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view on githubraw file Latest commit 88391fb6 on 2019-01-24 19:38:27 UTC
b2ea1d2979 Jean*0001 #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_PHYS
0d5d00bd7f Jean*0003 C--   ATM_PHYS parameters
                0004 C     atmPhys_addTendT :: apply ATM_PHYS tendency to temperature
                0005 C     atmPhys_addTendS :: apply ATM_PHYS tendency to Specific Humid
                0006 C     atmPhys_addTendU :: apply ATM_PHYS tendency to U-component wind
                0007 C     atmPhys_addTendV :: apply ATM_PHYS tendency to V-component wind
                0008 C     atmPhys_stepSST  :: step forward SST
b2ea1d2979 Jean*0009       LOGICAL atmPhys_addTendT
                0010       LOGICAL atmPhys_addTendS
                0011       LOGICAL atmPhys_addTendU
                0012       LOGICAL atmPhys_addTendV
                0013       LOGICAL atmPhys_stepSST
0d5d00bd7f Jean*0015 C-    horizontal momentum damping (e.g., stratospheric drag)
                0016 C     atmPhys_tauDampUV :: damping time-scale (s)
                0017 C     atmPhys_dampUVfac :: damping coefficient for each level
                0018       _RL     atmPhys_tauDampUV
                0019       _RL     atmPhys_dampUVfac(Nr)
b2ea1d2979 Jean*0020 
0d5d00bd7f Jean*0021 C-    file names for initial conditions:
c9694dc201 Jean*0022 C     atmPhys_sstFile  :: name of initial SST [in K] file
                0023 C     atmPhys_qFlxFile :: name of Q-flux file
                0024 C     atmPhys_mxldFile :: name of Mixed-Layer Depth file
                0025 C     atmPhys_albedoFile :: name of Albedo file
88391fb671 jm-c 0026 C     atmPhys_ozoneFile  :: name of annual mean ozone concentration file
                0027 C                           (units: mol/mol i.e. volume mixing ratio)
c9694dc201 Jean*0028       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmPhys_sstFile
                0029       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmPhys_qFlxFile
                0030       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmPhys_mxldFile
                0031       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmPhys_albedoFile
88391fb671 jm-c 0032       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmPhys_ozoneFile
b2ea1d2979 Jean*0033 
0d5d00bd7f Jean*0034       COMMON /ATM_PHYS_PARAMS_L/
b2ea1d2979 Jean*0035      &       atmPhys_addTendT, atmPhys_addTendS,
                0036      &       atmPhys_addTendU, atmPhys_addTendV,
                0037      &       atmPhys_stepSST
0d5d00bd7f Jean*0038       COMMON /ATM_PHYS_PARAMS_R/
                0039      &       atmPhys_tauDampUV, atmPhys_dampUVfac
                0040       COMMON /ATM_PHYS_PARAMS_C/
88391fb671 jm-c 0041      &       atmPhys_sstFile, atmPhys_qFlxFile, atmPhys_mxldFile,
                0042      &       atmPhys_albedoFile, atmPhys_ozoneFile
b2ea1d2979 Jean*0043 
                0044 C-- from driver-atmosphere module:
                0045       logical  module_is_initialized
                0046       logical  turb
                0047       logical  ldry_convection
                0048       logical  do_virtual
                0049       logical  lwet_convection
                0050       logical  two_stream
                0051       logical  mixed_layer_bc
                0052       COMMON /ATMOS_DRIVER_L/
                0053      &   module_is_initialized,
                0054      &   turb, ldry_convection, do_virtual,
                0055      &   lwet_convection, two_stream, mixed_layer_bc
                0057       _RL  roughness_heat
                0058       _RL  roughness_moist
                0059       _RL  roughness_mom
                0060       COMMON /ATMOS_DRIVER_RL/
                0061      &   roughness_heat, roughness_moist, roughness_mom
                0063 #endif /* ALLOW_ATM_PHYS */
                0065 CEH3 ;;; Local Variables: ***
                0066 CEH3 ;;; mode:fortran ***
                0067 CEH3 ;;; End: ***