** Warning **

Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::mysql::db handle dbname=MITgcm at /usr/local/share/lxr/lib/LXR/Common.pm line 1224.

Last-Modified: Thu, 18 Sep 2024 05:11:36 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 MITgcm/MITgcm/pkg/autodiff/README
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view on githubraw file Latest commit 2dcaa8b9 on 2001-03-25 22:33:56 UTC
2dcaa8b9a5 Patr*0001 c
                0002 c
                0003 c   =========================================
                0004 c   Adjoint support Package for the MITgcmUV
                0005 c   =========================================
                0006 c
                0007 c   Current Version: 0.1.0 (20-Jun-2000)
                0008 c
                0009 c
                0010 c   General Outline:
                0011 c   ----------------
                0012 c
                0013 c      The directory autodiff only contains pieces
                0014 c      of code that are of general use in getting
                0015 c      the adjoint or the tangent linear model of
                0016 c      a some MITgcmUV setup.
                0017 c
                0018 c      Such pieces are hand-coded adjoint routines,
                0019 c      initialization and finalization of a future
                0020 c      autodiff package, flow directives for TAMC
                0021 c      and header files necessary to include for
                0022 c      doing automatic differentiation.
                0023 c
                0024 c   ========
                0025 c   HISTORY:
                0026 c   ========
                0027 c
                0028 c
                0029 c   started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu  1999
                0030 c
                0031 c   changed: Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 20-Jun-2000
                0032 c
                0033 c            - adjoint support routines:
                0034 c              * active_file_ad.F (changed subroutine argument list)
                0035 c              * adopen_adclose.F (changed subroutine argument list)
                0036 c              * adread_adwrite.F (changed subroutine argument list)
                0037 c              * adread_adwrite.F (single file name convention with or
                0038 c                                without ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION)
                0039 c
                0040 c            - flow directives:
                0041 c              * added: print_message.flow, check_exp.flow
                0042 c
                0043 c            - exch_ad.F:
                0044 c              NB: Exchanges have been modified substantially since
                0045 c                  exch_ad.F was written.