routine).
                0011 c
                0012 c
                0013 c     The following input veriables are used throughout in the argument
                0014 c     lists:
                0015 c
9274434acc Jean*0016 c     name   -  character
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0017 c                 On entry, name is the extended tape name.
9274434acc Jean*0018 c     len    -  integer
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0019 c                 On entry, len is the number of characters in name.
9274434acc Jean*0020 c     tid    -  integer
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0021 c                 On entry, tid identifies the tape.
                0022 c     vid    -  integer
                0023 c                 On entry, vid identifies the variable to be stored on
                0024 c                 the tape.
9274434acc Jean*0025 c     var    -  real array of dimension length
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0026 c                 On entry, var contains the values to be stored.
                0027 c                           var must not be changed.
9274434acc Jean*0028 c     size   -  integer
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0029 c                 On entry, size is the size in bytes of the type of
                0030 c                           variable var.
9274434acc Jean*0031 c     length -  integer
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0032 c                 On entry, length is the dimension of the variable
                0033 c                           stored on the tape.
9274434acc Jean*0034 c     irec   -  integer
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0035 c                 On entry, irec is the record number to be written.
                0036 c     mythid -  integer
                0037 c                 On entry, mythid is the number of the thread or
                0038 c                           instance of the program.
                0039 c     myiter -  integer
                0040 c                 On entry, myiter is the current iteration step during
                0041 c                           the integration.
                0042 c
                0043 c     For further details on this see the TAMC Users Manual, Appendix B,
                0044 c     User defined Storage Subroutines.
                0045 c
                0046 c     TAMC does not provide the two leading arguments mythid and myiter
                0047 c     when compiling the MITgcmUV code. Instead the is a sed script avail-
                0048 c     able that does change the TAMC-generated adjoint code.
                0049 c
                0050 c     Only the master thread is allowed to write data and only gobal
                0051 c     model arrays are allowed to be written be the subsequent routines.
                0052 c     Tiled data are to be stored in common blocks. This implies that at
                0053 c     least a two level checkpointing for the adjoint code has to be
                0054 c     available.
                0055 c
                0056 c     ==================================================================
d151781088 Patr*0059 CBOP
                0060 C     !ROUTINE: adopen
                0061 C     !INTERFACE:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0062       subroutine adopen(
                0063      I                   mythid,
                0064 cph(
                0065 cph     I                   myiter,
                0066 cph)
                0067      I                   name,
                0068      I                   len,
                0069      I                   tid,
                0070      I                   vid,
                0071      I                   size,
                0072      I                   length
                0073      &                 )
d151781088 Patr*0075 C     !DESCRIPTION: \bv
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0076 c     ==================================================================
                0077 c     SUBROUTINE adopen
                0078 c     ==================================================================
                0079 c     o Dummy routine expected to be available by TAMC I/O.
                0080 c     This routine is simply a dummy routine expected to be available by
                0081 c     the Tangent Linear and Adjoint Model Compiler(TAMC). Files are
                0082 c     opened and closed by the routines that are called by *adread* and
                0083 c     *adwrite*.
                0084 c     started: Christian Eckert 30-Jun-1999
                0085 c     ==================================================================
                0086 c     SUBROUTINE adopen
                0087 c     ==================================================================
d151781088 Patr*0088 C     \ev
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0089 
d151781088 Patr*0090 C     !USES:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0091       implicit none
                0093 c     == global variables ==
d151781088 Patr*0095 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0096 c     == routine arguments ==
d151781088 Patr*0097 c     name   -  extended tape name.
                0098 c     len    -  number of characters in name.
                0099 c     tid    -  tape identifier.
                0100 c     vid    -  identifies the variable to be stored on tape.
                0101 c     size   -  size in bytes of the type of variable var.
                0102 c     length -  dimension of the variable stored on the tape.
                0103 c     mythid -  number of the thread or instance of the program.
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0104 
                0105       integer mythid
                0106 cph(
                0107 cph      integer myiter
                0108 cph)
                0109       character*(*) name
                0110       integer len
                0111       integer tid
                0112       integer vid
                0113       integer size
                0114       integer length
d151781088 Patr*0116 C     !LOCAL VARIABLES:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0117 c     == local variables ==
                0119 c     == end of interface ==
d151781088 Patr*0120 CEOP
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0121 
                0122       return
                0123       end
d151781088 Patr*0126 CBOP
                0127 C     !ROUTINE: adclose
                0128 C     !INTERFACE:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0129       subroutine adclose(
                0130      I                    mythid,
                0131 cph(
                0132 cph     I                    myiter,
                0133 cph)
                0134      I                    name,
                0135      I                    len,
                0136      I                    tid,
                0137      I                    vid,
                0138      I                    size,
                0139      I                    length
                0140      &                  )
d151781088 Patr*0143 C     !DESCRIPTION: \bv
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0144 c     ==================================================================
                0145 c     SUBROUTINE adclose
                0146 c     ==================================================================
                0147 c     o Dummy routine expected to be available by TAMC I/O.
                0148 c     This routine is simply a dummy routine expected to be available by
                0149 c     the Tangent Linear and Adjoint Model Compiler(TAMC). Files are
                0150 c     opened and closed by the routines that are called by *adread* and
                0151 c     *adwrite*.
                0152 c     started: Christian Eckert 30-Jun-1999
                0153 c     ==================================================================
                0154 c     SUBROUTINE adclose
                0155 c     ==================================================================
d151781088 Patr*0156 C     \ev
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0157 
d151781088 Patr*0158 C     !USES:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0159       implicit none
                0161 c     == global variables ==
d151781088 Patr*0163 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0164 c     == routine arguments ==
d151781088 Patr*0165 c     name   -  extended tape name.
                0166 c     len    -  number of characters in name.
                0167 c     tid    -  tape identifier.
                0168 c     vid    -  identifies the variable to be stored on tape.
                0169 c     size   -  size in bytes of the type of variable var.
                0170 c     length -  dimension of the variable stored on the tape.
                0171 c     mythid -  number of the thread or instance of the program.
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0172 
                0173       integer mythid
                0174 cph(
                0175 cph      integer myiter
                0176 cph)
                0177       character*(*) name
                0178       integer len
                0179       integer tid
                0180       integer vid
                0181       integer size
                0182       integer length
d151781088 Patr*0184 C     !LOCAL VARIABLES:
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0185 c     == local variables ==
                0187 c     == end of interface ==
d151781088 Patr*0188 CEOP
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0189 
                0190       return
                0191       end