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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
7f58e89433 Jean*0001 C     *==========================================================*
8276725b84 Jean*0002 C     | CPL_MAP2GRIDS.h
7f58e89433 Jean*0003 C     |   Declare arrays used for mapping coupling fields from
                0004 C     |     one grid (atmos., ocean) to the other grid
                0005 C     *==========================================================*
                0007       INTEGER ROsize
                0008       PARAMETER (ROsize=Nx_atm*Ny_atm)
                0010 C--   COMMON / RUNOFF_MAP/: to map runoff from atmos. grid to ocean grid
8276725b84 Jean*0011 C     nROmap  :: Nunber of connected grid points.
7f58e89433 Jean*0012 C     ijROatm :: index of land grid point that runoff to the ocean
                0013 C     ijROocn :: index of ocean grid point where the runoff ends
                0014 C     arROmap :: fraction of the land runoff ijROatm that go to ijROocn
                0015       COMMON / RUNOFF_MAP_I / nROmap, ijROocn, ijROatm
                0016       INTEGER nROmap
                0017       INTEGER ijROocn(ROsize), ijROatm(ROsize)
                0018       COMMON / RUNOFF_MAP_R / arROmap
                0019       _RL arROmap(ROsize)